

Attached: 312.png (229x227, 2K)

spy kids

Dark Souls

Iron Man

Never happened.

Lotr, sw prequels, inverse of godfather

Die Hard

Thor trilogy, obviously

True detective

Dollars Trilogy


the matrix
>inb4 low IQ brainlets call this bait

0/10 bait


for a few dollars more is the best one

They are more like 1=2>3

The Godfather.
Don't @ me

prequel trilogy

Mission Impossible

Metal Gear Solid

t. literal retard

I think you are referring to The Human Centipede trilogy.

Indiana Jones

t. literal bait

Harru blopper


cope. revolutions being shit is a r*ddit meme

Also Friday the13

2 was the best one though.

It blows my mind that people can actually think this. What does ROTK have that the other two didn't do better?

>Fellowship has the best atmosphere and sense of wonder
>Towers has the best battle scene and the thematic peak in White Gandalf's arrival

The finale struggled with overdone cgi and messy action sequences. You can see many of the elements that ruined the Hobbit trilogy come out.

>no one posting the most obvious
Indiana Jones

I couldn't care less what reddit thinks, 3 is shit.


2 was filthy and made me want a shower.

I was memeing and 1 is my favourite, but i think 3 had a much larger scale of "epicness" and also some type of emotional impact that 1 and 2 didnt have. I would agree about the cgi and some of the action. The scale of 3 was just huge and i think they pulled it off well.

The directors cut was way worse somehow

dark knight trilogy

Stranger Things

If it was 3>2>1, it would be the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

Evil Dead trilogy?

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This but unironically

True Detective.

Alien trilogy

Backdoor sluts

dollars trilogy

Alien trilogy, obviously

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If you think Ragnarok isn't the best Marvel movie since Iron Man 1 just because you don't like Valkyrie, you're the reason this board is garbage. I got invited to a midnight screening by a buddy of mine who works at AMC and we watched it in a Dolby theater. I remembered not liking Thor 1 and skipping Thor 2 so my expectations were really low and it blew my fucking mind how badass that movie was. Led Zeppelin soundtrack, Cate Blanchett as the primary antagonist looking the hottest she ever has, Jeff Goldblum and Loki as the hilarious secondary antagonists, the rock and scissors bros, gladiator Hulk, dystopian junk heap cyber punk world, Thunder God Thor, Asgard's destruction... it's a really fun ride and you're letting your pol programming preventing you from enjoying it

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The Three Colors Trilogy

Evil Dead

Ocean's trilogy.

Indiana Jones
Daniel Craig Bond

Star Trek TNG seasons

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It's probably the worst marvel movie I've seen. It encompasses everything wrong with marvel movies, and somehow makes it even worse. Every character is a retarded caricature of themselves, quips are forced more than ever, plot is just a typical mcu copy-paste, horrendous cgi, meme actors like Goldblum, charisma black hole actors like Tessa Thompson, missed opportunity to properly adopt planet Hulk etc. It somehow managed to be even worse than Black Panther.

Spot on. Fuck the naysayers. I normally despite quippy movies but this one worked just fine.

I wouldn't consider LOTR 3 seperate movies it is on the contrary a single entity that needed to be seperated

objective truth

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Haha. No. DS3 is a fine game but despite the lackluster second half of DS1, it’s still better.

This movie gave Thor an actual personality. His path in this film is what led to the Punished Thor everyone likes in Infinity War. He was a retarded caricature in all of the films BEFORE this one.

>Not liking humor or Jeff Goldblum
Oh, I didn't know I was trying to convince an actual robot the appeal of a popcorn flick. "My bad."

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I used to think 3 was the worst as a kid and 2 was the best. But after rewatching them the 3rd is the best one and 2 is the worst.

Jackie Brown>Reservoir Dogs>Pulp Fiction

>quips are personality
>punished thor
>calling this humor
>liking goldblum

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John Wick

The prequel trilogy


All jokes and less than zero dramatic tension, so no.

Fallout if you count New Vegas as the true Fallout 3