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The guy is 60 something years old.



>Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future.[1][2][3] Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.

Someone explain this to me in English

don't do drugs kids

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>men age like wine
Yea Forums BTFO

>it takes men 90 years to hit the wall


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I saw this man 10 years ago at a harvard lacrosse game. He looked so much older than he ever does on camera, even now.

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Hans is essential Boomercore.

He's looked 65 for the last 30 years. Same with Maggie Smith

>men look old when they reach 60
>women look old when they reach 30

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The Money Pit and Big were pure kino

>people get old
Shocking I know

also The 'Burbs

Oh, shit!

Those photos are legit two years apart!

The state of white """""""""""""""men"""

This guy was born in the middle of World War 1 in
fucking 1916

It's kinda beautiful that no matter what your looks are growing up , we all die ugly . Unless you die Young of course

>old enough to remember when he was just the young guy that was memorable as an extra on an episode of Taxi

I wanna see what you look like when you're over 100 years old.

Same with Michael Caine.

Kirk Douglas is fucking 100.

He aged well. In a dignified way.

He was also in Skullduggery, a movie about Satanic RPG players.

shit takes time


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OK now that one I don't remember, I was probably too busy watching Eight is Enough