Unirronically the most underrated movie he's made...

Unirronically the most underrated movie he's made. The Grindhouse cut is amazingly entertaining with those fake trailers too.

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This movie is slow but also exciting - the exciting part only lasts for one movie tho

If I liked the slow burn in Hollywood, then it wasn't much of a problem for me here. The mid-way movie thing isn't something you see often. First group of girls were good honestly.

It's a decent 6/10

great movie. ending was pretty disappointing tho, mike shouldve crashed those dykes into dirt.

The revenge was satisfying. 10/10 car chase and credits theme.

No, Mike had a good run patrolling thots until he ran into two chicks he couldn't fuck with. Ultimately it was his arrogance that got him killed.

the best car movie since lemans, great car kino. best car introduction, best boomer cars, and also the greatest chase ever

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Tarantino gave into peer pressure and actually thinks this is his weakest film

Why didn't they just slow down?

And why didn't the model chick just offer to sign the convenience store clerk's copy of Allure in exchange for the Italian Vogue?

Heard he apologized for it. Shouldn't have gave in. This was a fun passion project and collab.

Kino of the highest order.

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The characters kind of sucked, especially for Tarantino characters. Obviously Mike was pretty cool though, even if he had unscrupulous ways of shooting his goo.

perfect movie imo. you can say the ending is shit but i would argue that's the point. it's commentary on the modern condition of holleywood and forced diversity

also one of the Tarankinos best foot fan service scenes

Also the first half where everyone is hanging out in the bar while it's raining is pretty comfy


unironically love this movie
Tarantino kind of disowns it because in it he let slip his profound (but possibly justified) anger towards women
You could argue that two of the cunts in the first half did truly deserve to die

>okay so Jackie Brown isn't really contrarian to like anymore, let's move onto Death Proof

love this movie honestly. it's way better than Django, and probably better than Once Upon a Time.. but I'll have to watch it a few more times to make my mind up on it

>The Grindhouse cut is amazingly entertaining with those fake trailers too.
>tfw we'll never get actual movies of Thanksgiving and Werewolf Women

So does Death Proof count toward the 9 Quentin Tarantino movies, or is it considered a side project?

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It's ok, just rather drawn out for no good reason

Death Proof was a good idea, but he followed the formula too closely and it made for a movie where 90% of it is padding and filler where nothing happens except a lot of really shitty tryhard "witty" dialogue. In fact, I'd say it's one of his worst films, if not his flat out worst film.
But you are correct in that the fake grindhouse trailers were fucking awesome. I feel like Death Proof would have made for a fucking awesome fake trailer as well.

no it's not

I hate the fact that you can completely cut the first half out and it changes nothing. I felt like I wasted my time.

good argument

>muh plot
who the fuck cares it's entertaining. you could cut out the first half of the odyssey and nothing would change

It's dumb

Hey buddy, I hate women too, I really do. But you're wrong.

It counts.

If he hated women, wouldn't he love the first part, where women get murdered, and hate the second part, where women stomp the guy's dick and kill him? If you're just going to go for insults, you should do so with at least an ounce of logic to them. Otherwise, they're just empty words that don't stick.

I don't hate women. It's impossible to care about a single "protagonist" in the first half since not a soul appears again. What's the point?

Mid-cast change is very unique.

Jerking off onto the film and projecting it is also unique, still think it detracts from the movie.

Serves to set up stuntman's character without having a revenge angle later in the film by having a sole survivor go all "bad ass".

Fair enough. I like a slow burn. I could see why people wouldn't like a "nothing happens" scene.

How is an hour of women talking entertaining

Mundaying life.

Best part is when the redneck rapes that hot chick.

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I was going to watch this until a nigress was the hero to save the day in the trailer, I’ll pass.

it's his most underrated movie but it's still his worst movie.

Only film I ever walked out on. Made Rodriguez's movie look good by comparison.

best part is the twins in the bar (you know the fucking scene i mean)

I re-watched this recently and I thought Tarantino implied she would fuck him
That is, after fucking both "toolbox" and "the Rock"

What is there to apologize for? A bunch of gurl power shitheads take down a crazed straight white serial killing man.

I felt so empowered by a movie made in Hollywood.

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I saw it in theaters and I can believe I was harsher on it at the time than it deserved (mostly due to following up Planet Terror and the fun fake trailers) but it's still his worst movie by far.

I want a Zoe Bell gf lads

its his third best film behind reservoir dogs and hateful 8