>gives doctor a tip right after birth
>puts shoes in fridge
>uses retarded measurement system
>acts like world police
>gets obese
>gets shot
Gives doctor a tip right after birth
Other urls found in this thread:
It's wearing thin, Eurotrash. At this point, you look pathetic.
>puts shoes in fridge
where the fuck did this come from lol
>be britbong
>live in a northern coastal town
>nothing but whites and chilled people
rule brittania
Your pants should be on the fridge. it kills the smell
>>puts shoes in fridge
Don't know where you got that idea from, but Americans wearing shoes at home will never not be weird.
Why are yuros so angry all of the time? Is it because they can't afford air conditioning?
only in the usa™
Boy, I sure do love television and film!
It's in the rust belt states and not everywhere does it. To combat the hot weather people get insoles with ice packs in them and keep their shoes in a minifridge by the door.
is there a more based cartoonist?
do yuros really not condition their air?
Shart in mart
No, it's literally one baiter.
>gets ran over my truck while being stabbed after acid got thrown in face during a mass immigrant take over
That's not a bad idea.
Based television and film chad. Kill the off-topic posters with fire.
>a..at least we’re not mutts
Man, it must be so fulfilling to base your entire view of a nation on memes, sensationalized media, and cherrypicked examples. Meanwhile, you Eurotrash ARE the worst people on the planet.
you are both right
>says the Eurotrash rape baby
Very few yurohomes can afford air conditioning. It's like garbage disposals or automatic transmissions; a pure pipedream for the average yuropoopen.
the amount of mutt seethe ITT is hilarious
>>gives doctor a tip right after birth
just sharted at the mart and tipped the greeter was based and sneedpilled
Ain't no one thing on planet Earth as insecure as an American.
What's hilarious is that you cannot go into a thread on this site without yet another butthurt Eurotrash faggot trying to insult us. You guys are pathetic, like that guy telling a 10-year old joke everyone already heard and expecting people to look at you as anything but lame and pathetic.
I will admit the euro forms of getting killed are much more kino than the standard US version getting shot
why is everyone obsessed with America?
seething mutt
>Eurotrash USA hate thread #98452395
>ain’t no one thing
Yuropeans went from being the most influential people on the planet to next to completely inconsequential within a few decades. You'd seethe too if it happened to you.
>s-seething, heh
>says the trashy rape baby
My direct line is probably more pure than yours, you dumb fuck.
I was a tourist in USA and why do most people wear cargo shorts and those terrible white chunky sneakers...
>mfw an American was fat near me
>My direct line is probably more pure than yours, you dumb fuck.
Why didn't you just ask someone? Are yuros so terrified of Americans that they can't just ask them a question in person? They have to do it on an anonymous tibetan spear fishing forum?
>how do you do fellow English speakers
Has to have a tv license. Cant move trash in your car. Get arrested for having muscles. Cant afford steak.
That... Actually sounds super comfy.
That and it keeps the odour away.
>opiate junkie
>crime level many times above all of Europe
>56% "white"
>no healthcare
>actually, no real public services at all
>gets taxed to shit anyway
>most of it spent in Israeli wars
>b-but muh guns
>muh Eurotrash
Didn't create the thread, but it's obvious by the amount of replies how thin skinned Americans are.
In my country, people don't just shoot each other
Can they really not afford steak? I'd complain a lot too if I couldn't have steak every day.
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>go to university
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>go to mart
>get shot
>go to hospital
>get shot
>go to a concert
>get shot
>go to garlic festival
>get shot
>go to a bar
>get shot
>go to church
>get shot
>stay at home
>get shot
Is this real?
Is it one of those countries where people have to legally stand at least 40 feet apart at a bus stop?
That's literally untrue. Cursory research disproves it the majority of that. It's really desperate.
We're over 70% white and whites have the highest births by total. You're shooting in the dark using tired, old memes and your ignorance is pretty pathetic. You're swine.
>be fat 40% white amerimutt walking down the street after shopping at walmart
>nigger jumps shoots you and takes your wallet
>police arrive
>you forget to tip them
>they shoot you
>they put a bill on your fat whale-like body for the ammunition wasted on you
>ambulance arrives
>they have to check your health insurance first
>last thing you see before you go to hell for being an american is a mcdonalds sign
What's the difference between an American and a big fat lump of shit?
Nothing lol
Today I placed my Smith & Wesson .357 Mag revolver on the table right next to my front door. I left 6 cartridges beside it, then left it alone and went about my business.
While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor's son across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the "stop" sign near the front of my house.
After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was quietly sitting there, right where I had left it. It had not moved itself outside. It had not killed anyone. Certainly, even with the numerous opportunities it had presented to do that. In fact, it had not even loaded itself.
Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left and the media about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. Either the media is wrong, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.
The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. But if you take out just 5 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., St Louis and New Orleans - the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE WORLD, for murders.
These 5 cities are controlled by Democrats. They also have the toughest gun control laws in the USA.
It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data, right?
Well, I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.
No, it's just that someone decided to respond, since you literally CANNOT GO TO A SINGLE THREAD without you trashy-ass, pathetic Europeans disparaging us.
>Television & Film
How’s that black cock, Sven?
Careful, the thought police might arrest you for hate speech
For every person like OP, there's a million that aren't like him, so you can calm down.
Don't worry, eurofag. We will soon fall to south american goblino socialism and you can claim your moral victory and enjoy being the least destroyed country
>70% white
That includes white latinos and also Arabs you monkey.
>surfing on a gnarly wave of foreign tears
I'm proud to be an American,
Where at least I know I'm free
How the hell are there any of us left to post??
Every spic off the street gets emergency treatment and they have nothing to lose by not paying. Why do you think it's so expensive for people who actually pay?
>associate's degree required, bachelor's degree preferred and required to be competitive in hiring process
>5 years work experience in janitorial services field required
>3 work references required
>must have good people skills
>written application test required
>3 rounds of interviews, following initial phone interview and excluding spoken test
>competing against 15 other applicants
>Pay: minimum wage
What went wrong?
Is this real?
Hmmmm North East?
Yeah like you don’t have any Arabs or Indians you curry eating motherfuckers
There isn't enough murder. Not nearly enough.
Don't forget
>lives in your head rent free
>few can afford air conditioning
bruh. people just don't have it cause it's not needed. if you go to places like the south of france you'll find it in most homes but that's cause it's actually hot there.
>garbage disposal
manufacturers tried to sell it to the european market. nobody bought it because it's fucking stupid
>automatic transmissions
user.... I.....