/pol/ BTFO

/pol/ BTFO

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but it was dog shit yes?

Anytime critics or medianiggers talk about something getting “revived”, be sure it’s irrelevant, artificial or very much dead.

b-b-but Hollywood has an anti-male agenda!

There wasn't a single funny bit in any of the trailers for this movie, and I watched them a lot since this was in the previews of just about every movie I saw this summer.

Deadpool doesn't exist?

kek why is /pol/ never ever right?

What is /pol/ wrong about? They never said it would fail

>21m opening

no its that comedy in general is dying at the theaters
also i dont use /pol/ only Yea Forums

Why does pol dislike this?

>implying general audiences know what is funny or even quality movie-making

Most of it does. Anectodes aren't helpful. Watch any solid block of TV on any channel, and count how often a character's anti-male rants are considered 'positive', while even the slightest anger at women--regardless of how fucked up their actions--is considered evil.

see the fellow on the right

Because it's about tweens beating their dicks and having sex. And unlike South Park, it is actually children doing the dirty talk. So they think it's pedo shit or whatever.
I don't care either way about this movie, personally, it just looks stupid.

Dude drugs and sex lmao

Literally never heard of it.

isn't the fellow on the left a girl

since when does /pol/ dislike something because there is one black person in it. I think there is something you aren't saying.

>revives the R-rated comedy genre

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>Yea Forums has become the beacon of morality

fucking hell

/pol/ has never heard of this and neither has anyone else. This is more manufactured outrage for (you)s

there are children and references to sex in the same movie, which means it's pedo. I'm not making this up, that's seriously their argument

Go be a degenerate somewhere else. Yea Forums is a Christian community.

>since when does /pol/ dislike something because there is one black person in it.
since forever but it's gotten worse in recent years

Not to defend this shit movie, but just because something from the genre releases every once in a while and makes decent bank doesn't mean that it results in a revival of the genre.

why are you so obsessed with pol

like I said here
I've never heard of this movie and I practically live on /pol/. I spend multiple hours of every day browsing various boards on Yea Forums and I have NEVER heard of this movie, until right now.

No one cares about it, let alone is upset.

this movie wont clear 1/3 of deadpool's haul

looked kinda passé and a tad soi. I’ll probably end up seeing it anyways with my amc membership.

I made one post about it and I wasn't the one bringing it up. Explain how I'm "obsessed" please

Capeshit comedies don't count.
it's like a whole different league

/pol/ niggers squatting in your head rent free m8

Racists hate it, you gotta see this movie fellow 4channelers!

I'll see it tomorrow if my kidney doesn't hurt too much. I could use a stupid comedy and I like my local theater.

>I practically live on /pol/. I spend multiple hours of every day browsing various boards on Yea Forums
I hope you get better bro, I believe in you

Live action south park?

What does /pol/ have to do with this movie at all? Do you really assume anyone who calls out your favorite movie is your boogeyman?

Is this the movie the 4channel soccer moms were making a big deal bcause it was pushing "pedophilia"?

Literally every single time there's media with some black person in it the board is flooded with threads

So are you defending pedos then?

They have been pearl clutching about it for a week now

no I'm not a right-winger

they've been whining about how it's degenerate, how it's intended to destroy family values and that it's pushing and normalizing pedophilia

Fuck off back to /pol/ Cletus.

It's degenerate.

does your ass hurt pulling all this shit out of it at once

>right winger
>member of LGBTQIAP

That is not how it works.

I see /pol/ is still be used as some kind of boogeyman. They must of fucked you guys up.

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Oh no, there are teenage boys talking about sex in an R rated movie. Literally hardcore child pornography, reeeeeeeeee.

it's not my fault their ideas are shit, I'm just the messenger here

the fuck are you even talking about

They're tweens, not teenagers. Thus, it is degenerate.

What's up? Harder to molest little kids without standing ovations, comrade?

So what's this movie about that makes /pol/ seeth like there is no tomorrow? I have not even seen a trailer of this but I assume in of the kid's parents is gay or something?

No 12 yrs are curious about sex. Literally the destruction of the west reeeeeeeeee

another work of degeneracy by hollyJEW! nobody in my hometown had sex until they were in college!

>muh degeneracy
>on Yea Forums

this. chodes on here cant even make it 5 seconds without thinking about daddys orange dick

haven't seen it once on there. got any proof?

Where is the line when it gets too degenerate? When the police knock your door down for a quick fuck because mohammed had a “sexual emergency?” It started off as “keep it in the bedroom” and we’ve seen how that turned out. God I’m sick of the LGBTQN1GGERBRAAAAAP community.

It's basically superbad 2 but with 12 yr olds this time instead of late teenagers, and they talk about girls and sex.

you faggoots got BTFO in Portland again this week lol

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Did you reply to the wrong post? It's the only way your post would make sense.

yes everyone knows the cops like the nazis more than they like the antifas

At least Trump has a dick, unlike the standard issue leftist neo-vagina.

The whole thing is fucking low brow as fuck. Who wants to see tweens talk about sex mad cringey and awkward. Only a fucking classless cringey humored edgelord faggot would think this shit is remotely funny. It really is degenerate as fuck. Let them make it with all female tweens talking like that and see how it blows over. Its classless tasteless shit.

my dad talked to me about sex when I was about that age, it's literally a non-issue outside the crazy echo chamber

>l-l-l-le left!!!
Pathetic how you faggots always say this when challenged. That's why you should go back to circlejerking in /pol/ with the rest of the underagefags.

Because the police are the good guys. They stop the bad guys.

Lol, Portland mayor is literally under investigation for giving cops stand down orders when it comes to whitey commies.

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there are minors and it talks about sex, which means it's hardcore pedo porn