Have you ever had something like a mental blackout where you did something profoundly idiotic amd and dangerous without...

Have you ever had something like a mental blackout where you did something profoundly idiotic amd and dangerous without being fully aware of the possible consequences of such actions until after the fact?

Last night I've literally done something that could have gotten me or someone else hurt or worse, and haven't slept since. Luckily, no one even found out about it, let alone got affected by it, but still, I'm being eaten from the inside and can't even process what it is that I'm feeling exactly. Apart from occasional onset of nausea.

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Know thyself

what you do boi

Spill it, faggot.

Damn dude it kinda sounds like the only solution is to kill yourself

Unprotected sex with a partner after having unprotected sex with a street hooker?

Stop making shit up, faggot

That's cold.

thanks for the blog
liked, favourited and subscribed

That's literally THE thing that defines a psychopath user, serial killers often have the same black out effect that you claim to have had

I tried to replace the cover on an electric outlet with a 6 prong outlet. And the cover was metal. I didn't turn off the power... Fuck I'm still wincing right now. Anyway the cover rotated while I unscrewed it, and electrical blue Sparks started vomiting out like a water faucet, the force pushed the cover back. And I almost started crying that the house was going to burn down.

This was last year. I am still shocked that I'm not dead.

Altered state of consciousness wont save you in court, user. Especially since you remember doing it but just ignored the danger. Time to fess up.

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That’s not a blackout you fucking retard, that’s just called making a bad decision because you lack foresight. Take responsibility for your poor choices like an adult.

No, i also think stuff like this is a lie and doesnt actually exist.

>This was last year.
That's way too long to have PTSD for a single event like that..
Chew on some Valerian root.
Have an aspirin.
Most importantly have sex!

it’s literally NOT

closest thing is like a small lapse in concentration while driving that could have caused an accident but i think everyone has done that at least once

And when you've just run a red light Sit shaking under the street light You swear to yourself you'll never drink and drive again Sometimes I feel like going home...

Alright OP, how many pedestrians did you almost run over last night during your drinking binge?

>tfw pulled the tags off of mattresses

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Jesus Christ, read a fucking Wikipedia article on psychopathy or something, you ignorant fuck.

What you're describing is called syncope and has nothing to do with it

Boy, do I have the movie for you

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>read a Wikipedia article
No thanks, I'm not a basedboi zoomer piece of shit like you are

Did you have a gay thought eh white boi?

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