
Comfy wheel of time general. get in here bros

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what kino scenes are you hoping get a faithful onscreen adaption?
what actors do you want to be future cast for lan, logain, elayne, etc?
how far do you think amazon will make this show until its canceled?

>Hispanic or non-Hispanic I shall not confirm.

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this is a comfy general to discuss the positives of wheel of time, my friend.

No surrender
The popes a bender

just getting ahead of the curve

>"I am the storm"

>mfw ash'aman...kill

>singing "Fuck the Pope and the IRA" with Rangers/Chelsea fans

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which waifu was best, and why was it tomboy min?

yup this is going into my cringe compilation

>Women do suffer worse than men from the attentions of Myrddraal
What did he mean by this?

myrdraal breed human females, remember? and if the woman survives the fucking, she is 3/5 crazy and dies in childbirth

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Is there a based fetish that WOT hasn't got?

That sure is not how I pictured that banner. Thought it would be simpler, more like the big orcs had in LotR.

read the books there are plenty of nigs

>that milf queen that basically has mat as a prisoner and fuck toy, who threatens to dress him in pink and in bows
that did something to a young teenage me

>Here's your successor to game of thrones bro

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>you see Rand we're not like the other Two Rivers folk
>that's why we always lived apart from them on the farm
>you think they're your friends Rand but watch your back
>an Aybara did your mother in and those Cauthon fellows are all jews
>take my sword boy, you'll need it
>you're not like them and they know it
>we're not like them

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i think its something more like pic related, but im making a band of the red hand space marine army, and the op pic is something i got because it is something i could realistically do on my guys, only reason i had it on my computer

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Tam lives tho

>“You have chosen a good campsite, young man,” she said. “I have often used it on my way to Remen. There is a small spring nearby. I trust you have no objection to my sharing it?
>beheads her and her guard and makes their headless bodies bow to him

Real creative

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Jordan was heavily into Eastern philosophy and dualism. Darkness exists only so the Light can manifest itself. When Rand confronted the DO, he eventually saw him for what he was - nothing. The path to enlightenment involves bringing consciousness to the unconscious; bringing light into the darkness within yourself and transcending both to go beyond duality and realizing the oneness of all things (remember the flame and the void, called the Oneness in the AoL and Lanfear mentioning that something wonderful would supposedly happen if you abided in it long enough). After coming back Rand is able to possess another body and manifest things out of thin air without invoking the dualistic power of the Source, which is according to ancient yogic lore about siddhis. The Third age corresponds with the dark age of decadence called the Kali Yuga in the Hindu "wheel of time" (which we're currently in according to that system).

The entire series is an allegory for man's path to enlightenment. Rand's journey of suffering, which only ends when he "lets go" during his confrontation with the DO (clinging/attachment/resistance to change, the main cause of suffering according to the Buddha).


except the dark one wasnt nothing, it literally was a being that we see interact with the world, talk to people, etc. if anything the creator is the one who is nothing, as its never proven if that being exists or not

it was in the pattern yo

Ta'veren kind of proves he exists along with the Dragon Reborn

I liked this series but one of the disappointing things was how the Asha'man turned out. You had all these comfy fellowships like the Aiel, Borderlanders, Mat's bros, even some of the Aes Sedai and their Warders had a coolness about them but the Asha'man other than maybe a few exceptions were so dour and boring with no camaraderie. Particularly Logain, who showed signs of coolness even when he was stilled turned out to be an unlikable character who was a dick to Rand.

the pattern could just be some random universe shit doing what it does

Whoever took the time to write all that is mentally ill, and probably a wannabe author jealous of RJ's success.

Guys, for those of you who are reading or actively re-read the series often, I emplore you to do this it made all the difference

Read ALL of Lan's lines as if Kevin Conroy's batman were saying them.

Nothing is what there is, the fundamental reality. It's not nothing in the common sense of null/void/absolute absence, but no-thing in the sense that it is undivided and therefore can't be described as any particular thing
As an anecdote RJ's company in Vietnam called him Ganesha on account of his good fortune

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I liked Flinn's bromance with Nynaeve

>As an anecdote RJ's company in Vietnam called him Ganesha on account of his good fortune
now i know where Ta'veren came from

You make some great points but RJ was also a devout Christian (and Freemason) and Rand himself was based mainly on Western figures like Christ in addition to Arthur, the Fisher King, and Tyr.

The problem is that we'll never truly know how much of the last three books was RJ and how much was Sanderson or meddling from Harriet.

>a devout Christian (and Freemason)

I read the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich recently and Hitler seems like an exact match for Ta'veren, especially the parts where people change their minds about huge decisions after meeting him and all the barely failed assassination attempts.

It's all the same thing. The yogis acknowledge Jesus as an enlightened sage for instance. Every religion is saturated with BS, but I think Jordan saw the common root of all religions even if he outwardly practiced a particular one, and wrote his story from the most compelling perspective he could come up with

They were bros outside of Taim's chosen group. They killed each other before they could go too insane, that's camaraderie.

pretty sure he just smooshed a lot of different cultures and myths together and juggled races around to create a fantasy world that was alien yet recognizable

That's what I mean, but from the themes I think he wanted it to be more than just a story

I can get over the casting if the adaption was faithful in terms of characters and plot. That's what the essence of the series is.

But keeping to the authors vision of how characters look seems to correlate to whether the showrunner is trying to create a faithful adaption or use the show as a frame for their own vision.

And this Rafe guy seems like a real jerk in that regard. God I hope I'm wrong.

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reminder that the term "Darkfriend" is problematic and will most likely become "Whitefriend" in the series because they just keep fucking things up

>remote village where Manetheren once stood, 2000 years later, the most diverse place on the whole continent
>Moiraine gains almost a full feet of extra height
>Rand is half a feet too short
>Mat is probably the bastard of some visiting merchant considering his too white looks

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Rafe is a really nice person and a huge WoT fan. He understands all of your concerns, and meta-concerns. Trust the plan.

this miffs my moghediens

Fuck off Rafe, go back to talking about how WoT needs to be "feminist in today's context" on Twitter

I just tweeted, lol

>Red sisters must take them as Warders
Post kino moments from Crossroads of Twilight that you'd like to see adapted

damn I could sure go for dispossessing some papists today only to have them chimp out about it for the following half millennium

Therava dominating Galina with the oathrod
Elayne doing more experiments with the ancient terangreal dildo
Mat having flashbacks of Rand on Min action while trying to focus on the black loli princess
Egwene getting spanked like a million times until she learns to love it
Perrin body mutilating captured Shaido prisoners

not sure what else happens in book 11 tbqh

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>Egwene getting spanked like a million times until she learns to love it
My appreciation for this series never stops growing

This series was garbage after the sixth book. The only way any adaptation will be good is if they scrap everything after Dumai’s Wells and have a writer who isn’t burnt out come up with a completely new story.

>Vandene only wearing her sister's clothes and using her perfume

>rand cleanses saidin immediately after dumais well, then uses his power to rewrite the pattern to have a better ending

>red hand of Ulster
no surrender bhoys gb gb gb gb gb gb gb

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>Rangers/Chelsea fans
These are not interchangeable you dumbass yank.

Came in to say this

You're fucked once brexit comes and if your on our side of the border then you support the queen.

how the fuck am I the 3rd person to make this joke lads, should have looked before making post

Because sure you are a loyal Ulster man

right on pal gb gb gb gb

Does the show have young and handsome main characters?

I promised myself I wouldn't cry lad

WoT would work better as an open world RPG with high end cut scenes than a live action show. You could switch between different characters for different missions and the main quest line would be the main story lines.

>“You are our leader,” Talmanes said right on top of him, in a voice more sober if no less certain. “Until yesterday I have followed men of other lands because I must. You I will follow because I want to. Perhaps you are not a lord in Andor, but here, I say that you are, and I pledge myself your man.

It should be a Sony moviegame directed by Kojimbo with Mads Mikkelsen as Ishamael

talmanes and nalsean were based as fuck

Is this show set in Ulster?

>"Kneel, or you will be knelt."
Next day show is cancelled due to outrage.

did grolm have souls?

werent grolm just like horse/cows from another reality?

they have a third eye

I'd like to see an MMO set after the events of the books. Instead of orcs, elves, humans etc. it would be Aiel, Seanchan, Andoran, Darkfriend, etc. with faction PVP and the PVE end game would be clearing out the remaining shadowspawn and pushing back the blight.

>rp as a warder who aes sedai forces him to clean her soles with his tongue

>"I couldn't get here any faster. I couldn't--"...really pretty much the entire Perrin in Two Rivers stuff
>Dumai's Wells
>every Mat scene if his character isn't butchered
>Awakened Rand wasting thousands of Trollocs like it was nothing

>if it werent for faile being a cunt perrins family might have lived
fuck faile, right in her mongolian asshole

I love the irony that this person is apparently complaining about "killing scenes" when I could only get about 3 paragraphs in to their rant before I couldn't take that awful edginess anymore.

Didn't the whole Blight instantly disappear

Will they keep pillow friends in this adaptation?

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Ah I forgot if that’s the case. I read the earlier books countless times but mostly skimmed the Sanderson ones.