he can't keep getting away with it
Ben Simmons to miss Game 4 vs Celtics
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Why would you trade for an injured player?
Gigantic coward. Unbelievable. The whole team is pathetic. Do Kylie and KD think anyone respects them after this series?
>He thinks the injury is real
It's a mental injury
Even Steve Nash said it's up to Ben to come back.
You MotherFuckers and absolute human excrement! He is trying his Fucking best to get on the court! He can't help it if his back is pained and hurting! He wants to be out there more than anybody in the NBA and it's Fucking killing him that he can't be to prove all the haters wrong!
You cocksuckers didn't give Clay or KD Shit when their rehabs took longer than sposed to!
Imagine being a teammate (or coach) of this assclown and unironically supporting him. Nash is such a fag
Stop posting here Ben
He got paid over 30 million for sitting out the entire season. I wonder what sort of contract he will be offered when this one is up.
he's desperate to play but he woke up with a sore back
poor ben can't catch a break
this nigga worked from home in the NBA all year what an icon
His back hurts because he sits at his PC all day playing video games. That's why he's sitting out, no joke. They even did an MRI on it and his spine looks fine.
He's gotta be the most weak minded faggot in the history of the nba
It's all in his head at this point. I would get rid of him
Royce White
You guys really think he's coming back against the number 1 defense in the NBA after being exposed for being a mental midget and liability on offense? If he comes back this series the Celtics will annihilate his ass.
What a fag. Forgot about him.
With KD,Kyrie and Seth on the floor he would just have to pass the ball and grab boards. It would make a huge difference to just have him there.
Holy shit. He literally gave up millions of dollars because flying on a plane is too scary.
I would get mauled by a tiger to get that cash
just ripped my favorite pajama pants bros... had these puppies for 6 years
so is he actually hurt or he doesn't feel like playing? non-meme answer please.
>On July 10, 2021, White received media attention for his protest against the Uyghur genocide during a Big3 postgame interview. Commentators contrasted his statements with stances taken by the NBA in support of the Chinese government.
>On Feb. 22, 2022, White announced he would run for United States House of Representatives in Minnesota as a Republican, against Ilhan Omar.
Who really thought he was going to choose a must win game 4 of a playoff series as the return game after being out for a year?
This nigga trying so hard to get his money back from the 76er's before he suits up for the Nets, lol.
I can't Fucking believe that Reggie is betraying Ben like this! Reggie of all people should understand what it's like to have this back pain where you can't even play!
Guy is just scared. Something or someone broke him. Not memeing.
>he doesn't know about "the pass" from last year
Sheit. Broke himself being afraid of fans and the ft line
because they either thought he was faking it or they thought they could fix it. regardless, he has a personality disorder or something. healthy people don't do the shit he does.
Nah, just Black Privilege, piece of shit turned into the biggest leberal sock puppet as soon as he went pro. That's American college education for ya. Turns everyone not white into a victim.
Yeah the one semester of classes he didn't go to really changed him. Thank you for your informed insight into America, mr pollini
Lazy Australian shitter.
all australians are like this. kyrie, thybulle... criminal behavior is hereditary and it's best to just leave these sickos on their uranium island
140 mill nigga, thanks for the cheese
Everyone saw him break when he passed up that dunk last year. I didn't think he'd still be shook almost a year later though. He knows if he gets back on the floor he's going to get exposed as the mental midget he is yet again. I'd just hack him the very time he touched the ball if he does suit up against the Celtics.
>he actually thinks he attended any classes.
He can't play. He's got more drip he needs to wear on the bench first.
Is he even going to show up to Game 4? If I were him I wouldn't dare show my face. Then again, he may show up just to rub it in.
the only thing ben got from LSU was chlamydia
Everyone knew he was a lazy shit when he was drafting out of LSU. No one calling him out for not working on his broken shot in the offseason was the biggest red flag you can have. The fact that he was exposed as fragile mind just made it all the more apparent. Imagine being 6'10" and being afraid to dunk over Trae Young, lol.
Zion is even worse. At least Simmons has proved he can play for a meaningful stretch of time.
i mean he pretty much said he's a pussy by missing game 3, not sure what showing in game 4 after 10 months would prove. i guess there's so many nigger lovers around they would praise him for showing up in game 4 but i think most people are smarter than that
weak b8
you guys grossly underestimate what he's going through.
imagine all your life you are seen as a golden god. Imagine you are able to maintain this image of yourself in your head, and it provides you the confidence and aura to have a basketball career without ever practicing and still having everyone praise you.
and then this happens. The God of Labor has brought down the toughest punishment. The punishment deserved for a gifted one who had no appreciation.
His entire reality is shattered. No matter who he runs into, he knows in their mind they have an idea of Ben Simmons that he's a scared bitch. Going from golden god into the NBA mascot of cowardice and laziness...
do you think this is easy?
then again, Kobe played through a rape trial and was amazing.
Larry Bird played with a broken back for 4 years stop giving these niggers excuses
tsk tsk
thats what i mean, all the greats who love basketball use the sport as an absolution or a pharmakon for their sins. ben does not love basketball, he said it multiple times throughout his career that he would lose interest. but that's all secondary to his behavior. there is no job, no social environment or basic healthy human-to-human interaction that accepts the kind of behavior he exhibits. there's something pathologically wrong with him.
he's Australian
I love this dude lmao funniest shit ever
The fact that Philly is going to end up paying him out cause muh mental health is just so so funny
Based sosho
I'm more interested in what bullshit he and his legal team are cooking up in order to claw back all the money he was rightfully fined by the 76er's for. The dude screams entitled fuck and when he met some adversity folded like a cheap suit and ran away from Philly. Even 10 years ago, let alone if he played in the 80's/90's his teammates would have whooped his ass for being this much of a bitch.
the Harden for Simmons trade was the most nothing trade ever.
Sixers should have shipped him off to a team to rehab him like Fultz and Okafor.
Funny how that organization keeps breaking players,
The only guy to survive the Process was Embiid and he's a walking injury,
simmons does not have a case. he's said multiple times in public there was nothing about the team, staff or fans that lead to his decision to not play.
Just looking at zion's bodytype and how insanely athletic he plays it's not surprising at all how much time he spends being injured. That doesn't excuse it, he could definitely lose some weight. But at least it's a real injury and not sitting out because of muh "mental health." Also there's a much better chance of zion actually making a comeback in the playoffs, where as you know simmons is going to sit his faggot ass on the bench as long as possible and has no intention of playing.
I kissed his girlfriend once. True story.
The american is right. The ground is sour.
That shit-eating grin suggests he will.
Yes, evevyone with a brain knows he has no case. Which makes it so much more interesting that he filed one anyway. He should be more concerned about the Nets voiding his contract for cause if anything. But I guess they'll just eat it since they'd have given up Harden for free if they did.