I am the FBI.
I am the FBI
Dr. Jacobi, I'm FBI
My heart got an erection
reminder that cooper got his mind back in part 15 and vedderfags were ETERNALLY BTFO
This is a pretty small town
it was an amazing time
I don't know why anyone listened to some literal who musician and his pleb opinion on Lynch's art.
Those BTFO threads following the episode were pure kino.
All the live threads and generals were awesome. Id love to relive them.
>some literal who musician
fucking zoomers, man
>tfw cooper was back for literally 10 minutes before he became autist timetravel master and got yeeted by judy
Nice digits, but he hasn't been relevant since the 90s.
doesn't matter, he still came back. we still got that feeling
>vedderfags were ETERNALLY BTFO
Were they? After all Cooper got fucked on a cosmic scale.
I just love it so much lads
>tfw watching the finale for the first time
>"oh, they're actually doing the scooby doo ending where they all meet up and it's all fine, that's kind of disappointing"
>we live inside a dream
>realize I got Lynched and the bad end is coming up fast
tfw you will never see twin peaks for the first time again
The OC was pretty great too
Laura Palmer screaming the lights going out was probably the strongest terror I have ever felt in a piece of fiction.
Like holy fuck. My stomach dropped.
I just finished the finale for the first time. I got lynched hard
I am the CIA.
Kurt Nobrain >>>>>>>> Cringey Vedder
Guys I am seriously so confused
same user, even more loose ends then when it originally ended. closure was never lynch's forte for TP. he wants to see us squirm or think we get it, but itll never be what we think. hopefully he makes more though.
Why did everyone on this show age like dog shit
I still would a shelly
Shelly is still a qt and Norma looked great for her age.
Who lived in Sarah palmers house? What year was it? Why does it say they were black lodge entities?
amerigoblo genes
I think it's pretty heavily implied that JUDY was basically nesting there in the house and occasionally acting through Sarah.
>What year was it?
The question was nonsensical but necessary--It's either 2016 in another world or just legitimately beyond time. Man is the measure of all things, so Cooper might realize that asking the question for himself is meaningless.
based Shelly hivemind