>X-Men not coming "for a long time"
>Instead we're getting shitty diversity movies
Fuck, I'm out of the MCU bros, looks so goddamn boring
X-Men not coming "for a long time"
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They’ well aware of superhero fatigue and are trying to emphasize the novelty in their genres over formula. It’s only two years dude relax
christ this looks like ass even ignoring my dislike for the MCU generally. Maybe they're convinced American soiboys and the bugs will watch anything
>It's only two years
and 10 films
>Implying X-Men won't be just another shitty diversity movie
>implying X-Men isn't the original diversity franchise
>New film almost every month in 2021
Jesus Christ what are they thinking, don't they realise the films will be cannibalising each other's profits at that rate?
this. x-men are basically people with defects or mutations
Fox fucked the franchise so fucking hard with Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix they're probably waiting for masses to forget those
>Wanda Vision
>this is the best Disney can do
They already are doing that though. Endgame Alladin LionKing and Spider Man were all summer movies and stomped all over each other. Endgames realease basically ended Captain Marvels run. And what you see in the OP is JUST the MCU. Disney has a shit load more than that.
I only count 5
11 films in 2 years.
You’re out.
That’s why? Pretty impatient no? How to you know? Also how is this overly diverse?
how is there a thor movie before a guardians 3 movie?
Dude its Marvel, relax. You just know Dr. Doom will be behind the events of Black Widow in the after credits scenes. Then Magneto is in Hawkeye that is how this works.
>Focus on minority characters and females to the point where they are actually using that shitty female thor comic as a movie
>Valkyrie is a lesbian
>Not SJWshit
Very dissapointed in the line up. Like some other user said, it's probably because they want a bit of a break between Endgame and Spiderman, and have the X-Men and fantastic four come back with a punch.
Implying that makes it shitty and that you don’t have personal issues projected onto the basic surface level modern politics of Hollywood.
Those TV logos look so fucking ugly holy shit
>Multiverse of Madness
These are the only ones I'm willing to pay to try. I'm torrenting everything else
Well yes it does make it shitty
They're doing 5 films a year now? Imagine going to the cinema each week to watch the latest episode of a tv show. Because that's what this is getting to be like.
>shitty diversity movies
The X-Men are literally a metaphor for minorities and gays and whatever the issue of the day is, and the team is a multi-ethnic hodgepodge. The X-Men are the premiere diversity team.
You are aware that 5 of those are series for the Disney streaming platform right?
diversity is based
fuck off, literal cancer
>What if is animated
half of those are disney+ tv shows
Disney knows that which is why half of this shit is going on their streaming service. Its not all theatrical movies.
honestly i'm done. for me it was a fun ride that ended with endgame. 'far from home' didn't add anything other than 'hey everyone is back and going on vacation'. the movie i might see is 'what if'.
Strange, Loki and What if have potential to be interesting; I don't know about the rest
You don't want them doing another X-Men movie.
grow up you fucking capenigger
X-Men is literally diversity incarnate though you drooling brainlet.
other than the eternals whats the point of the rest?
I'm just glad Tom Hiddelston is getting a whole series to himself. Best part of the MCU.
This. I hope Loki gets to be a little shit for all 6 episodes.
Also bring back Frigga.
literally only want to watch the next thor because ragnarok was good and it's the same director
Loki, Dr. strange, and What If are the only ones I'm going to see.
Bring Hela back and I'm in