Post actors who are also true patriots

She will bear strong, proud Chinese children for the glory of the Han Empire and crush the race traitors.

Even in the face of Western hypocrisy and reddit whining, she does not bend or break... standing firm like bamboo in the wind.

Attached: Nationalist.jpg (1032x834, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How do we stop the maritime Silk Road?

respect, i thought all dishitney figures are pussies

You cannot.

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What proportion of Chinese movie sales come from HK? Are they significant enough for the Mouse to care or is it mainland China making all the money?

China just made Endgame the highest grossing movie of all time, China's grip on western media is only just beginning.

>disney tries its hardest to make China's number one dream movie
>even take care to not cast any blacks
>Chinese are already hating the movie
This is amazing.

Attached: 1462761160852.jpg (222x293, 19K)

HK has like 7 million people (including mainlanders). By comparison London and New York have about 8-9 million each.

Don't worry China will find a way to fuck it up like they always do
China's entire history consists of them rising to meteoric heights only to destroy everything and kill a few hundred million Chinese

Most certainly based

the old-fashioned way

Attached: jolly roger.png (2000x1253, 77K)

More Chinese will probably watch it now since most of them hate HKers. But it is funny when you think about it.

>"Dude let's hire a a real Chinese actress... like a REAL one who's famous in China and popular with Chinese audiences and everything."
>be surprised when she later turns out to be a pro-China hardliner

That's every civilization. The reason you don't hear about them going through ups and downs like that is because most of them stay down after they collapse. Compare modern China to modern Greece or Egypt or Mongolia.

based Mulan actress her social credit is now in the good

I don't think piracy is the answer.

It's funny because Mulan fought for the Emperor. She would not tolerate Hong Kong islander traitors. I hope China makes a new movie about Mulan showing her slaughtering Hong Kong protesters.

Like she just appears out a time portal and goes full imperial on their asses.

Attached: mulan.jpg (1200x680, 62K)

you wouldn't pirate a ship

what is it like belonging to race that is actually proud of its accomplishments and history and actively and unabashedly adavances the interests of its people and kills its enemies (im white)

Yeah but HK is also the most westernised part of China. It wouldn't surprise me to find they were a huge part of the population paying for western movies over there.

why didn't they cast a white person for mulan

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According to my late German grandpa it was glorious.

ok nvm I googled it, they spend fuck all compared to mainland China
Disney don't give a shit

this. disney needs to double down

Patriotism is for drone cucks.

Well she is true to her character, Mulan would support the police

It's honestly funny to see a country adopt only some parts of free market capitalism to serve its own interests while disregarding the same liberal democracy that's basically been the downfall of all modern Western societies.

Chinks gamed the system hard and now we're just wishing we thought of it first.

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There’s like 7 million Hong Kongnese and over a billion regular Chinese. I think Disney is sucking the correct dick. they’ll probably make a fortune because mainland Chinese will see the movie multiple times, and break box office records just to spite them

honestly now I have an excuse not to watch it now that wont bother people

I think he means poison

I will watch it twice in your place.


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war and only war, western powers could have avoided this had they done something more productive than just tell asian countries to solve their issues with china diplomatically

You needed an excuse not to watch another shitty Disney remake?

Of course. All his liberal soi friends will lower his social credit otherwise.

Good luck getting any of them to join you now.

Attached: dudu.jpg (815x836, 159K)

>hey lets adopt some parts of free market capitalism to serve its own interests
>but also lets not flood our own countries with niggers, not start hating our own culture or ethnicity and not replace our own people with foreign invaders
>"what the fuck this is not fair China is gaming the system"


Attached: cute vamp.png (170x170, 38K)

But the West is so brainwashed that being logical is controversial now.

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Based. I for one welcome the great yellow wave to wash away the shitskin

Is that you in the picture?

Bamboo bends in the wind, it's famous for its flexibility.

Attached: bamboo.jpg (400x533, 92K)

I will boycott the movie because of that archery alone.

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Can't wait to see how Kung Fu Panda 4 will handle this.

Did they figure out not to put bulkheads that open inwards yet?

Kek. Also reminder that Boeing designs commercial planes to crash.

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someone redpill me on what would hkfags lose if they just let this happen? I mean how different would their lives be if they become part of china?

lmao, China's history is one of constant war, rape and muttification.
There's nothing glorious about bug people.

Send in the Mongols, again.

Because they only enjoy replacing white people. Extra points if they are ginger.

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for me its taiwan; the real china

You actually think the insectoids are logical in any way?
China is the asian USA.
Both must be destroyed.
Which is why I will always agree for a full blown confrontation between them, MAD will take care of both of them, and the cancer of this world will be gone.

Hong Kong is a part of China you retards

Supporting the police is probably the least brave thing anyone could do.

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What makes you think they are going to do anything for you?
They want you to be muttified, you are their enemy, they are not going to help you with that.
They will wait until you and your kids are stoned to death and then they will invade when whites are gone.

But then again, you are probably a millennial, and for a generation of coward manchildren, the solution to everything always involves

You will be the first ones to die.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

> not start hating our own culture or ethnicity
That's easy to do when you don't have any.
China's "culture" is one of war and genocide, and they have no specific ethnicity because the Chinese are all racemixed abominations from the different ethnicities that lived in the lands near what today is China.

China is a microcosm of what the jews want to do with you.

why are americans so anal about china? do they feel threatened?
Personally I welcome our new ant overlords

The current protests are ostensibly about an extradition bill that would allow criminals in HK to be sent to mainland China to be punished, so the concern is that it's just another step of the mainland government to try to erode HK's system so that HK becomes more integrated with the mainland over time, rather than sticking to the whole one country two systems thing.

I mean at the absolute extreme, if HK literally just became another part of China they'd have the same restrictions you'd normally associate with China. You can't really protest or rally against the government, you need a VPN all the damn time to get to half the websites that exist, and living under an authoritarian hellhole in general isn't that pleasant. I guess if you're a neckbeard that just goes to work and then plays video games when he gets home basically nothing would really change for you other than you needing to use a VPN for some of your games.

But honestly China always plays the long game with these sorts of things, by the time something like that happened most of the kids protesting will probably be either senile or dead (probably why they're protesting when the extradition bill itself is a problem, but not something that specifically would ruin their lives immediately).

They lose their autonomy in just about every way. If China gets it way they can extradite anyone for literally any reason from HK to mainland. Under the guise of national security ofc, but really it’s anyone who openly criticises the communist party. Once you’re taken to mainland you are fucked. Say goodbye to anything resembling human rights, say goodbye to your organs because organ harvesting is a thing there too. Chinese gov also want HK back because there’s a lot of money there they can’t get their hands on right now

That’s like saying The U.S still belongs to the British.

I remember the whole one country two systems thing to last 50 years right? So what happens when it expires, then Hong Kong is definitely integrated back into China? Then isn't there some laws stating that China can't do anything about it until that time?


>That’s like saying The U.S still belongs to the British.
I don't know if that's an apt comparison. HK is literally part of China. It's more similar to when the US was still a bunch of colonies.

lol'd at lion king

kek. call me when they take the training wheels off.

It doesn't matter. Nobody will actually boycott this. She could post that she hopes the Chinese police cave in the skulls of everyone in Hong Kong and it will still rake in cash.

Yes. In 2047 Hong Kong ceases to exist as it's own entity and China will throw the pretenses of one country/two systems directed into the trash.

The Sino-British Joint Declaration is a treaty and if China wanted to dishonor it before 2047 there isn't shit anybody could do about it anyway. Hence the current problem. China are already getting things started.

ching chong fling flong dong

>honestly now I have an excuse not to watch it now that wont bother people
Do you really need to justify not watching children's movies from Disney?

Why are we helping prop China up faster when it's extremely obvious that they will directly instigate a major war in the US's future?

Lesser of two evils.

Winnie the Pooh

So we can cut off their oil and trigger an attack :)

>Disney niggers hating communism
Surprised really

>china bad
Have sex

Eva's betrayal in Mgs3 really upset me.

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If you actually believe this shit you're a drooling retard.

Cus when they start putting away the proxies and directly acting in Africa they are gonna make imperialism look like day care. At least the Europeans had the facade of brining civilization and Christianity, and so some of the actors actually believed that and tried to help.
The Chinese don’t give a fuck and after they strip mine Africa they will openly genocide the Africans and make new China there. By then they will be strong enough that nobody will risk doing anything and thus global moral expectations will have already realigned

So I guess for the hardcore pol types it’s worth propping up China just to get rid of black people?

Imagine supporting communist China just because Liberals support democratic Hong Kong.

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Why do people keep saying Hong Kong is part of China? The British took Hong Kong from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, literally not even Chinese. It was barely populated at the time, 99% of its growth occured when it was not under Beijing control. Its an island off the coast, not part of the mainland. And the people there do not speak Mandarin, the national language promoted by the Communist Party. They speak Cantonese (and English). The people of Hong Kong did not want to be part of the PRC, they were taken over against their will. PRC government is essentially a foreign, occupying colonial power, that took over through threat of war, that wishes to strip Hong Kong of their civil liberties against their will.

>but they are chinese so they should support china
Hong kong arent ant people, they dont think like that

It's literally Chinese territory. China can do whatever it wants with it.

enough of this dumb shit.

can we just start executing liberals already

Is that Winnie the Pooh?


why not just shut the fuck up about politics as an actor?
you dont piss off any side and just act instead of opening your mouth and fucking yourself over?

>HK smaller than China
Yeah, no shit Disney allowed this. If it were the other way around it'd be anti-China. They're only saying what the majority want to hear

Its only Chinese territory according to a treaty which explicitly says they cannot do whatever they want with it.

Yeah I don't think Great "Opium Peddler" Britain - a country literally circling the drain of irrelevance and set to balkanize in the next decade - is any position to demand anyone honor any agreement. Plus Trump already established you can bail on agreements and treaties you don't like.

If you support the PRoC you’re not only anti Chinese you’re also a misanthrope

>>Disney niggers hating communism
>Surprised really

>china bad
>Have sex

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I'm pro-American, that's why I don't support the USoA.

I think most people in the West literally have no idea why mainland Chinese support their government so completely and dgaf about Hong Kong. It's not that they don't know what Hong Kongers want, it's that they know and don't care. And it's not just that they're brainwashed, all nationalism/patriotism is a form of brainwashing, it's WHAT they've been conditioned to believe.

They literally believe in the imperial birthright of their race and nation. They believe dominion is their destiny so questions about the right to protest that dominion or demand the vote are moot points for them.

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Is it any different for wypipo

>Might makes Right
How dumb can you get?

Why do white people even give a shit about Hong Kong, other than "muh freedoms"? Do they not even know it's a corporate oligarchy anyway?

To be fair, the West is a corporate oligarchy as well


Factual analysis, based poster detected

>force diversity into your movies
this is actual diversity and I honestly don't blame her for it at all. people who have never lived in China will never understand their system and the advantages it has. if Disney actually stands up for her, I will have respect for those retards for the first time in over ten years

>don't care
So what do you mainlanders think you're going to do, force Hong Kongers to do what they don't want to do? How do you think this is going to turn out? You don't seem like a particularly clever bunch of people.

>force Hong Kongers to do what they don't want to do?
obviously. Do you not know anything about modern China?

My favorite thing about aggressive Pro-PRC bootlickers in HK and around the world is that they'd get throw in a reeducation camp in a microsecond if they pulled that shit back in the mainland over anything at all

I'll boycott this movie because look at the archery

Accurate based detection detected, detecting highly based poster within close proximity

Well they're looking at another Tiananmen if not worse. Seeing as China has sought an image makeover since then, I don't believe they want anything like that on their hands again. So they're caught between a rock and a hard place. I don't believe for a second that they simply "don't care" that this could result in a bloodbath or at the very least severely disruptive riots and a resultant harsh crackdown.

Based readings dropping rapidly

Attached: Pepe_Mouth_Remove.jpg (454x453, 42K)

Cant believe we're going to be doing WW3 with these faggots.

Mainlanders have good reason to like their government since it has pulled them out of poverty. But Hong Kongers have good reason to like their system as well since it brought them wealth for many many years more than mainland China has had. Why should they be forced to abide by your system when theirs has been even better?


Don't worry we won't be
>I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones
The Chinese know and believe this firmly and will avoid war at all costs

you're blending party officials with the opinion of the average mainlander. The gov might be careful about image but the regular people don't care at all and think PRC should crush them

This. I personally know a FOB mainlander, and he says Hong Kongers are "crazy" and even that they are being paid off to riot by America, the whole thing being a CIA-instigated plot.

if might didn't make right then the good ol "international community" would have punished the US for multiple technically-illegal wars. but they haven't, because they can't

It sounds exactly like what /pol/ was saying about anti-Trump protesters. They both have a similar conspiracy-minded outlook

Europe is still an American satellite state, as is Japan. Until China rises to power, we will continue to be the world's only superpower

hes right tho, but that doesnt mean they deserve to get tianenman'd

>Until China rises to power, we will continue to be the world's only superpower
lel this post brought to you by the year 2006

Shut up homo insectoid. You're as bad as niggers but worse because you're not dumb.

>he's right
You're one of them, aren't you? Why do all of you sounds like you're part of some cult. Stop spreading this bullshit.

China is still a regional power, not yet a global one. I didn't say they don't already have a lot of power. But a superpower? Not yet.

Harmful elements in the air
Cymbals crashing everywhere
Reaps the fields of rice and reeds
While the population feeds
Junk floats on polluted water
An old custom to sell your daughter
Would you like number 23?
Leave your yens on the counter please

>punching “nazis” and trash talking the government is good if Captain america is doing it
>china girl supporting her country and speaking our against a color revolution and soros thugs is bad
Why do Americans do this?

boi pussy

Kek I haven't been to the cinema in years but I may take my family to watch this lol

In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned. Heaven is good. But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, as endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven and the moisture of Earth, the powers of the sun and the moon all worked upon a certain rock, old as creation. And it became magically fertile. The first egg was named "Thought". Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said, "With our thoughts, we make the world." Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch. From it then came a stone monkey. The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!

>supporting the Chinese government is brave

She's the Nazi bootlicker in that comparison, idiot.

>Crystal Liu (born An Feng; August 25, 1987), better known as Liu Yifei (Chinese: 刘亦菲; pinyin: Liú Yìfēi), is a Chinese-American actress, singer and model.

If americans had balls they'd rescind her american citizenship.

Yes, might makes right. If not, nato wouldn’t have bombed Serbia with depleted uranium after being explicitly forbidden by the un security council, bomb the Chinese embassy killing it’s staff, illegally build a gigantic base on it’s territory and give 15% of it’s land to proto ISIS.
Might makes right.

Are you one of those retards who also think the Yellow Vest protest were Soros' work?

look at that bitch ramp l mao these niggas tarded

What has it got to do with America?
Fuckin spastic

No and that literally has nothing to do with my post.
Go gaslight someone else.

do you shill for the CIA for free or do you at least get paid

Lol closest thing to fighting for the Emperor now would be supporting Taiwan. PRC is rebel scum

Who do Chinese shills pretend that the PRC has any force projection capabilities?

She defends a dictature while the American democracy grants her a haven of human rights and rule of law. Hypocrites should be punished.

They certainly do with Hong Kong.

based monkey king poster

>you should be deported if you disagree with the US government

land of le free

>american democracy
Go boycott Israel.

>a gay island democracy with no territory
Taiwan cope everyone.

>muh cia remotely controls the brains of millions of hongkongers
likely story

I can't wait to bullseye some gooks in WW3

Yet they couldn't sweep Taiwan unless we sat back and allowed them to.
The limit to their force projection is almost literally "what they can see from the coastline".

Which just shows you PRC and the CP are not real commies at all.

b-but they have two aircraft carriers!

>Nationalists overthrew the emperor
>want to be faithful to the emperor
>be faithful to nationalists
>mutt education

Attached: d6SFUxm.jpg (500x333, 76K)

She would not be deported: she doesn't live in the US, it's not even her country of origin. It's a piece of paper with special privileges for her.

Remember when Americans used to mock Chinese and Norks for being brainwashed?

I don't think that's an American you're responding to, bruh

mutts spouting "ramp" the moment they get intimidated should be a meme at this point

>Yet they couldn't sweep Taiwan unless we sat back and allowed them to.
Which we should. It's their province.

It only takes a few instigators.

And you'd probably still have if in some form it not for Krauts.

Attached: deadboi.jpg (1600x1144, 148K)

You’d be surprised.
I wonder what it’s like living in a country where get your genitals mutilated at birth, you exist to serve a parsitic ME country that considers you to be cattle and where entire livelihoods are destroyed because of “anti semetism”?
Or how about your own government doing a terror attack against it’s people, lying, invading a foreign country murdering millions, creating 20 trillion dollar debt despite tens of million of your countrymen demanding you don’t fo it?
Yup, sure sounds like democracy to me.

Come take it, Mainlander.

Soon. :)

every fucking Disney movie that's coming out suddenly has some political controversy around it. make it stop.

They don't have that much force projection, but good luck getting anywhere near them with those hypersonic missiles lol

>but also lets not flood our own countries with niggers, not start hating our own culture or ethnicity and not replace our own people with foreign invaders
The Great Leap Forward was explicitly about annihilating as much of their culture as possible.

Modern insectoids are fully indoctrinated, those parts of their culture aren't considered worth keeping anymore.

Lmao then it failed. Modern China is more muh heritage than ever. Total War: Three Kingdoms even has the official support of China's Ministry of Culture.

Attached: god-of-war-guan-yu-statue-jingzhou-china-6~01.jpg (461x533, 67K)

USA is a shitty country thats leading the whole west to self distruction but China is no better.

Name one western country that would do a better job leading it than the US.


Yup. You definitely don't sound like an American.

Yet they serve thier own interests and don't give Billions to foriengers or pander to them.

Probably a pre WW2 EU sorta*. Modern western countries are all infested by these sovereign institutions (like UN) ideologies that will lead us to self destruction.

*I agree being at war eachother for 2000 years isnt a good curriculum but i think something like EU (a collaboration between European countries) should have happened after WW1. Instead we let the Frenchs treats Germans like niggers and fast forward 20 years we had Great War 2 electric boogaloo.

Mel Gibson


Americas's "culture" is one of war and genocide, and they have no specific ethnicity because the Americans are all racemixe Mutts from the different ethnicities that moved in there.
The US is a microcosm of what the jews want to do with you.

Recently, the DoD put out a big paper saying that it's time to shift focus away from stateless terrorism and back to state-based threats, namely RussiaChina. If war breaks out, it would be over something like Taiwan/Hong Kong/South China Sea or perhaps over North Korea.

Chinese have unironically genocided them 250 years ago, the current denizens of Mongolia have about as much relations to them as the current denizens of Central Europe to Huns.

Serbia is an Eastern country. It's in league with the Byzantine Russians.

Fingers crossed. It's long overdue.

>puts on Hell March

It's a bit like how a lot of the people that were at Tienanmen square are now major supporters of China, they gave up on any sort of rights as they saw what happened when they tried to fight for them and failed.

It's a sort of absolute hopelessness for anyone that steps out of line which most of China just accepts.

Why the fuck should anyone on the mainland, regardless of their ideology give a single shit about some Hong Kongers feefees
Hong Kong was created out of the Opium Wars, which destroyed the then current Chinese society and caused the empire to crumble
It was once a thriving hub but now that China started trading more with the world it has been supplanted by other cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guanzhou
It's current one China 2 systems policy allows it to serve as a hub for money fraud, tax evasion and general financial fuckery, it's a leech on their entire economy

And Hong Kongers had a history of chimpouts even under the British

Annihilating Manchu barbarian traditions like that stupid haircut was a good move

As if modern America and Western Europe have anything to do with their past cultures

>Well they're looking at another Tiananmen
>Implying anything wrong was done at Tiananmen

>Seeing as China has sought an image makeover since then, I don't believe they want anything like that on their hands again.

Do you seriously think Chinese care about how Fake News portray them anymore?

>I don't believe for a second that they simply "don't care"

And you're wrong.

>severely disruptive riots and a resultant harsh crackdown.

Both are already happening.

>Opium war
Redpill me on this.

It would've been better if Germany just won WWI, they had plans for widespread European economic cooperation after the war

You don't _have_ to care about what they want, but you still can't force them to love China and to speak Mandarin (which they also hate)

>that they are being paid off to riot by America, the whole thing being a CIA-instigated plot.

That's just a fact, though.

>CIA does not even slightly hide the fact that they were behind every "colored revolution".
>CIA openly backs terrorist activities against China
>But I'm sure that these riots clearly based on the colored revolutions template are unrelated to them!

How does it feel to be a brainwashed government drone?

Also, mainlanders are regarded as rude, loud, impolite and dirty. They talk loudly at all times and litter everywhere while Hong Kong is spotless.

That was the work of the nationalists you dumdum

Fuck off, chink

>That's just a fact, though.
You can keep saying that but no one besides you insectoids actually believes it.

What a piece of shit.

You can keep denying it, but no one besides other brainwashed burgers agrees with you.

Let me explain something to you white knights.

China will bring Hong Kong under control, inevitably, to benefit itself. No one will stop it, because HK for all the noise it makes doesn't fucking matter. Might makes right you see.

They won't send in the army. All they have to do is say "No". Tiananmen happened because it threatened CPC. HK'ers can only wreck their own city with their tantrum.

Don't even bother with it good sirs.

Daily reminder that Nanking didn’t happen but it will happen again

Brits start selling Indian Opium (same thing as heroin, only you smoke it or drink it)
It becomes the most profitable part of their economy and start hardcore pushing it to the Chinese in exchange for Chinese goods like porcelain and tea
Chinks see their entire society is turning into heroin addicts and ban it, with one official burning a pile of Opium that would be worth billions of Pounds in todays money
British fucking mount a military offensive and wreck the Chinese forces, easy to do since all their troops are smackheads
China concedes basically everything except allowing Christian missionaries and legalizing Opium
Drug trade continues and other European powers notice that China is falling apart so they join in the second opium war

China begins to fragment and for 100 years is divided and united under different warlords until Mao finally kills enough people to create a unified China
The Chinese call this period "the Century of humiliation" and the treaties signed during that period are refered to "unequal treaties", they still get referenced when negotiations go to shit today

tl;dr Anglo heroin killed an entire nation

Attached: spot-of-the-old-hardcore-drugs-uncle-chang-no-i-31070811.png (500x686, 189K)

Eternal anglo decided that the best way to control China was to create an opioid epidemic and turn the chinks into ghouls.

>Ignoring the bit where Duterte immediately regretted his decision once he realized that China now considered the Philippines their property and started fishing out their waters.
China has zero allies, only enemies who don't have the strength to take them on without western support.

>a CP drone calling others "government drones"
That's rich

absolutely based

Whatever man...fact is after WW2 European countries were either literally destroyed (Germany, Italy) or financially destroyed (France, UK) and USA took over. Now we are in this pozzed clown world with no chance of a peaceful solution.

What's so weird if they do movies for niggers?
It has been done for ages.

It's funny visiting Parisian or New York nigger infested subways that smell like piss and then contrasting it with Shenzhens and Beijings spotless metros
Chink peasants eventually get civilized, niggers in the West always remain niggers


>Hong Kong is spotless
Literally no one thinks this.

Make me.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

It's funny how Dicksney is completely silent

>why didn't they cast a white person for mulan
Beccause the chinks would not watch it while white cucks will still watch Little nigger mermaid

Please someone briefly redpill me on the Hong Kong issue. Is it just general dislike of China sticking their dick in Hong Kong's ear or are they whiney trannies that should see the superior Chink Overlords as their true masters?

Keep in mind not even normalfag Anglos escape Eternal Anglo elites thirst for blood, so i'm not surprised their treatment of chinese insectoids.

Attached: Alfie Evans.png (643x617, 476K)

It's not like anyone is stopping you from going to China and living there, you know, if in your opinion things are so great there.

I know Xi doesn't let you learn about anything that isn't state-approved, but use your VPN to educate yourself.

Don't worry about your social score, our network will take care of it.

China for the Chinese
European countries for Europeans

>Beccause the chinks would not watch it

you mean the chink government would not let chinks watch it.

>no too much roundeye
>no spooky ghosts
>no winnie the pooh

But who's worse: The Chinese

or the Jews?

Cutting your kids cock off and pumping him full of hormone blockers is as American as apple pie
Fucking hell the US used to censor it's televsion and magazines until the 1960s, who the fuck are you retards fooling

call in the national debt so ww3 can happen already fuck i'm tired of waiting

I would say that basement dwelling neets with no jobs who mooch off the govt for autism bux are the worst.

They already got what they originally wanted, now they're just moving goalposts and are basically willing to sink their own city thinking US and British navies will eventually sail to the rescue at the 11th hour. If anything, the lesson Beijing will read into this is that they should've locked the island down years ago.

If the spoiled Hong Kong neets think they had it bad before they're about to find out what martial law really looks like. Wouldn't be surprised if they end up with far fewer freedoms than the mainland when this is all over.

Classic case of whiners gaining an inch and taking a mile until they overplay their hand.

Jews have an easier time infiltrating and disguising as one of ours. Chinks became a plausible threat only because america got weakened by the jews.

The US had a lot more pull over what the media could and couldn't say in the 60s, sure.
On the bright side, US citizens weren't starving by the tens of thousands.

Boycott's already ramping up in South Korea. Disney seems to be hoping they can ignore this and it will blow over, but the more they don't address it, the more it seems to be spreading.

But they will come to clash eventually. Who will win?

Lesser than what?

Your 10 min lunch break is almost over, so you better finish up your gutter oil stew and hurry back to making fleshlights so you don't miss your daily quota mr ching chong

What do you think you'll be doing during it? How good do you think life will be in that situation?

Can't tell if the larpers in this thread are real chinks or /pol/tards wishing they lived in an authoritarian shithole.

>you mean the chink government would not let chinks watch it.
And that's a good thing. Why would they let subversive Jewllywood corrupt their citizens like they do in the West? Imagine watching an HK thriller and the main character is a female cop, her partners are a nigger and a dyke, there's a mandatory vietnamese, japanese and tibetan character?

If war actually happens the jews will just go back to Israel.

chinks became a plausible threat only because Bill Clinton signed a free trade agreement with them and sold his own country down the river. Their entire economy is fueled by the American bux.

china is the king of paper tigers, russia won't come to its aid against the west when the chips are down either.

at most it'll nuke some eastern european country its missles can actually get to and crash some of its navy ships into one another

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区

>They already got what they originally wanted
You mean the careful balance of autonomy and independence that Hong Kong has had from China since 1997? Or have they rioted before and gotten something out of it in the past?

You're glowing

Attached: 1385838158725.png (800x764, 225K)

Israel can't survive without american support and funding.

>Chinks using deflection tactics to draw attention away from the yellow menace.

+50 Social Points to Zhang and Chew

Libs support disney.

That doesn't answer my question. Assuming global conflict breaks out, how will that make your standard of living and lifestyle better than it is now and why is it a desired outcome for you to want to live through and experience?

They will be starving by the millions soon

hey what do you think about this scene? It's one of my favorites.

Attached: pepe jia.jpg (400x500, 202K)

Chinese are genuinely awful leaders.
I hate jews as much as the next guy, but the Chinese are the worst.

the chinese couldn't even fight off 10 japs

Europeans are the number one enemy of the USA since its beginning.

japs were pretty based

slaying all those chinks made them get cocky, though

Do people not know this will play well in China and how big china is?

Explain this pasta, pls.