‘Mindhunter’ Review: Season 2 Is a Magnum Opus on White Guilt
>In a powerful new season, David Fincher's Netflix drama studies the tragic consequences of an ignorant white patriarchy.
>Or, in a nutshell, “Mindhunter” Season 2 is about how white cops’ racial blindspots legitimized racial profiling on a national level. And, despite seeing another story of black tragedy told from a white perspective, it’s very, very good.
>Meanwhile, Tench still enjoys the fruits of his privilege. As a white authority figure and a good ol’ boy who knows how to get along with people, he’s the life of every party; he’s invited to a retreat to help his boss show off, and he’s never short of someone ready to buy him a drink.
Do you agree with this review of Mindhunter?
White apologists need to get fucking lynched.
Racism is worse then murder and rape because not all serial killers and serial rapists are racist but all inbred cumskin crackers are.
i haven't watched this season, do they portray Wayne Williams as wrongly convicted?
fucking millennials ruining tv and film reviewing (no big loss, but still).
i'm liberal, but i hate how everyone is tripping over themselves trying to have the hottest take or to out-"woke" the next guy and ignoring how well things are produced and stories told
I'm surprised they found something positive to say, imho darkies came out looking pretty bad this season. Whites had to solve all their problems for them again.
>When you are looking for clickbait in your echo chamber.
It’s the opposite really, the niggers shut it down as soon as they said it was a nigger and the blatant racism against the whites is at the fore front of the show. The show goes a long way showing how a “chimp out” starts and the historical nature of the negro is put on show for all to see. Maybe if everyone listened to the white man that knew almost 30 of their kids would have been raped and killed by a retardant fuck.
>b-b-but Netflix shows aren’t cucked garbage
Yeah, you redditors need to bounce
I loved this show. But once again they are pushing the racial card. Is this world insane? I’m on episode three and I see where this is going.
Can someone just tell me how they portrayed Williams? Is he a good boy?
Nice bait. Have sex.
I love how you can read the first few sentences of something and know everything else that follows will be brainless shit.
As long as you watch, they make money so they'll continue to spit in your face while you pay for the privilege.
Lmao nigger, I pirate the shit out of it
>Can someone just tell me how they portrayed Williams? Is he a good boy?
I don't read reviews by mentally ill culture warriors who obsess over politics like teenagers.
>murderer of at least 11 children portrayed as a "good boy"
let me guess, you think Kemper came off as a model citizen in this show, don't you?
>everything must be reduced to gender, race and sexuality
>no deviation can be permitted
>we must keep bashing dead white males and the live ones too
Are you dumb? I said how there is a realistic possibility for Netflix to portray a nigger as the victim even tho he killed children. Because hey, CRAKAS DID US BAD CAUZE WE BLACK DAWG SHIIIEET
>the tragic consequences of an ignorant white patriarchy.
>catch the guy
This is our present and future bro. But hey, at least we don’t speak German!
Well, it has white people in it, so Yea Forums likes it. But SJWs have found out the white people in it aren't perfect, so it must actually be bashing whites.
Fincher appeals to all bases my god how does the man do it such vision
I'm in S2 EP4 right now. It gets better or it's just SJW bullshit? I know the racial bait and that shit but my only interest it's in the killers.
I’m afraid you’re seeing something that just isn’t there. Fincher is one of (((them))). Of course he’ll push the narrative.
This show is just boneless Hannibal
Shit season
First one was better
I don't recall Hannibal being a fan of bones.
>SJW bullshit
watch the show, retard. all the black politicians interfere with the investigation and keep it low-profile so it doesn't paint the then fast-growing city of Atlanta in a bad light
you fucking /pol/ snowflakes suddenly start crying the moment white characters aren't shown as entirely goof and non-whites aren't shown entirely bad. have sex.
Why are you so defensive of negros, seriously, I’m interested why are modern, spineless white men so self hating and pro negro? You do know if you was to go inner city, you’d get killed or robbed and beaten at best? What drives that self loathing of yours?
why do you twist everything you see to fit into some wide-ranging race based conspiracy? get a fucking life m8
And you should stop your white guilt, guy. Having sex might help.
what will happen in the next season?
will they timejump it? the kid is probably going to become a serial killer right, and BTK will be the big bad
Funny I'm 4 episodes in and I see it as a story of racism & political opportunism from both sides fucking up crime investigation.
if they time jump it, i don't see them going beyond the late 80s. it would age the characters too much
tench will be investigating btk but he's going to haunt him because he can't catch him.
Why are you millennials so obsessed with race?
Has anyone noticed how shit and visible the makeup is on all the actors this season? I don’t it should be visible
What is up with this fucking plot line about Bills son being some kind of serial killer in the making
It’s so stupid and over the top, makes zero sense too as Bill is supposed to be based off Robbert kessler
If it doesn't get cancelled I could see it going to 1991, that's only ten years from season 2. It's not too much of a stretch. 91 is the year Dahmer got caught.
white guilt
Gotta throw something in to hook people and have creepy background music.
>I'm liberal
Every one of you on Yea Forums has white guilt? Threads on here don't get replies anymore unless it's derailed into race.
>5 seasons planned
what are some other notorious serial killers that they can explore?
i mean who*
i guess its the same reason they made the woman a lesbian
Sam Hyde
>everything is about race
Why are they so obsessed?
Why are Americans obsessed with race. Most American people with a wiki page generally start off as "he is 1/10th German, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Japanese, 1/4 African and 1/4 of Ashkenazi Jewish decent".
Friendly reminder that they put an innocent man behind bars and the real killer('s) got away with it.
Every time they try to prove his innocence with any forensic test they incriminate him more and more. Matching fibres from his carpet and clothes on bodies, matching pet dog hair, matching skin sample. He's guilty as fuck, with a confirmed fake alibi, and caught with handing out flyers asking for teenagers to manage so he can make them into singers.
honest question now, after the arrest of wayne williams there were other deaths who fitted the profile? if not, whats the excuse
What about the reports about all the pedo houses and weird voodoo shit.
>if not, whats the excuse
The clan called off their operation as it had been a complete success.
The deaths stopped.
Alright, I'm not reading the thread since I haven't watched season 2 yet. Only ep 1. However, I have a question:
Does the mc (forgot his name) get over his panic attacks? Or does he get fucked by them.
I enjoyed season 1 but this panic attack trope is so fucking cringy I really can't bear to watch the rest of the season if he doesn't get his shit together. It is just to painful to watch.
Yes, it's basically forgotten about after the first couple of episodes. It's only mentioned a few times.
thank god, I will keep watching then
>More than one pedo lives in Atlanta at the same time.
Damn who would have thought
Half. That they were right to convict him, had the evidence, but niggers were mad because another nigger committed a crime so Holden feels bad.
why the fuck should he feel bad? they unironically want more deaths if it means a white guys takes the blame? what the fuck they want?
That's actually not what apologist means. If you use it like that people are going to get confused. It seems like it SHOULD mean that, but it doesn't
That Charles Manson scene was awful, it was literally “your not so different you and I” joker-tier writing
What a fucking waste they could of just ripped off the interviews like they did with Ed
I had a thought when Holden talked about putting up the crosses to help catch the killer, but all that mean black bitch would say was, nah think of the mothers, think about us.
What about the future mothers of kids that the guy would go on to kill. She couldn't give a fuck about catching the guy in that scene. They just wanted to wallow in self pity.
they only tied him with the two adult murders only because of the evidence they have. it was also implied that some cover up was going on with in the APD and that the killer of most of those children is still at large.
I grew up in Atlanta, one of my uncles was a kid when this was all happening. Said that there were abandoned houses that would be used as a studio to take pictures and film kiddie porn. All the black kids looking to make a quick buck would go to these places and have sex with pedos and make money off of making kiddy porn.
In 2007, the FBI performed DNA tests on two human hairs found on one of the victims. The mitochondrial DNA sequence in the hairs would eliminate 98% of African American persons by not matching their DNA. It matched with Williams.
The hairs on the bodies contained the same mitochondrial DNA sequence as Williams' dog, and that the DNA sequence occurs in only about 1 out of 100 dogs
There is tons and tons of evidence that points to Wayne killing children, just nothing completely 100% concrete. But the 99% likelihood that it was him is good enough for me.
What would a /pol/ack know about having sex lol
Yeah, I think I'm going to skip Season 2.
The acting was still top notch
Why does Fincher love piss colored gels so much?
holden firmly believed that it was indeed wayne williams but the black community believed it had to be the kkk and think the fbi used williams as a scapegoat to put an to the dark hanging cloud of the atlanta child murders behind them so atlanta would be more profitable for business..
Heil Hitler, faggot.
what you reckon happened? just a porn gone bad sort of situation or is there really a serial killer killing those kids?
I'm curious. There's no denying the dog but do DNA also return data of how old the hair was? Because the police would want to save face on this one and might have used a recently acquired hair from williams for the test
Next season should be about Based Dahmer
anna torv isn't hot to me anymore and I would have crawled on glass 8 years ago to sniff her asshole
That’d be quite a time skip, retard
But she did agree on the crosses plan, it failed because of beaurocracy, just like every other plan they had.
Who gives a shit you fucking faggot?
Her face looked busted as fuck when she was in the girlfriends apartment
>White apologists
>this is the average Yea Forums user
I don't know, but I REALLY wish it would end.
His German Shepherds hair was found on multiple victims. It was DNA tested recently and of course it matched. The desire for the KKK to be killing children is still burning in a lot of people to this day
What role did the dyke play other than checking a few diversity checkboxes?
what? he's not jewish and if anything how this show is structured would probably piss off sjws
Funny how the murders stopped when they jailed Williams.
Did anyone else want to take a baseball bat to Tanya's skull at the end of the season?
>FBI man pleeeessse help someone is killing our kids
>wait when I asked for you to solve the crime I didn't mean for you to find out it was s black possibly gay pedo serial killer how dare you not automatically assume it wasnt whitey cracker honkey muthafucka KKK
She related well to all the gay serial killers. There are 2 already this season and I'm on episode 5. Homosexuals appear to be way over represented in serial killing desu
I did notice that actually, sticks out really bad.
How DID Fincher get away with making this show again?
I enjoyed the Atlanata plot, was a bit of a let in the end. Putting Mason was compeltely pointless. Dyke drama was boring. Holden should have fucked the black girl.
there's no more interviews
They are obviously going to come back to Manson and the Family in season 3.
So it's a season of pic related then it's filled with non-whites REEING that one of their own was preying on their own people?
who else?
What is the sign even supposed to mean? That’s extremely vague.
dahmer or aileen wournos but that might be too far in the future. candyman texas serial killer?
>Holden should have fucked the black girl.
netflix doesn't want another fagmount controversy
Choosing to view every piece of media through the social justice lens. No different from people shouting down movies for having "diverse" casts.
How someone like this gets paid to write their opinions is a crime against evolution.
I honestly don't know. It's very bizarre to me, the whole thing makes me think they don't see how strange they are and how oddly they come off to white people.
Man, I wish this got quints, the shitstorm would have been hilarious.
Just the sheer ignorance that maybe, just maybe, the fucking FBI agent that she asked for help has access to more facts and information then he's able to tell her in the 3 seconds of speaking time she gave him is astounding.
>'how did you figure it out?'
>'well he fit the profile, and...'
OMG SO MUCH THIS!*clap*!*clap*!
Your clapback is fireeeee, keep putting those nazis in check and fighting the good fight sir madam!
Hillary 2020!
As a POC myself i appreciate you speaking for us
So besides the fact that Holden's actor is homosexual IRL and their lady assistant is a lesbian in the show, this show is based due to predominately being filled with white, mostly male, highly successful people who BTFO of degenerates and non-whites who can't be bothered to police their own communities... is Fincher /ourguy/?
>Show features BTK
>Dahmer would be a time skip
Where the fuck did Karen go? She obviously up and left like the flaky cunt that she is, but where? Where is Brian? Did she take him or just drop him somewhere? I'm scared for him because she was becoming increasingly detached, with those comments about 'not from my body'.
Karen? Who tf is that? I thought Bill's wife is named Nancy
implying they know a Yea Forums maymay
Given that it shows up in literally every shill thread, someone there is aware of it
So there's super juicy KINO drama revolving around Brian this season? I know while this is based off of IRL investigators the characters in this aren't that realistic and I don't mind - I LOVE stories about watching a monster getting made.
So Bill can only helplessly watch as his boy gets darker and darker and becomes more and more like the evil men he interviews?
>shill thread
I'm 90% sure film/television related people lurk here to shill and get a sense of what consumers think about specific things.
>Can someone just tell me how they portrayed Williams? Is he a good boy?
he's portrayed as a sociopathic narcissist with delusions of grandeur who outplayed the cops and FBI at every turn. He bared no ill will to the police or FBI because he knew the situation and just thought they were doing their job. All they had on him was piling circumstantial evidence that they weren't able to risk trying him on until his attempt to flee the country was discovered so they did a rush job and got him convicted of only 2 of the 28 murders
So why do they make content that Yea Forums doesn't like?
Americans should be banned from this website.
Controversy seems to make companies a lot of money.
>"You know what I call a child talent scout who makes no music and no money, wayne? A fucking pedophile"
Fucking amazing line.
>how white cops’ racial blindspots legitimized racial profiling on a national level.
>racial blindspots
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Worked with Basedlo, ain't it?
I wish they let him go so he’d kill more niggers
>Controversy seems to make companies a lot of money.
It's a numbers game. Controversy generates anger which generates attack articles and angry tweets, which makes people who wouldn't ordinarily notice interested and want to take a look.
Controversy = free advertising because millenials can't help but put their views on blast, then other millenials go to see for themselves
I liked this season but it was a little slow, and the lesbian plotline went nowhere and was completely unnecessary.
I wanted more of BTK.
>When a demographic that's not even 15% of the population literally commits 50% of the homicides in this nation.
99% of all violence and rape is committed by men worldwide. Then when you select for race within that half of the population it tells a not very nice story.
Why are second seasons always shit? Daredevil S2 was shit, True Detective S2 was shit
I don't even know what that is user.
I mean that review is literally the exact opposite of what happened, it was the white cops' racial consciousness and strategy that got them the win. All the blacks assumed it was a racict white guy or the klan
Anna Torv dresses really nicely in my opinion
Barry season 2 is very good and it matches or even exceeds season 1, I recommend it. Dexter had four (maybe 5) decent seasons as well, its second season was pretty good.
stop fiddling statistics you racist
They talked about him this season and interviewed the guy who killed him
yes she does, that being said her post coitus after the best sex she ever had look was also really nice
I guess the BTK snippets are there just to make you feel him "around" but just out of sight to simulate how haunted Tench eventually feels by him
Fargo S2 was the best season of tv the past 10 years
based wardrobe user
Women commit a lot more domestic and sexual abuse then you seem to think. It tends to be on children.
Isn't that the FBI job? Their salary is paid with taxes so they're a public service
wew I really have to get around to seeing this season then
Why do people act like all the 13% of blacks do the 50% crime? But if you hate blacks so much why don't you ever do anything about them?
Have they done The Toolbox Killers, yet?
M8 I promise you men are behind the vast, vast majority of violence and sexual misbehavior worldwide. I just don't delude myself and am cognizant that out of all male racial groups white men and perhaps east asian men are by far the least violent/oppressive/etc by FAR
I said 50% of homicide in this nation, meaning the USA. Learn to be literate.
Wrong use of the word 'apologist'.
Shut the fuck up. No one cares. Only a faggot says shit like "I'm a liberal" when trying to make a point on 4channel
Yeah that what i was talking about. Not all the 13% of blacks make those crimes.
What's the apostrophe for, retard? That's not how words are pluralized.
>When you think BTK is just being autistic about the paper caught in the copier but it turns out there is a very legit reason for him to be sperging out
Next series confirmed for UK serial killer.
Get ready for some Hindley kino
So let's halve 13% since it's almost always men behind violence. So roughly black men are a mere 7.5% of the USA population.
Which means that a tiny group (7.5% of the population, black men) commit HALF (50%) of the overall homicide rate. That is WILDLY over-represented to the point where it would be completely reasonable for anyone to assume black men are incredibly dangerous to be around.
Even if Jamal will never be violent when Tyrell, Tyrone, Devonke, Chiron, etc. etc. are all violent it's a very smart thing to do to assume one ought to be on their toes around black males and be safety conscious.
I quit this garbage 2 episodes in. The first season was ok but I just can't excuse the shit acting, the lack of anything tense or creepy going on and the SHIT fucking stilted dialogue this season. It's not even the niggers, this show just fucking sucks. It's boring.
Retarded liberal reviewers could find a message about white guilt in Care Bears.
The piece of paper that gets shown for quick second is the BTK logo we see during the Son of Sam interview.
Why does everyone think Brian is for sure autistic? Bill's wife said in season 1 that he had been living with them for 3 years and was 6 at the time. She also said before that he was in an orphanage for 13 months IIRC but before the orphanage they have no idea what his life was like or where he lived. Brian could very well be showing signs of having RAD (reactive attachment disorder) along with selective mutism.
A lot of serial killers seem to have had RAD themselves.
oh Dennis
The klan had a devious plan to stop the killings once he got arrested. It's the only thing that makes sense.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Bill just knew Brian was like the people he interviewed. That really long scene of him just watching Brian leave school has him with the same eyes he gives to the killers he talks to.
How does shit like this leaving the editors desk? How the fuck can someone miss the point of a show so badly? I mean correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the entire point of this season that racial conflict and political nonsense/procedure hindered Holdens ability to save more children.
Yea Forums, I've only had the honor of posting here for three years. But in that time you went out on a limb and championed bold, new ideas. Our little unit thanks you
Are you legit that slow?
Imagine rearing a monster or watching one blossom.
This season was trash. Instead of telling a story they chose to make a political statement. Trash.
well... doesn't the events of S2 thus prove that point even moreso then?
Let's have a big round of applause for our resident fagmounter, we couldn't have down it without you!
It was an awful season, it was like they couldn't decide between mindhunter season 2 and another black advocacy series and instead they made this abomination.
was that not it?
Did you forget that the locals in the church said they made the local politicians black and still get no results? The true implication here is the reality that once a nigger gets any form of power they no longer care about their own or anyone else and only worry about themselves, their career and their money like the obviously corrupt mayor. Blacks are their own worst enemies like that uppity hotel clerk who couldn't comprehend what a profile was.
season 1 didnt have much of a story, it was mostly just a series of interviews or Holden's gf problems
Was the statement that the blacks in the show did not trust anyone that could actually help them while one of their own killed them? Barney is the only competent black in the show.
>be nigger
>praise hustlers and criminals
>get mad when you get hustled in to a grave
stupid niggers
This show is fucking pointless. You're better off reading Wikipedia articles on serial killers.
The affect the cases has on their personal lives was interesting in the first season and forgotten about in 2 until they punch you in the face with it like the lame ass obvious shit with the wife this season. The implications of the criminals being so bad that being in their presence will ruin you in some ways was a good exploration of the psyche. This season it was all obvious lazy shit that just drove home "white men suck and are freaks!".
We all know the number one enemy of black people are themselves and their ignorance...
>tfw blacks are only successful when they imitate whites or Japanese (and act like huge weebs such as Ghost Dog)
honestly not a nice feeling, basic reality has been a bit depressing/disappointing desu
hey dipshit Americans: just because a show has black people in it doesn't mean it's about black people. all you dumbass fags think about is food, race, and guns. what a joke of a country.
>their ignorance
More like their genetics to be depressingly frank about it.
Oh no you said the truth!
It's honestly really fucking depressing and dismaying. It's not me saying that with glee and malice. Reality is not nice often. If it was just their socialization, their communities and their ignorance - well it could be fixed one day. I honestly don't think that's the case which of course is going to depress and infuriate a lot of people.
>unironically being "race realist"
yikes. literally broscience for insecure whites