What the fuck is Starlight's problem?

>she has had premarital sex
>gives her former crush a 3 minute blow job
>threatens to kill him over it
Meanwhile The Deep is out there trying to save oceanlife, and gets bullied by a homicidal maniac and now a homicidal bitch.

Fuck Starlight. She's not even fucking pure like her stupid religion taught her to be and almost told an entire world of Jesus teen girls IT'S OKAY TO HAVE PREMARITAL SEX. FUCK THIS BITCH

Attached: starfire.png (589x947, 871K)

why are they all standing with their fists on their butts

>The Deep is out there trying to save oceanlife
That's not how The Deep works.

that's how sex works, virgin

>muh deep is saving fishes
fucking cuck getting manhandled by women, hope he gets a clue.

Now, Black Noir? Now that's a real nigga

>he doesn’t know about putting your fist on your butt during sex
Lol you really are a virgin

Attached: 1ADEBFEE-B93D-4FEE-BAC4-FC17D63A6E45.jpg (789x460, 65K)

It's a common power stance for when you get oral.
Very powerful.

its supposed to reminiscent of the typical superhero pose
incredibly subversive, i know

The Deep is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

Wait so in the comic they're all there? Does she suck off all of them?


maeve has also been fucked by all of them

holy fuck she ugly in the comics. I think the series, bad as it was, was more effective since moriarty looked so innocent.

Isn't Maeve stronger than all of them except homelander?

You know the phrase men say they want to go ‘fistibutts’? This is what they mean it’s an insult to say to the other guy to suck theyre weenie.

It’s all just an incel fantasy written by incel comic book writers. I mean this is an incels fantasy if he would me given super and political powers. Having a hot innocence qt forced to have sex to join the club. I mean come on bros, you have to understand this.

not black noir

Homelander, Black Noir and A-train are there for her 'initiation' and it's implied later that Translucent watched. The Deep isn't around until the first Seven's meeting
Everything in the comic is ugly. It's probably the most hideous comic I've ever gotten through. That painful stretch as paper changes into digital drawing doesn't do it any favours either.


why is Yea Forums so FUCKING OBSESSED with this

In the comics, Translucent is not a member of The Seven, nor is he a notable character/Supe. He is not the first kill of Hughie Campbell, instead, Hughie kills Blarney Cock, a member of Teenage Kix.

The comic's art is downright fucking horrible, worse than the writing.