160 minutes runtime. Worth spending money on or should I just wait for a pirated copy?

160 minutes runtime. Worth spending money on or should I just wait for a pirated copy?

Attached: downloadfile-2.png (620x413, 212K)

>leo and brad
it's like its asking to be pirated

Bring a piss jug, user. I never leave home without it.

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It was an amazing cinema experience, can't really put it differently. You'll either love it or be bored by it.

DiCaprio is such a pudgy boi

your time isn't valuable. sit down, watch the 3 hour kino, and enjoy.

no movie is worth spending money on

I liked all Quentin movies except Hateful Eight. What about now?

I would recommend watching it in cinema. I went with my father and it was a really good experience. Take your old man, he will like it.

Yes, go see it.

I went to see this. My first time goingto a theater in years. I loved it. Its perfect for the cinema. The sounds and atmosphere just worked.

Go to the kinocomplex and give Quentin money, faggot

If nothing else it is amazingly shot. Worth seeing on a cinema screen for the cinematography alone.

I liked The Hateful Eight but was bored by Once Upon a Time. If you go in expecting a slower-paced dialogue-heavy film, you should have a fine experience.

it's what makes him cute

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A long movie like this is better enjoyed in the comfort of your sofa at home, just pirate it.


Don't speak in such an absolute. As if YOU know the answer. Very self entitled.

I didn't even know about the Manson Family murders or Sharon Tate until reading about it after seeing the film and I still really enjoyed it

Go in, stay for 20 minutes, get out and go watch The Lion King or Toy Story, get some tendies at the nearest KFC, call a friend, do a cheeky fap in the bathroom... come back for the ending. Truly the patrician experience.

Definitely spend the money, films like this are why theaters exist

It's really good and fun.

Kek and this

Do it for julia butters.

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Watch it in theaters it was really well done. Deserves money and the cure for cape shit.

Leo is daddy