would it be an awful idea to take my ex to see Once Upon A Time In Hollywood with me? she has some rather boyish tastes but she's also rather anxious and might be easily scared by the grittier scenes. if I don't take her to see this, what else is worth seeing that I could take her to and is currently in theaters in the states?
Would it be an awful idea to take my ex to see Once Upon A Time In Hollywood with me...
>grittier scenes
Not many
If you take her to this movie it will confirm her belief that you hate women.
true enough, but i've also heard that it's rare that girls enjoy this sort of masculine film. i'm skeptical but also unsure
Why do you even talk to your ex?
i'd say see a different movie because it sucks
Why are you going to the movies with your ex? You know that the no singles policy is a joke, right?
Be sure to laugh extra loud when Brad bashed in the hippie's face.
because we're still friends. is every relationship supposed to end on hostile terms?
I'm not afraid to go alone. we make good company for each other, and I think seeing a movie would be a good way to reconcile some since we just started talking again
will do
>because we're still friends
You're a pathetic excuse of a man, kill yourself
lmaoing at your life
You try telling that to the many who have been gunned down by the kino guards for breaking the policy.
> is every relationship supposed to end on hostile terms?
Yes you are correct.
okay lazyposter, master of masculinity, where's the issue with ending a relationship on good terms?
> good way to reconcile some since we just started talking again
Also why weren't talking to each other before? And for how long hadn't you been talking to each other before you started again?
you're a beta libtard soiboy cuck if you don't plan to murder everybody you don't put your peepee inside
>where's the issue with ending a relationship on good terms?
It's pathetic.
Go your separate ways. You're socialising with a woman you used to be allowed to stick your dick inside and now another man sticks his dick inside her. Do you have any self respect at all? The relationship is over, stop hanging around like a cuck. Any self respecting man doesn't have female friends in the first place, women aren't for having fun with, they're for making babies and raising them. Grow the fuck up, you're not 8 years old.
>still hanging around your ex when it's clear you are just the failsafe she's maintaining on the sidelines in case she ends up getting rejected by someone else
Have some fucking self respect mate. You dont have to sperg out and end it violently but literally just tell her you can't talk to her anymore.
>Do you have any self respect at all?
do you think that being friends with someone necessitates bowing before them and kissing their feet? you can be friends with someone while still standing your ground
>and now another man sticks his dick inside her
she's single
>women aren't for having fun with, they're for making babies and raising them
what sort of barren perception is this? next you'll tell me men aren't meant to do anything but fucking, right? have you ever interacted with a female?
>women aren't for having fun with
Ask me how I know you've never really interacted with a decent woman
>inb4 "implying decent women exist"
>single women can't get fucked every single day of the week
>because we're still friends
Pathetic. Kys, pls.
>she must get fucked every single day of the week because... she's a female
Ahahahaha incel, kill yourself
You too m8. When you got a new girl and your ex still wants to be around, that's the greatest thing ever
>would it be an awful idea to take my ex to see
>my ex
grow a pair
op tossed out a whopper hoo boy
>When you got a new girl and your ex still wants to be around, that's the greatest thing ever
why would you want that?
The funniest thing about this thread is all the anons giving advice about women even though I can guarantee they've never even had a gf.
>wanting your ex hanging around you in your new relationship whispering god knows what into your new girl's ear out of jealousy and possessiveness
lmao this nigga bout to learn the hard way
>because we're still friends
white men....fucking yikes.
Relationships end for a reason, and still hanging out regularly and intentionally with your ex means that one of you (you) still have a thing for the other, you are just hurting yourself in the long run user
yeah, I had a gf, and then after we broke up I was a little bitch like OP and you and stayed friends with her, that was the biggest mistake of my life. women only stay friends with their ex-bf to use them and feel better about themselves, I grew a pair and dropped that quickly tho, never again
I was with you until
>Any self respecting man doesn't have female friends in the first place, women aren't for having fun with
Get fucked incel
OP, get fucked too, stop hanging out with your ex
it's bait bud
I made this brainlet move a few years ago. My ex told my new gf like the day we started going out all about how I had told my ex i loved her and shit. Then my new gf had a whole inferiority complex the entire relationship over this one girl I wasn't even interested in anymore. Then the new gf relationship ending up being an even bigger shitshow than the one before.
You will feel foolish soon for not heeding the warnings of those who went before you.
>is every relationship supposed to end on hostile terms?
>just started talking again
No she will not take you back
Yes you will fall in love with her again and she will break your heart
I have, sir. We broke up and I continued orbiting her like a cuck before coming to my senses
OP is just trying to fuck but he's worried he will have to downgrade if he finds anyone else
nice incel bait
>he doesn't have a brother to be his go to kinoplex accompanier
Lol. He'll tag along to anything as I pay and it's worth it to not get hassled by the guards.
I saw it with mom and my brother, good time, she laughed when Brad Pitter smashed the hippi face. My brother was mad at me for not talking to him during the screening when he asked me question or if I recognised such and such reference, I just don't like talking in the cinema and he seems to take it personally
Lot of people here had gf or gfs they are just LARPing as incels and retards.
>Lot of people here had gf or gfs they are just LARPing as incels and retards
No, you are not in good company, fuck off. If you have or have ever had a gf, get the fuck off Yea Forums.
girls are gay
I went on opening nights, the theatre was packed and the few violent scenes everyone was laughing very hard. This isn't a "mean" movie, but an enjoyable one.
perhaps r/incels would be more your style, faggot incel. This is a board for television and film discussion, not about how you are a loser.
>because we're still friends. is every relationship supposed to end on hostile terms?
No, but there is 0 reason to be friends with them. What the hell is that friendship supposed to be about? Her complaining about all the dicks she is getting and you saying: "haha yeah...."?
I had one for a pretty long time. What should i do now?
Fucking based, look at all the sois can't handling this red pill.
Is your ex a man and you a faggot? Cuz there's no such thing as friendship with women.
>ending a relationship
It requires ending the relationship, guy
>This is a board for television and film discussion
Spotted the redditor
Fuck me for getting baited by this shit
Spotted the sexless chinkcel who had never been sucked or fucked
So how many of you actually had a gf, if you had more than one then how many?
Fuck off c umbrain
I have had only 2 real gfs, but in total had sex with 5 women before turning incel 2 years ago.
How old were you when you became incel?
19-20, I couldn't get another girl after high school
Do you ever wonder how much dick she's been taking in your absence?
Protip: not enough, and she probably just came out of a failed relationship
I watched it with my mother Thursday night and she liked it.
I watched it with mine today and she hated it except for the ending
Why do you watch films in cinema with your mother?
you cuckold normies get off my board!
I know 5 women who have seen it and they all thought it was garbage. They literally didn't understand the meta themes of art being transformative the creator as much as the viewer and the struggle for their identity after their work.
>the meta themes of art being transformative the creator as much as the viewer and the struggle for their identity after their work
It's literally a movie about people who make movies and how they fit into the society they cater to with their work, their struggles to survive in their own world as well as their place in society.
One of the first things all the women said to me was 'there wasn't as much violence as his other movies it was kind of boring'. All I could think of was Al Pacino gushing like a retard to Leo about how "I loved the bits with the shooting!! Brr-brr-brr".
This movie was Tarantino saying that whatever he made before, that's not who he is now. He can still do it if he really wants to, just like Brad Pitt's character can still work in Hollywood - as Leo's driver, Leo's character can still act if he wants to - if he's content to play the villain who always loses, or works abroad on smaller projects. Ultimately though, those guys aren't the ones who signified the end of an era though. In real life they didn't become heroes of a home invasion by manian cult killers, the real Hollywood middle-class they represented are largely forgotten today, except by people of the age and cultural upbringing like Quentin's.
I took my girlfriend, she didn't like it, but we still had sex afterwards. It is three hours long though, she might not have the patience for it.