What happened to their acting career?
What happened to their acting career?
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Idris Elba
>white people
>acting career
Sorry sweaty but the age of the white is over
what happened to the franchise????
it was like a million times better than Harry Pooper shit
Given that Narnia was released in 2005, and that the lifespan of a Lion is around 10 to 15 years, the feline is probably dead at this point.
Did you know that C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were often found discussing the frameworks of their books at a pub called the Eagle and Child in Oxford?
it was CGI
Why did Aslan want to kill a black bastard again?
Jesus can't die you dumb nigger.
you mean they didn't put four children next to a full grown lion?
they were cgi too
Anna Popplewell and her nice tits were in a Halo movie
oh shit.
They killed off the witch in the first movie..
This thread has gone better than it deserved to.
its an antisemitic franchise
They're all rapists. Remember that God destroyed Sodom because they wanted to gangrape angels.
So is Harry Potter
She needs to be in more things. Fuck those other kids.
let me guess they are all britbongs and aged like mutants
Furthermore, while Tolkien spoke kindly of Lewis's work, Lewis on the other hand thought LOTR was sub par
thats weaksauce though
you really get them to kvetch if you lay it on thick with some Jesus
Because LOTR was a Catholic trying to imbue Pagan history with Semite morality.
The little girl is going to be in that Game of Thrones spin off.
Anna Popplewell and her gorgeous breasts were in CW shit and some Halo film.
The two boys on the right, fuck knows.
As for the lion he's made a load of money being the lion roaring for MGM, made a killing off it.
is your pants one of those things?
Iirc the Prince Caspian kid made the Dorian Gay movie, never saw the others again
And definitely, much better than HP
damn that cgi sucks looking at it now
truth. and those luscious lips too.
still have a massive hardon for her.
ben barnes has been in loads of shit since then, including westworld and the punisher. was also in a movie with prime jessica biel
he sang a song for the soundtrack and is pretty damn good, surprised he hasn't been in any musials
blacked, sacked, and never came back
the oldest kid was on American Ninja Warrior hes chad af
was the kid on the right adopted or was the dad cucked
he clearly has different parents from the rest
dark hair and brown eyes, while the others have lighter hair and light eyes
Tolkien disliked the heavy-handed symbolism of Lewis though.
Studio botched the Narnia franchise after the first one and it killed the actors' careers too
That isn't how genetics work
>after the first one
How so?
JK Rowling is a kike dick sucker, thats why she hates Corbyn.
>she wouldn’t put those DSLs to use
Those DSLs...
>YWN have her go down on you while speaking Britbong
They did a second one with Ben Barnes
a 3rd too.
Middle one's still acting as far as I know.
is that what your mom told you
>Fuck those other kids
thats a lot of tits for medieval nobles
>tfw Susan goes to hell at the end because she’s a slut
based lewis
Damn. Imagine if she was Arya instead.
The opposite is true. Tolkien thought the Narnia series was too overtly symbolic, but accepted them as children's tales. Lewis not only appreciated Tolkien's work so much that he referenced it several times directly in his work, but Lewis was the person who pushed Tolkien to publish the Hobbit when Tolkien originally wanted to keep his fantasy world private.
The lion is still working, he's got a movie coming out real soon.
He was in the new Lion King
didn't realize it was the same girl from Narnia who was in that halo film.
Hold on, what trickery is this? Bongs don't age that well.
"cute" kids grow up ugly
I really wanted to see the final one where the older daughter doesn't get into heaven because she liked wearing lipstick
the Jews won't allow wholesome Christian movies and franchises to do well. They shut it down.
>Tolkien thought the Narnia series was too overtly symbolic
It's very obviously a biblical allegory
It looks like if they made a collage of the different characters