Which scenes are you look forward to in the Wheel of Time show

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For me it’s when Nynaeve goes to the borderland and convinces everyone to follow Lan so he can’t suicide.

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>Perrin and Elyas play basketball
>Elyas dunks on Perrin
>Egwene is awed
>Elyas dunks on Perrin again

>“Hopper, how are you here? I saw you die. I felt you die!”
>All are here. All brothers and sisters that are, all that were, all that will be. Perrin knew that wolves did not smile, not the way humans did, but for an instant he had the impression that Hopper was grinning. Here, I soar like the eagle. The wolf gathered himself and leaped, up into the air. Up and up it carried him, until he dwindled to a speck in the sky, and a last thought came. To soar.

I read this entire fucking series as a kid and don't remember anything other than Rand's name being "Rand". What the fuck? Am I the only one?

Mat climbing the Stone and getting jacked by Aiel who are then surprised by Juilin

Dumai Wells of course, Rand on the mountain, Ogier Gardeners, and Matt from book 3 on.

The scene where the female lead character meets the big black bull

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>Ogier Gardeners
Seeing full-on badass Ogier was delightful. Loial putting a long handle on his axe when Perrin returned to the Two Rivers was also enjoyable.

Your book will never have illustrations that good.

I'm not looking forward to any of this. Do you really think the people behind this show aren't going to just woke the living hell out of the story? Casting already proved it. The showruner is a feminist, has already said he is going to rewrite characters he doesn't like and add lgbtq shit into it.

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Mat getting hung in the foggy garden of old artifacts

Logain, Zaida, and Cemeille's encounter

Rand telling Cadsuane to fuck off because he can stop her heart just by being Ta'veren.

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Im looking forward to all of my favorite characters, now half of which are inexplicably dark skinned and different ethnicities, talking about present day politics and telling me why trump policies are racist

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.

>dumais well battle
>rand breaking out of the box and stilling those aes sedai
>nyneave healing logain
>rand telling the 3 girls he loves them, nyneave going red in the face and lan 'studying' his pipe intently
>2 fades fighting each other in the stone of tear
>padan fain having a fade chained to the ground and torturing it
>everything band of the red hand
>cadsuane telling the aiel wise women she dosent give 2 figs about the car'a'carn, its the dragon reborn shes concerned with
>perrin taking out the lanfear trash
>"they have caged shadowkiller" "we come, brother"
>everything hopper
>that aiel who gets sentenced to death, and says tell me the time and place and ill be there
>rand reuniting with tam towards the end
>mazrim taim telling the aes sedai to kneel to the dragon reborn or be knelt
>black tower shenanigans
so many good things

In one age, called the second term by some, an age yet to come, an age long past, a REEE rose from the lips of Yea Forums, this REEE was not the beginning, there are neither beginnings nor ending to the turning of the wheel of time, but it was a beginning.

Matt dancing in a fountain singing Dance with Jak o the shadows after kicking the rebels ass and sleeping with aiel maidens.

This is beautiful artwork. Shame it wasn't adapted before 2012. Now it's impossible to make an adaptation without adding niggers.

mat going toe to toe with a myrdraal with that cool sword staff thing

basically anything with mat in it, after he's healed of the daggers influence

Winter Dragon was pure.

but wheel of time already had lots of them. i just wish they would have waited for the appropriate books and used black people as the black people in the story

>Mat splashes Whitecloaks with mud
>Rand laughs at them and says "Accidents happen"
>they notice his heron-mark blade

>he is going to rewrite characters he doesn't like and add lgbtq shit into it
I honestly can't fathom the sheer level of arrogance and disrespect involved in not only doing this, but proudly announcing publicly that you are are doing it. If he holds the material and the author in such contempt that he would make huge changes just to suit his own petty political beliefs, how did he get put in charge in the first place? Normally you have to demonstrate some level of reverence for the source material to get in that position e.g. Jackson with LotR or that nerd in charge of Marvel. This whole situation doesn't add up. I wonder if it's some kind of money laundering front or tax write off scheme or something along those lines.

>toys with Rand and is disappointed in his apparent lack of skill
>goes in for the kill
>gets destroyed
>all of his servants commit suicide
did anyone get owned harder than turak?

I had literally never heard of this "Series" ever. Is Wheel Of Time big? Like wtf.

>how did he get put in charge in the first place?
Harriet chose him.

>Dumai Wells
I'm calling it now, if the show ever gets to that point before it's cancelled (it won't) they will change it from problematic Asha'men saving Rand to Wise Ones or Aes Sedai led by Egwene abo'Vere or some sheeit.

They race-swapped the main cast and cast a tall woman as Moraine, which inevitably means they will interfere with the book's entire story on grounds of spurious, meaningless reasons where the writers inject their own ideas into the script, which are also shit.

Every adaptation that does this is the exact same. Nobody in charge cares about attention to detail or worldbuilding and this creates an environment where every technical aspect of production also has no quality assurance. This affects not just writing but also costume and set design, or even basic stuff like lightning or camerawork, all the best scenes translated to the screen in the most rote, uninspired ways.

Every scene you're looking forward to will not happen, or will happen without the appropriate set-up, be changed for no reason, or the writers will straight up not realise how important or meaningful the scenes are and they get delivered in an odd, unsatisfying way that leaves a bad taste.

Alternatively they'll change shit that does matter (like the appearance of characters in an already quite diverse, multicultural world) yet inexplicably keep all the baggage that even the most avid fans of Robert Jordan understand need to be left out of an adaptation. Yes, a good adaptation will require many changes but from the casting decisions it's already clear there is nobody in charge of the project that can be trusted to make them.

I can't fathom why anybody is excited for these shows, they literally broadcast themselves as stinkers out the gate.

For me it's the book where Mat waits in a field for his bride for 900 pages and then doesn't like her when he sees her.

>you see Rand we're not like the other Two Rivers folk
>that's why we always lived apart from them on the farm
>you think they're your friends Rand but watch your back
>an Aybara did your mother in and those Cauthon fellows are all jews
>take my sword boy, you'll need it
>you're not like them and they know it
>we're not like them

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Perrin and Egwene eating fried chicken while the tinker girls twerk

But this is a good thing because it's poisoning the well of social "justice". Now people associate a brown cast with low quality and people will demand more white stars in their entertainment. An all white cast is still the best sign of high quality.

user, you're dead and this is Hell. You might as well just enjoy the shitshow.

>when that shinarian lord reveals he is a dark friend
>talks about redeeming himself
>holds off 50 seanchan in the alley while the boys escape
>perrins asks where lord ingtar is "hes dying"
based lord ingtar redemption

w*men ruin everything

So let's say this adaptation gets popular and makes it to the final book. How will Sharans be portrayed? Graendal uses them as sofas. They walk around on all fours and can't into language.

no the normies will love it. you're forgetting GOT only became unpopular when it started shitting on Danny. a fantasy series where women are powerful and have magic is going to be catnip to them

It's not good though.

It's already proven with cast-iron evidence that good, appropriate casting and faithful adaptations will print money. Harry Potter, LoTR, Game of Thrones, even Twilight or Hunger Games - they sell and make money because they are faithful to their source material to a great extent. Every shitty franchise that failed almost always did so because the movie adaptation changed too much shit from the original, the formula is literally right there in dollar signs - make a good adaptation and you sell more stuff. Even Marvel, for the most part, is waiting a long time before it starts recasting its most iconic heroes.

Hollywood and Netflix literally have the data and despite capitalism they are still pushing woke bullshit into shows. Everyone already knows that diversity sells less, they KNOW that they need money from Chinese audiences who are pretty racist, and yet they still do it. They have no financial gain from it, and it still happens.

The thing is I can still watch good shows with european characters in european settings, they do exist - the problem is they're fucking Attack On Titan and Vinland Saga. I shouldn't need to watch a japanese anime to get a better representation of my own culture than my own country makes, it's absolutely bizarre.

white blonde people with Demandred being Idris Elba

But that's why it's good. We know Netflix is going out of business. They won't survive another 5 years. Once they lose the Disney catalog and The Office all they have left is their low quality diverse garbage no one watches. This is teaching them an important lesson. Literally no one wants this shit. Doesn't matter what your skin colors is, no one wants to see this trash.

This is seriously brainlet

only to be replaced by amazon, which doesn't need its media wing to pull a profit.

Perhaps i'm just being a doomsayer, but it's not only Netflix pulling they're shit. There's cartel-level collusion of this level going on where everyone agrees to all lose money just to shove diversity into things.

Honestly though the problem is the fact that there's no standards at all within the management of the creative industry, since they're incestuous in how they hire and promote people. Writers with literal 0 relevant expertise get massive, culturally important projects they don't deserve with no resume that supports the content they're making, and get paid for it. When they fail, they fail upwards because art is subjective or whatever excuse to hire their friends.

The problem is more the modern approach to art and culture where nobody has any standards or scrutiny. If there was, even the most woke director or writer would have the integrity to place the sanctity of the adaptation over external politics. As much as D&D are hacks who can't survive without GRRM's source material, they did a good job in the beginning but I can't believe it took less than 8 years for adaptations to be completely ruined. All The Witcher and Wheel of Time needed for a good adaptation was to be made 8 years ago.

Honestly that whole section might be my favourite part of the series. Certainly my favourite bit of world building/backstory.

That's a must for me in the show, they have to get that whole section right.

>looking forward to some shitstain Netflix adaptation
LMAO. are you a viral marketer or something? fuck off

Well they're all failing. So in the long run this is backfiring. it's going to have the exact opposite effect. So really all they're doing is spending their own capital and losing their own power to help the opposition. Let them continue to make these mistakes. They're only destroying themselves and turning the world against them. This isn't a short term struggle. This is a century long battle that they are losing.

Why dont you post the real nynaeve, not this whitewashed one.


that time nyenaeve tugs her braid

>Rand: So you're saying i'm not from the Two Rivers and Tam's not my father?
>Amyrlin Seat: Nigga you white
loved that scene in The Dragon Reborn

Personally I preferred the scene where the Red Ajah walks in and triumphant, victorious music plays as the saviours we deserve enter stage.

Regarding that image, he was "not our Perrin" the moment he hooked (heh) up with Faile. Ever since then, his POV chapters went from supreme wolfbro to shitshow.

WoT rights have been in play for decades. There was supposed to be a miniseries on NBC. Market wasn't there until GoT took off. The fanbase of GoT (not aSoIaF) is what's propelling the fantasy market.

The Wheel of Sneed

Nothing since Amazon decided casting niggers and getting rid of Rand's "problematic" Harem and telling their own story is more important than telling Robert Jordan's story.

Perrin poisoning the water supply with forkroot was pretty good

sanderson gave him some kino anime fights. also the "its just a weave Egwene"

There were a few decent scenes with him like forging the magic hammer, crushing the golden goblet, Lords turning up to meet with him and he is working in the smithy, facing the children of light.

It was a fairly popular series at a time when the Internet was getting big so it had one of the original online geek communities with tons of message boards and people making fan art which was all new and exciting at the time. It was also, despite the young adult level of writing, a significant improvement in quality over the LotR knockoffs and Dungeon and Dragons books of the era.

It's basically unfilmable though with all the epic fantasy aspects and the only reason they're making this low budget cash grab is because of Game of Thrones' success.

when Nynaeve tugs on her braid

>getting rid of Rand's "problematic" Harem

I've heard about the casting, but what's that about getting rid of his foursome?

>the young adult level of writing
It's better than Joyce or Heller.

*fivesome (including Moridin)

you'd have to read Rafe Judkins (one of the show writers) twitter, but in essence he wants to inject more LGBTQ into the story, and do away with problematic misogynistic things like Rand having a harem.

The sex scenes with teenage tomboy Min will be replaced by blacked shit or Min will be a dyke or even a tranny. It will literally be a black mtf fucking a s.oyboy mtf and they are both lesbians.
Wheel Of Woke

the cuck show writer said it was problematic and they'll be banging other men on the side

*sixsome Lews Therin

Is Birgitte in there? Do proxies count?


Damn, I wish Jordan's ex-wife had the balls to do what the Tolkien-estate did, but I guess she's desperate to get it done any way possible, after the idiotic rightholding issues for the adaption got cleared.

>Making a TV series from a beloved work of fiction just so they can cast it with brown people

It's all so tiresome

yeah but she doesn't get Lews or Moridin.
also *sevensome we all forgot Alanna

that scene when that one missing forsaken for 20 books suddenly turns up with an army but dies in 5 minutes because mat opens gates in front of the cannons and then in front of the enemy army

>the Chain of Dogs
>the siege of Capustan
>T'Lan Imass gathering

Did anyone else get the impression that Jordan had a stroke or got hooked on drugs halfway through the series? Starting in book 7 the writing structure was nothing like 1-6 and none of the new characters were interesting.

She was Tor's top editor before she married him.

it makes me so mad. Their job is to adapt Robert Jordan's story, not tell their own.
All I wanted was an accurate adaptation something with no current day politics just pure "this is what's in the book"
I feel there is plenty of Feminism and gender balance in the books and in fact it's a key theme of the books. the books start out Matriarchal, but Rand then takes the reigns so it balances out but he still needs powerful women to do it. In fact it's a core theme that men and women NEED each other or everything is doomed to fail. Men are more singularly powerful, women can link, Women can link, but the best links extend the circle by including men. The most powerful Sa'angreal requires both a man and a woman simultaneously, and the 2nd most powerful can only be safely used by a man linked with a woman, preferably 2.
I also feel like there's enough racial diversity in the books that you don't have to miscast people to inject more.

Demandred had hints about him thrown throughout the series and died after 3 1-on-1 duels, Moghedien gets cannoned and collared

Seven was denouement to six. I liked it. Eight was the one where Mat wasn't around and involved the Bowl of the Winds (the second-worst subplot behind Faile-rescue). Nine was underrated. Ten was reaction face: the novel. Eleven was a return to form. The rest aren't canon.

>>the Chain of Dogs
based malazan bro

>Urko smashing skulls on the front line
>Death and Dessembrae paying respect to
Ullen Khadeve
>Mappo Runt trying to save Icarium who then doesn't remember him.

why did /wot/ trick me into reading locke lamora

>nyneave going red in the face
I don't think this is possible any more.

Fantasy is a faggy genre

Did you fall for the Kingkiller Chronicles meme? If not, you're safe. Locke Lamora is only average. KKC is pure SJW garbage.

>that one scene where Rand lives through half a dozen alternate realities
>Mat dabbing on snakes and foxes
>the Moghedian fight
>the Aeil waste book
Cannot wait. I don’t give a shit about racechanging as long as they deliver me my kino.

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Yes. I found the first one really amusing, I admit it.

I want to see the sappers do their stuff, blowing all kinds of shit skyhigh.

Sadly, given the political climate in Hollywood, I don't see any chance of the Malazan books ever get adapted, even if there was unlimited budget available. Early Karsa alone would probably give screen writers a stroke.

>>the Moghedien fight
>two women stare at one another for the entire episode

>tugs braids individually
>sucks teeth
>you all right Malkieri boy

All the scenes in Shadar Logoth. They can be the obligatory horror episodes.

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>I win again, Lews Therin

Will Lan be happy with recast Nynaeve?

>I would split you in two

Based big dick Karsa.

>it's a Lan hurls Moiraine into a pond episode
is this problematic?

>>that one scene where Rand lives through half a dozen alternate realities

And we end up watching the alternate reality where all main characters are racebent and everything reflects the social sensibilities of Hollywood 2019.

>I win again, Lews Therin

If the DO wins in one reality, he wins in all.

This is the one where he wins.

The second one was where it really got bad.

feels like it

The Wheel of Time and the Pattern offer you a horror without end. The DO offers a horrific end. Take the DO-pill.

Everyone make sure to keep an eye out for my high fantasy epic, the Wild Earth. Just finished chapter 1 and have a whole notebook full of lore and characters, expect a 2022 release date

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>Egwene stealing rings from the Amyrlin
>Perrin dreaming with pitbulls

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I stopped there. I'm aware there was an auxiliary book released but didn't bother.

>I win again, Lews Therin

I forgot a lot of the books but was this Rand telling it to himself or what?

It can be pretty gay at times admittedly, if you just forget the entire faggot fairy part then it’s all good, oh and based adem retards not knowing how babies work.

that was the dark one talking to lews therin, and its
>i have won again, lews therin

I wish they had made Rand a black guy while all Two Rivers folk are white, just to see a scene like this acted out:

Tam: "Rand, I finally need to tell you, you're not my son."
Rand: "What? I don't believe this!"

There are pretty much more 10/10 rated books then I could read in two lifetimes, what the FUCK makes you think I, or anyone else, will give your trite a second glance?

At least they won't change best girl

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This series is the only adaption I will ever care about. I read this in middle school to excape the bullies and had read up to knife of dreams three times by 8th grade. I'm 26 now and have done 16 full re-reads.

If and when Rafe fucks this up for his political bullshit, I will livestream cut off his head. Screenshot this, if I'm getting death row I at least want to be a legend. Fuck politics and fuck this gay earth.

>join the Dark
>get sealed away from reality for thousands of years
>get released
>die at the hands of dudley do-rights and a fucking tree-man
>get reborn in a female body because the DO thinks it's funny
N-no, thanks

Even this would have made more sense. I wouldn't have batted much of an eye if they had made the Aiel tan or arabian in color and made Rand the same, this would have been okay. But no, they gotta fuck up the casting from the get-go.

Bella will be black too who are you kidding

I'm surprised Fabio still works.

Oh right yeah think I will re read the books again before this show ruins it for me. Re read of Malazan or Black company afterwards?

>tfw bela in the last book


God speed user.

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black company. i never got past book 3 in malazan

The point is WINNING and breaking the cycle.

Bela good girl be she's also not that good lookin of a horse, prolly looks like a ragged old mare with gangly legs and flies and shit


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I'm all-in for Ishy's cause. I think he just joined the Dark out of convenience, though.

>Quick Ben releasing a demon into the city so they can escape with the full realization that the city will probably be destroyed when the demon wins
>the demon loses
>Whiskeyjacks face when

i'm calling it, they cast a donkey

I can't wait to see a TALL woman do all of MIDGET MOIRAINES scenes. It'll be so nice to see!

>>get reborn in a female body because the DO thinks it's funny
Is this problematic or woke? If I remember correctly, at least one of the two liked the switch by the end.

The First Law or The Powder Mage are ok.

Yo, did RJ rip off the Taken?

please do, better yet do it now before it airs so it'll be cancelled

was moraines height ever integral to the story? two rivers folk being secluded for 2000 years kind of is, but the height of moraine isnt a big deal is it?

Balthamel was a lecher so enjoyed it. Maybe the DO does know what's best for us...

>TALL woman
Even tall women are manlets compared to males.

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>>get reborn in a female body because the DO thinks it's funny
>N-no, thanks
not wanting to be a hot slut and slut it up with the blond titty monster Grendal

nah, both are rip offs of the ringwraiths. think about it, powerful people who are compelled to serve the badguy

that was the first hint that they were throwing the books out the window and doing their own thing. She was supposed to be a tiny but imposing womanlet, who still shows humility when needed.

>I won’t be number one so why even try
Pathetic. My book WILL be number one. I’ll be content if just one person reads it and enjoys it. I will also throw in a bane reference

>Tool dueling the Seguleh
>The 3rd says he isn't bad
>Tool admits he was fighting with the flat side of his blade so he wouldn't hurt them

Such an amazing scene.

>summons Hood just to have a chat
Based Quick

She's supposed to appear tiny and fragile while concealing the greatest secret, a nice intellect, and OK power. I almost wish they'd casted her using the Brienne of Tarth actress just for the ultimate fuck you to fans.

>wanting to get burned out of existence so utterly that you can NEVER come back not even by normal rebirth.

>merges with Hood's gate to spy on niggas
Quick is real one

At least RJ put a lampshade on it

i just hope the k'chain che'malle look real...

>burned out of existence so utterly that you can NEVER come back not even by normal rebirth.
We covered this last night. Balefire doesn't delete you from the Pattern entirely, you do get reincarnated but DO can't simply resurrect you.

I like you.

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recycling the GOT wights cgi would be great for the T'lan Imass

didnt they describe it as your thread is burned out, never to be woven in the pattern again?

>Tehol and Bugg's poverty adventures
>Icarium letting loose
>Karsa proclaiming "Witness".

On another note, I always enjoyed Erikson's banter for his characters. He had a lucky hand at writing some genuinely funny stuff. It was a stark contrast when I came back to Malazan after reading the latest Stormlight entry by Sanderson. He's just not very good at writing repartee for characters or genuine wit. At first I thought it's just Shallan and that it's supposed to be this way for her, but other characters who should have a quick-witted tongue are the same.

>tfw no tattersail gf who has the fattest of ass's

i wonder if when they are re birthed the DO will still have his hold on them? also i why not makes tons of forsaken as with every cycle your number will increase. only 1 was made in Rand's age

Remember that weird fucking Billy Zane pilot that aired in the middle of the night in an infomercial timeslot a few years back to try to keep the tv rights?

>two rivers folk being secluded for 2000 years
kek, that's not really true. They still trade tabac and still get merchants. They aren't some tribe in the amazon bruv.

>ywn be crushed between tattersail and scillara
>ywn have a tiste andii mommy gf

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No, no one remembers that. It's something no one has ever seen ever and no one ever talks about at any point. In fact you're the only person to ever bring it up. Good for you!

RJ explained in a FAQ (can't find the site right now) you are still part of the Pattern, simply killed retroactively which does risk unravelling the Pattern and puts you beyond the DO's reach.

Oh god, I remember lurking a fansite for WoT for years but now I can't even remember the name. It's not Dragonmount, the other big one from the very early years. Anyone remember it?

at least they'll never be able to adapt The Prince of Nothing

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they have traders, but they dont allow them to touch their women. why do you think they have a big open field they make the merchants stay on

>literally every single person in the town knows the name of the one merchant who visits them
>(he only visits because he's compelled to)
>a clown arriving is the highlight of their century
>most don't even know they're a part of Andor
I'd say that's seclusion

tarvalon.net ? that and dragonmount were the only 2 i knew of

>anything but Fiddler and the marines drunkenly clusterfuck conquering the entire Letherii empire in the spawn of a few short days

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My only problem with Erikson is that his banter gets really old and he just makes up too many random characters specifically to have random quirky scenes with. The banter between the main characters tends to stay fresher. He's just not as good as writing individual marines in squads and stuff as Cook. They all turn into caricatures and cliches past book 3.

>>literally every single person in the town knows the name of the one merchant who visits them
Speaking of edgiest boy, how would you cast Padan Fein? Easiest wold be Snape but that's boring.

To be fair you need an IQ of at least 140 to understand PoN

do you guys like the first law books? id love to see inquisitor glokta on tv

>Tehol and Bugg's poverty adventures
I had forgot all about them such great interactions

>..........'And so you ask, what's your point, Tehol? To which I reply with a shrug. Did I say my discourse was a valuable means of using this time? I did not. No, you assumed it was. Thus proving my point!" .

Why? Are dicksucking human-headed ravens now problematic as well?

I'm having the same issue. I feel as I have been spoiled by reading good authors who actually know how to write multiple scenes and characters. I read the first two Stormlight Archives books and I couldn't help but compare them to other superior fantasy such as Malazan, Black Company and Prince of Nothing.

Erikson is a funny guy as proven by Kruppe, Tehol and Bugg, Kelanved and the 4th Squad.

Thanks but it was not that one. I remember it had a blue and white colour scheme and tons of fan content. Was pretty big by early 2000s standards.

That's not true
This is. also if you are pulled out of Tel'aran'rhiod as a physical being and die, you do not get reborn. If you go to Tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh and die. You do not get reborn. If you get consumed by Mashadar, you do not get reborn.
Those things all fuck you permanently.

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FUCK brandon sanderson for doing padan fain dirty like that. hes literally the best bad guy ever, with the most character development ive ever seen, then sanderson has him get "nothing personal"d just to get rid of him because he didnt know what to do with him
mat being immune to that poison cloud mist thing was the only good part of that whole situation

The one where people made self-inserts for their profiles? Had a section for le funny pictures, fanfics and stuff. Can't remember what it was called either

Alan Rickman is dead, user. I vote for Paul Reubens.

wasnt birgitte silverbow pulled out of telaranrhiod? is she a goner once she dies of old age?

I want to see this, too. The series that inverts all tropes getting ruined by people who don't understand it and trying to invert them, themselves. That would be glorious carnage. Adapt this immediately!

Kek at that file name.

Iskaral Pust > All

>every Aeil will be cast as a lightskinned red haired wh*te person
That’s problematic sweety. Wouldn’t desert people be brown?
>desert civilization is full of noble savages
That’s problematic and not 2019 acceptable.
>Balthamel is resurrected as a woman but still channels saidair
Problematic and transphobic.
>white MC gets three waifus (all white too)
yikes, talk about immersion broken!
>seanchan are black and Asian people who enslave powerful magic channeling women and mind break them

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Yeah I liked them

>Glokta: Why?
>Ardee: Because you’re a ruthless, plotting, bitter, twisted, self-pitying villain?
>Glokta: The question was meant to be rhetorical.

if pee wee could act like a villain, and not the child molesting type, he would be a fantastic fain

>Alan Rickman is dead, user.
And back to my cave I go.

Why didn't Ishamael simply weave a gateway to T'A'R, manifest a firearm, and finish himself?

I like stormlight, Sanderson is good at magic systems and worldbuilding

>also if you are pulled out of Tel'aran'rhiod as a physical being and die, you do not get reborn.
thats literally what happens to Birgitte, shes still linked to the horn and thus in the pattern and Tel'aran'rhiod

Sanderson introducing his OC DONUS STEEL character who single handedly saved all the Ashaman was just awful.
Id argue they were the most mishandled group in the end.

That solves the problem for him but what about everyone else?

I honestly thought the First Law would be the natural GoT successor: low fantasy enough to be on a TV show budget, edgy enough to sell. Then they went with WoT of all things, which is just too fuckhuge to be done, even if they were trying sincerely.

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>hunts young boys throughout the entire series
Not sure what the issue is here

Hood: I have a special place in my realm for lawyers
Shadowthrone: When I was Emperor I started to create a law that exiled or imprisoned all lawyers
Hood: Why didn't you?
Shadowthrone: My lawyer recommended against it.

>mfw reading what Demandred was up to after finishing AMOL
Sanderson watches too much fucking anime

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yeah seriously just forgotten for half the series

Demandred captured the Black Tower and was Mazrim Taim. Prove otherwise

Not according to Sanderson sweaty :^)

do you think he cares about others?


Mazrim Taim was around before the forsaken were released

Oh, I was wrong about the ripped from Tel'aran'rhiod and dying part. Birgitte was killed and she came back. Her being ripped away and then starting to have her memories fade made her worry that if she died it'd be permanent but that ended up not being the case.

So 3 things permanently fuck you. Balefire, Mashadar, and going into TAR in the flesh and dying there.

>"What if I told you I was pregnant?"
>"I'd kill the mule"

>That’s problematic sweety. Wouldn’t desert people be brown?
Aiel are only desert people because they got exiled there, before they were just whatever.

>May the Light shine on you, Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa, and may you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home
that whole book was pure kino, easily my favorite in the series

Intellectually yes. He can obviously rationalize that just removing himself from the Wheel doesn't exactly solve the problem. Otherwise he would have done that already.

This thread reminds me of /LOST/ and early /got/ as with the others this thread and show itself will be doomed to failure and unknown amounts of disappointment.

>mfw this thread is full of people who never read the books complaining about the changes to the show

You're not allowed to be upset. Only people who actually suffered through the doldrums of this over long series are allowed to be upset. You're mad because niggers? I'm mad because I had sat through a mormon destroying a mans legacy by turning every battle into a naruto fight. Fuck you. Go complain about amazon LOTR instead.

I used to like him. Then he went full retard in trying to shoehorn ALL his books as being part of the same Cosmere universe with characters from other series dropping in all the damn time for a deus ex machina, as if you were expected to remember a literally who you read 10 years ago and 5000 pages earlier.

ingtar and his guy who could smell evil were based. hurin? huran? i cant remember its been so long, but when mat licked his lips then blew the horn of valere and all those heroes came to fight the seanchan. RJ sure had some kino scenes, for all the boring stuff he put in those books

His inability to do so is the entire basis of his concern. I think your theory needs work, but who am I to judge?

>gets captured
>shows up again
>"hey taim, you look different from when I saw you last!"
>"I sh-shaved! haha!"
Try reading the books next time retard. He was set up as being Demandred but that plot was dropped.

>thread is filled with people who read the book and are discussing events from the book and other fantasy books
>pretend your the only one who read it

The fucking ego of this shit poster.

no you get spun back in, it just kills you before you were actually hit. RJ confirmed this in an interview(not the books, useless fuck)
>TAR in the flesh and dying there.
that just kills you, the whole dying in dreams kills you irl, only the people tied to the Horn manifest themselves every one else is just waiting to be reborn
i just see that as death and it takes your body not your soul

I just assumed Demandred murdered him and took his place which is why Lews freaked the fuck out every time he saw him,

why couldnt the pattern have given grrm blood disease instead of /ourguy/ RJ? ive read through the RJ books multiple times, but the sanderson ones only once, just so i could finish it and be done. i still remember reading the prologue to eye of the world in barnes and nobles because i just randomly grabbed it off the shelf, and got goosebumps when lew therin turned himself into dragonmount. fuck sanderson

WoT has so many kino scenes
>scene where Mat gets lost in memories after a trigger walking into an inn or some shit
>the serving girl dancing turns into a a ballroom filled with nobles and royals dancing in some forgotten kingdom right before the Trolloc Wars broke out
>Rand in that city where no one can channel absolutely BTFOing Darkfriends
>literally every Rhuidean scene
>Let the Lord of Chaos rule
even with the casting the show can be so good...

Who is the worst character in the entire series and why is it Faile

Read the books, clown.

i loved reading about how the aiel were basically running into a gigantic blender, body parts and gore and blood just flying everywhere

Samael was killed by Mashadar and RJ said he's never coming back. I take that as Mashadar destroying the soul, probably devouring it and integrating it into itself.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the explanation for these inconsistencies that these are beliefs by characters that aren’t really true? Otherwise Ishy not being able to die permanently without ending the world doesn’t make sense.

>not cadsuane "I did literally everything wrong but somehow everyone thinks I'm a badass and smart" sedai

the Taimandred theory was debunked when Taim was introduced as a new Chosen and Demandred showed up on his own.

you are 100% correct. everything she did and was in was terrible, she ruined perrin, who was already the worst of the boys. i hated more then anyone else in the books

Why do you just presume people on 4 chan have not read one of the most well known fantasy series of all time?

Actually you are right - he is just too arrogant and narcissistic to use a solution like TAR suicide. It would probably gall him to even consider it. If he has to commit suicide to escape then so should all existence.

the amazing romance between nynaeve and lan during the first book where they say 6 words to each other over months of travel and then want to marry

or the revolving door of shitty villians i cant name to save my life. any scene with them

Cadsuane being an arrogant retard who fucked everything up is literally the Apex of all Aes'Sedai though.
Thats what their entire group did literally constantly.

Faile was just a giant cunt for no fucking reason had her captured arc was like 5 books long and was just goddamn miserable and ended up serving LITERALLY no point to the story other than some really minor character development for Perrin.

I found out the fansite

Closed in 2009. RIP o7

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>and RJ said he's never coming back.
never ever coming back or not being brought back by the Dark One like all the others

>shitty villains

>What language do we speak, Hornsounder?

>tfw no aes sedai gf

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I enjoy it as well. It has a nice mix of grandeur, fantastical elements and mysteries, though I never really dove into his Cosmere stuff. Also, Kaladin's return to grace is pretty engaging, as is uncovering Dalinar's issues. Never really warmed up to Shallan, partly due to Sanderson's problems with writing sharp-witted dialogue when it's supposed to be a core part of her character. But she got a bit more bearable later on.
To make it a bit more Yea Forums relevant, it would be a quite safe series to adapt, as far as content is concerned, though I think the series is still a bit on the unadaptable side as the planet they're on is described as quite alien, which would go beyond any reasonable tv budget. Not to mention all the power armors, magic blades, strange creatuers and general fireworks.

kek, i think i still have bookmarked theory threads from there in my browser archives

>tfw asmodean never got the chance to redeem hisself and become bros with the tuathaan and just play music
also, did the tinkers ever find the song they were looking for?

>the amazing romance between nynaeve and lan during the first book where they say 6 words to each other over months of travel and then want to marry
its subtle but on re-read it is there

Sandersons books are literally the Marvel films of fantasy books.
Both in tone and writing.

>tfw reading those books, and one of the guys is describing how only broken people attract those magic things that make shard blades possible, and i had no idea what he meant, then like a month later my wife told me she was cheating on me and the crushing despair i felt the first thing i thought was this is what it feels like to be a broken person

1995, Omaha
PAUL MELCHIZEDEK: What is the song that the Traveling People are looking for?
ROBERT JORDAN: Stairway to Heaven.

>enemy armies show up for the final confrontation
>the main characters have their anime magic duel while the armies just run at each other or don't even fight

But we know the disappointment is coming and we enjoy our rage. In the end, is not that what truly matters in the end?

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However, now you can use magic!

what is your spirits name and which power did you get

You're going to make me reread the books.

why didnt they just balefire the dark one lmao

But you guys aren't asking the important questions.
Will Mat get to fuck his loli brown waifu?

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how many girls will mat dance with?

Going to Yea Forums and asking if the trollocs look fake.

the Cosmere stuff is actually super autistic and pretty damn well done. sanderson is really talented at lore and magic systems and background worldbuilding stuff. his actual stories though..ehh.


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RJ torpedoed Taimandread because he got called out for it so early and got mad.

read the entire series, they lay out at the end of the last one why you cant just kill the dark one

Look forward to an entire season of Perrin getting his hooknose harpy back from the Shaido.

>Tam leading his arrow formation
>white cloaks fighting trollocks then switching out for Aes'Sedai just to mincemeat them with fire
kino. the armies were there mostly to hold the lines which isn't compelling reading after a page or two


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finna write my own self-insert fantasy series. there will be A LOT of mature amazon/elf fucking.

mat becomes the emperor of the seanchan, and hes already married to the empress, so i hope he pokes her a few times

Cadsuane gets absolutely WRECKED and put in her place by Punished Rand. That justifies her existence by itself. Faile on the other hand... can't believe RJ said he modeled her on his wife and still died happily married.

Are you referring to the pale white Daughter of the Nine Moons, Tuon?

>loli brown tsundere washboard waifu
here's hoping

RJ was obviously into a little femdom and abuse when the mood struck him like any intellectual

Tuon is a proud black queen cracker

so these books are the kingkiller chronicles. im assuming that asshole kid who was in magic school with him who was like the 30th person in line to be king, somehow becomes king because of a plague or other reasons, then main character wizard who is also a master swordsman kills that asshole who becomes king. now i dont have to read anymore of them
just kidding, the next book will never come out lmfao

>Mat fucked Tuon in the middle of a garden surrounded by her guards
>Rand accidentally walked in on their after sex cuddling
Fucking Rand

>happily married
>wife never reproduced with him
>rode him into the ground writing books for her employer

i just want to see how the handle the whole lesbian bondage angle. will they stay true to be source or some how make it mans fault.

arent the seanchan japs? with their weird armor and lacquered nails and such? i thought the seafolk and sharans were the black people

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>tfw they'll nerf all the absolutely problematic scenes (all the Asha'man wrecking the pansy Sedai)
However, you've got to admit all the gender wars things was always there in the original.

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Why were these fucking idiots able to get Avhienda’s hair color right but never Rand.

Reminder that the SeanCHADs were 100% right and all women who channel needed to be leashed for their and everyone elses protection.

God that image takes me back to my early adolescent fantasy reading days.

Never heard of these "wheel of time" books, are they any good?

What would a NTR spren even look like?

This picture bothered me, how they made the Aiel look like 1960s cartoon noir detectives and just copied the same dude twice to lead the horses around.

Amazing set of books.

I do like Rosamund Pike but I don't know if she's Moiraine. The rest of the cast is beyond horrible expect maybe Mat and it is not going to get any better. I swear I think they blew the bulk of the casting budget on Pike.

If you have kept up with anything Rafe, the show runner, has said and done you will should know this show is going to suffer. He is the king of SJWs.

Its rummered that Rand is going to be bi-sexual. I completely wrote the rummer off until I seen the guy they cast as Rand. Hes done a few gay roles. He will end in sex triangle between one of the three women and some random dude.

If anyone is going to end up with multiple women it will be Perrin and they will be the whitest women on earth.

They control a huge continent and are described as pretty much everything. Their insectile helmets and mannerisms are Japanese-reminiscent, though.

Yo guys

I just thought of something. In all these WoT threads I haven't seen someone bring this up. But how the everliving fuck are they going to be able to have these common mooks show up on the regular with a TV show budget? Literal 10 foot tall ultra ripped beast men.

We're going to get fat men with tribal paint and cheap looking animal headdresses instead aren't we?

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The Seachan are multicultural since it's an entire continent but Tuon and her family are definitely meant to be African looking. Read her descriptions. Sea Folk are brown/black too - maybe more Indian looking. Sharans are definitely supposed to recall images of Zulu/bushmen or Amazon tribesmen, yes.

They were Chinks mixed with Romans.

about 30 bottles of whiskey and 65 pounds added to my gut

Pillow Friends sitcom spinoff when?

they're actually canonically texans, larping as imperial Chinese wearing Jap armor. seanchan is also multicultural, tuon is black, her truthsayer is blonde big tittied Aryan, pretty much the only culture with more than one race


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It explains all the BDSM themes in his books.

Nah they are supposed to be analogous to a mix of China and the US. They also have native americans. They even have a canon Texan accent, since that's the Seanchan accent.

>Never heard of these "wheel of time" books, are they any good?
pretty good though the endings meh. author dies somebody else wraps it up with his notes. second guy did an adequate job but not a great one.

Rand and Mat's gay sex scene, before Rand dumps him for some slag and causes the rift between them that will last the entire series. Mat's turn into a manwhore runs parallel to Rand's going psycho.

maximum comfy fantasy, drags in the middle, end of book 6 is the series highlight

i have never heard this texan thing? where did it come from?

Shows that want to be long running tend to cast a fuck ton of literal whos so they don’t have to pay as much for the opening seasons, or when they demand extra money.


I always get a bit mad when something gets rewritten, because one of the million monkeys on typewriters happened to guess correctly, thus invalidating the established foreshadowing thus far. It always harms the work as a whole IMO. If you've built up to something then stick with it, be it movie, book or any other storytelling medium. Shock value and surprise will only ever last for the first watch, the first reading, but a sound plot with a well built foundation will last for all rereads and rewatches to come.

>Sharans are definitely supposed to recall images of Zulu/bushmen or Amazon tribesmen
They're supposed to be really big on those Maori style tattoos.

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>I feel there is plenty of Feminism and gender balance in the books and in fact it's a key theme of the books
Pic very related for an extremely strong, well-written female character.

Incidentally, this is the character that the head writer for the adaption says he "just can't understand". He's a fucking idiot.

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>yfw they cast rosamund pike as moraine
>yfw rosamund pike is married to some 80 year old dude
>yfw moraine ends up with thom, an 80 something year old gleeman
maybe we were wrong about the casting?

>she likes nethack and wot

thats wild

>>Its rummered that Rand is going to be bi-sexual.
Moridin was definitely after his ass, they can make it fit.

Even if that were true, which it isn't, it's pointed out that the DO would never have actually given Moridin what he wanted.

>dagger gets cut entirely, Mat’s darkening mood is caused by being spurned, and cured by being lectured

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I never got the main artist for WoT covers. He always seemed to be hilariously off in one way or another with this cover illustrations. Didn't he depict trollocs as men with animal helmets early on, until he got clued in that it's actual man-animal hybrids?

Seanchan even have Irish/Scottish highlands equivalent somewhere, that's where Tuon's bodyguard came from.

yo, what ever happened with that fade who was like 3 feet taller then all the other myrdraal?

It doesn't permanently kill you. It just does something to your soul when it kills you that makes you too twisted and shit for the Dark One to want to revive you. He still can, but Sammael would have come back "wrong" if he did.

>those ogier gardener soldiers with giant axes that they never go into detail on
there is so much about the seanchan that is only briefly ever mentioned and we never find out about. why did RJ have to be taken from us

Biggest disappointments in this series?
>shaidar haran becoming a husk
>rand not choosing a single wife like a responsible man should
>padan fain jobbing

Faceless little bald men

Ah my mind was thinking 'brown people with tats' and it just jumped to scarified tribesmen

Hivemind active

There's a lot of good strong women in the series. Some can't even channel (like Min or Birgitte). The writers need to do exactly nothing to make it a "feminist" show.

That scene with Mat and Rand boasting about all the deeds they have done Rand telling Mat he cannot win because he is the dragon reborn. Mat remarks he saved Moiraine. Based Mat


and Rafe hates her but loves Egwene. truly the worst person to run the show

How is the Bore going to get opened again 34524 turns of the Wheel?

I had no idea they made changes like that in later versions of the books. No wonder people get into so many disagreements about details about the series.

i dont get it, did i miss something?

>Sharan culture
>your tats show your position in society but with a twist
>the more tats, the lower class you are; high born are nearly entirely bare skin
>the logic is that you are born as high as you will ever be but can always fall down and get more tats as you sink but can never redeem yourself and get them erased
>male channelers naturally get full body tattoos
We should have seen more of them.

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Who cares if it's integral or not.

It's a significant feature that defines the character and short people do exist in real life so why not get one to play her. How can there be people where their literal entire fucking job is to be casting directors and they DON'T DO THEIR JOB.

>tfw this seems like an autistic overreaction to Egwene
>start reading
>it's actually right

>male channelers were purposefully not educated and kept as retarded fuck boys, to be killed at the age of 20
is it a bad life though?

I want to switch timelines. The DO is laughing his ass off and doesn't even gloat over Lews Therin, out of pity how shit things went here.

No ones going to touch a series with cthulu rape monsters that shoot black semen. Too weird for tv. And the treatment of women in the books doesnt mesh well with today's culture. Even the enlightened Dunyain relegate their women to the position of chained up breeding sows.

iirc DO sucks all his innards out to manifest himself in the pattern

Were never fully accurate but still conveyed the necessary feeling.

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Shaidar Haran is literally the DO

hugh jackman did aces as wolverine, and wolverine in the comics was a short dude. im just saying, of all the things to complain about, height like that wouldnt be one of my top things to be upset about. perrin being black would be

It's cyclical. The Bore is now gone. The hole into the Dark One's prison is closed. Rand closed it up, 100%, good as new. There might be another fight with the Dark One somewhere further down the line (possibly 7th Age), but by the time it rolls around to the 1st Age again it will be our age (since in WoT, we are currently in the First Age, Second Age is Age of Legends that began after the One Power was discovered). And then in the Second Age, the Bore will be drilled again. Perhaps by different people, perhaps by the same souls. The general Pattern of an age is "similar" in overarching aspect, but always different in the specifics.

Infinite repetition, but infinite variation.

>that lord of chaos cover
i never was a fan, i dont think the artist even bothered reading a chapter from any of the books

It was there, but it was a cynical take on the flaws of both genders whilst also a clear reminder that men are stronger on average because that's how reality works.

For an obvious premise the messaging is not always that obvious and SJWs cannot handle subtlety.

>there is another world out there where we had the greatest possible Wheel of Time adaption ever
Where do I find a Portal Stone, bros?

Eye of the world cover will forever be burned into my brain remember seeing it in my local library and was amazed. Up until that point I had read nothing but comics and sports mags.

>have 1 chance to get the perfect timeline, and 2343245352345234634656 to get a shit ending
take me with you

Why the 7th age? Also, was it ever mentioned how many ages are in a cycle? Why can't a Bore be created in another age?

>best book
>worst cover
Fitting, in a pottery sense of the word.

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I kinda love the REALLY shitty covers.

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>Biggest disappointments in this series?
Rand should have died. You know he’s coming back so it wouldn’t have been too sad an ending. What we got instead felt cheap and a cop out especially with all the foreshadowing.

7 Ages per turning. And 7th age ending is "apocalyptic".

In theory I suppose you could have a Bore be created in another Age, but it would have to fit with the overarching pattern of that Age. It seems like there's (almost?) always a Bore in the Second Age.

>rand switches bodies and everyone thinks the dragon reborn is dead
>except his 3 wives
>instead of going back to his wives, rand gets on a horse and buggers off down the coast
what a weird ending

>Furries are the main enemy forces in Wheel of Time

Was kinda nice for him to ride away using the power to light his pipe and live a simple life.

Fine but then why push the diversity bullshit? Height is part of that and they ignored that for skin colour.

I'm not short, or ginger, but as far as representation goes they always get the shaft and it makes me fucking angry. Tolkien has a greater understanding of what actual diversity can be represented as and he was from an era when everyone was racist.

Oh right, duh, the seven-spoked wheel.

He didn't use the One Power to light it.


I thought that felt incredibly out of character and out of place for the series not to mention almost 4th wall breaking.

Eye of the World was the first book I voluntary read, I think I was 9 or 10 when a friend gave it to me. Until then I had literally only read the mandatory school books.
The book that turned me into a bookworm.

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Alivia was very thoughtful in arranging his escape kit, adding that ter'angreal and all

>the power
no channeling involve. He simply manifests whatever he wants now. He's pretty much the Creator clad in flesh.

Rand went through way too much shit to deserve death. It was obvious from the start that the prophecy would be subverted in some way, and that's how.

Really? After everything he has been though how him being who he is effects those around him going out alone seemed the obvious choice.

wheel of time was also my first journey into reading on purpose. which is good and bad, because i loved it so much, but after that, so many books that i could have really liked just seemed mediocre in comparison

The ending is kino though

I remember having a tough time at first it just moved so slow but the night they left the 2 rivers I couldn't put it down until they reached Caemlyn, then the next night I plowed all the way through the end and didn't even notice it was daylight until I closed the book.

>OwO come here wittle boy the Dark One wishes to tawk

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He was burned out.

He lit the pipe because he retained some of his ability to rearrange reality as he wants.

Why is there no WoT RPG?

In hindsight, it's kinda funny how people got aggravated on Sanderson's take on the last few books. Little did they know that a few years later, some screen writer with social activist tendencies will get to rewrite everything, from the first to last book, for the screen adaption that will engrave WoT in the public's mind.

that's it, only way I will sub to amazon prime to watch this shit is if they completely say fuck the books and make the trollocs literal furfags in fursuits that notice bulges and want to yiff instead of stuff people in cookpots and eat them.

video game or tabletop? because there are, i have both

Sanderson can't write intimacy and characters that get laid even if married.

Envious. My first voluntary reads were Marion Zimmer Bradley, Piers Anthony, and AD&D books

based, and cuendillarpilled

i have fond memories of dragonlance. i have a cat named raistlin

Was Jesus a Dragon? Are we in the 1st Age and BC was the 7th Age? Or is our time going back to prehistory hunter gatherers all part of the 1st Age?

I mean good ones. The tabletop is fine but the actual video game they made was hot garbage.