How did the CW manage to create a more successful live-action universe than the DCEU with a quarter of the budget and...

How did the CW manage to create a more successful live-action universe than the DCEU with a quarter of the budget and star power?

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pandering to SJWs

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Most DC movies are successful tho

That too

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cheap budget
it's tv instead of film
easily impressed teenagers
melodrama and shitty writing
being legitimely unafraid of being cheesy and fun, also not afraid of getting serious
The Flash S1 and Arrow S2
no zack snyder

cocaine mostly.

Isn’t she talking about white Martians? That’s a comic thing

>star power
I didn't know who Cavill or gadot were before they appear in DC movies

Because the tv shows are soap operas. They spend more time sitting around eating and talking about their relationships than they do fighting supervillains.

You're kidding right? The CW superhero shows are all awful.

first two seasons were great, all downhill from there
first season was great, all downhill, ripping off Rick & Morty shit with some of those Wells plots
>Legends of Tomorrow
mediocre at best, gave up trying to be serious after 1 season, seems to just be a bunch of jokes now
SJW shitfest. Trump, illegal immigrants, bad Russians, and in true CW form making a lead character a lesbian out of nowhere.
>Black Lightning
never seen it. is Black Lighting the same character as Black Vulcan?

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this stuff hews to comics campy pulpy origins

which capeshit disney ride movies lack

he never said they were good, he said sucessful.
And they surprisingly are, for CW they do great numbers

anything stays on CW
and they have had 494 episodes, which translates to roughly 411 hours, which is roughly 8 times the MCU


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Supergirl's actress is relentlessly beautiful, I want to kiss her relentlessly

Batman vs Superman made 800 million. I'm pretty sure that's more money that anything CW has ever made.

They didn’t

Does anyone still watch the CW shows? I just follow the surprisingly good crossovers.

Not even memeing I'm hype for Crisis. If they get Lynda Carter in the Wonder Woman suit i'll scream

It also cost 300 million times the budget of the average CW episode

Season 1 of arrow is absolute trash family drama garbage with minimal action. Mid season 2 is where it gets good when deathstroke shows up

CW shows average a billion per year.

>Does anyone still watch the CW shows?

I still watch The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow fairly regularly. Semi-dropped Arrow and never really picked up Supergirl or Black Lightning.

based trips-dubs.

can you give me the quick rundown on the whole Flash's daughter thing?

Also was Constantine good on Legends? I tried to get back on it because of him but fucking hell that show's writing is rough

Believe, brother
Even if it's the National Enquirer

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those BEE YOURSELF cw commercials are cringy as fuck

DC has always dominated television


>can you give me the quick rundown on the whole Flash's daughter thing?

Flash's daughter came from the future to meet him because he dies when she's a baby. It turns out Reverse Flash is in prison in the future and mentored Flash's daughter in using her powers since her mom was against it. He is the one who convinced her to go back as part of a master keikaku to change History and set himself free. It worked, and because of it, the timeline changed, and Flash's daughter got Thanos'd out of existence.

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Pretty accurate.

Is Cavanagh just phoning it at this point?
even then he's still GOAT

superheroes should be fun escapism, not drab and miserable allegories of real life terrorism

He's great, but he struggles to switch from one Wells to the other, and he spent most of the season as a hammy French-Canadian Sherlock Holmes pastiche.

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For me, it's Patty

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oh hell yeah, I don't know how you could even look at Iris after this

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yeah but it's funny that it started specifically like "grounded Nolan stuff" and people cheered when Ollie shot an arrow with a boxing glove on it

and now stuff like this happens

>and he spent most of the season as a hammy French-Canadian Sherlock Holmes pastiche.
jesus that sounds either amazing or plain shit

Hells Wells when

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grounded nolan stuff only works when it's actually grounded, and for batman it worked because you could remove all the superpowers and mystical stuff and still have something to work with. trying to keep superman or supergirl or flash and the like on that same page is just futile

10 years of Tampax Tampon commercial profits from the run of Smallville.

Brandon Routh is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

>trying to keep superman or supergirl or flash and the like on that same page is just futile
I agree but there is a middle ground that was clearly possible in the past, not Nolan's level of reality of course but why not now? The Arrowverse is ultra campy and PC to a point that it just becomes a huge waste of potential. The Lois and Clark series did it right. In Clark's point of view Smallville, Lois and the Daily Planet were more realistic whereas the rest of Metropolis and the world was campy. But ultimately I want the Smallville (Welling/Rosenbaum) universe back.

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They didnt, everything in that picture is complete trash

Those two guys are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.

Black siren should have been redeemed in Season 5.

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unlike mcu there is no power struggle between the guys involved with tv shows and movies

most of the time tv shows get free reign and are completely free to do what they want since they are a different universe than the movie one

cw shows are also incredibly cheap to make.

Felicity is cancer.

Budget and Star power isn't the problem. The conjuring movies managed a universe and all the films together cost less than the standard capeflick

by being derp cheap

You're mistaking soul for being high budget or aesthetically pleasing. That low budget scene unironically has more soul than most capeshit

>unlike mcu there is no power struggle between the guys involved with tv shows and movies

Except there is. Movie guys notoriously don't like TV guys and have many times embargoed characters bound for the movies even if they had major roles on the shows. The embargoes single-handely JUST'd season 4 of Arrow and the planned Suicide Squad spinoff.

I'll never get why people say Superman is difficult to adapt when Lois and Clark and Smallville did it weekly for years.

Soap opera style television with superheroes. That's literally it.

arrowverse can reference batman, use superman etc. meanwhile mcu tv shows struggle to fucking even call hulk "the green guy". it's fucking laughable

and now all the shows are cancelled. good.

and yeah, like they care about what zack snyder thinks. their flash lasts logner than whatever snyder did. embarissing stuff.

> establishes a cheesy likeable formula by the general population and follows it with little to no variation

snyder wanted to create a dark, gritty, serious take on superheroes. general audiences dont want to see that, which is why Marvel, CW, Aquaman, Shazam, and WW succeeded.

Let's not forget Doom Patrol

Arrow's quality is directly proportional to the amount of Salmon Ladders and naked buff guys they show. No wonder it went to shit after S2.

only recently they've been able to integrate more stuff about characters that are in the movies, likely because most of those characters failed on the big screen
they're still being cunts about Lynda Carter appearing as Wonder Woman in Crisis, likely due to an embargo put by WB that Wonder Woman needs to be one.
Even the design of WW's costume across multiple versions in cartoons now follows the movie design. And I know it's a mandate because they had it changed for DC Super Hero Girls (one original sketch for it had the classic swimsuit costume)

Are you fucking retarded? Seriously bro, are you mentally handicapped?

You're saying CW is better than the MCU cause their shows can mention Batman in passing? Hahaha! Oh shit. DCfags are so fucking deluded.

MCU literally has actual huge megastars doing their shows: Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Hiddleston, Sam Jackson, etc, etc, etc - hell, even fucking Chris Evans has been confirmed! Real actual movie stars (no offense to that dyke they got for Batwoman, but CW has ZERO stars).

Face it, Marvel and Marvel fans will always be superior to you. We just keep on winning and honestly, I feel like a GOD compared to you.


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This user seems retarded

Shit this is embarrassing

A little dramatic, but you're on the right track. Comparing Marvel to DC as far as tv, Marvel wins hands down. You just need to put in perspective. If DC had series starring Ezra Miller as Flash, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, or even Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, then things would be even. But DC doesn't have this. They have two leads from Glee as Supergirl/Flash and some no-name wannabe prowrestler as Arrow. Marvel is just too powerful and their star power too great.

Those Disney+ shows haven't even started and that user was clearly talking about Netflix

>he still thinks streaming is tv
>he doesn't realize Disney is just trying to cash in on the old stuff of the MCU
>he doesn't realize the actors that are in these shows are not the big names and even regularly appear on Netflix shut

And only about 10 of those hours are actually about the characters and stories from the comics. The other 400 are gargabe CW style drama storylines

honestly u guys are just cheaters
arrowverse cant even get wonder woman linda carter and disney announced based rdj is doing a "What If..." one off
it's just not fair, i wanna win just once

by actually taking their time to introduce each character throughout many years and episodes instead of immediately rushing out their own chink knockoff version of avengers
also no zack snyder to fuck it up

You mean the show where the trannyfaggots fuck eachother and the black dude surfs tinder for white chicks. Yeah, that show is really something to hang your hat on.


best arrowverse villain coming through

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>MCU literally has actual huge megastars doing their shows

what ever happened to all those year of marvel television feige swept under the rug?

Yeah it's a good show that you never actually watched

uh no that would be Deathstroke

>villain is just a copy of the main character

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ur both wrong

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Crisis is going to be kino. They've even hinted at having Smallville cast show up in it

>They've even hinted at having Smallville cast show up in it

uh, I doubt the whole cast...

Obviously not sexcult, but Welling and Rosenbaum are a possibility. And Routh is going to be an alternate timeline Superman. It's going to be great.