Cast her.
Cast her
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take this virgin shit to Yea Forums and shove my dubs up your ass basedboy
>ywn have a dragon timelord in gnome form gf
piper perry
>he's actually going to play with layering in the game
Layering will be removed after like a month. Not worried about it.
Robert Downey Jr, gotta hook in that mainstream audience
Who Fairbanks here? Zoomers redditors and /pol/fags need not reply
Imagine actually believing Blizzard's lie that they'll remove it. Those fucking ratfaced kikes will turn around two or three months into launch and come up with some reason to keep it in the game
don't tell me what to do, m'lady
I pity anybody rolling on his server, I really do.
As long as ahe has the best man's number.
>only 7 North American servers
>all are already full based on pre launch character name creations
yeah, no. Layering is here to stay
Why does he look like a filthy hobo
I'd cast her on my face, if you know what I mean haha
even the schizo alexensual says it will be removed
Which server are streamers playing on? I need to know which servers to not be on
>tfw no big titty gnome gf
i miss this game lads, but i can never go back. chromie is top tier waifu, along with that green dragonflight dragon
Faerlina. It already contains 80% of viewership of WoW section on Twitch.
Redpill me on what layering is and why its bad
t. Old vanilla fag who switched to private servers during Wrath and hasn't touched retail in 10 years
Jemma Suicide (whatever her real name is idk)
there's always HotS
Its an instanced form of the open world. If there are 300 people from the same server in one zone, they'll split those players across multiple versions of that same zone.
People hate it because they've never made it work right in retail. You get people hopping from layer to layer to try to find rare mobs or avoid world pvp, or the opposite happens and you go to kill a rare or open a chest and get re-sharded at the last second. Destroys the sense of community and challenge.
imagine hopping worlds in runescape was automatic if the amount of people in a zone reaches 300
that's what layering is
whoops I accidentally sent you an invitation to fuck his girlfriend instead haha
Layer 21 ... home ...