Anytime he directions a tv show

>anytime he directions a tv show
>sex jokes in serious moments
>anti christianity
>dude weed
>say fuck, shit and balls after every other word


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what is wrong with not being okay with a cult that practices ritual cannibalism?

It's kino, right wingers would never understand of course


Habonim dror

But he's Jewish

Was this is the end "anti christian"?
Probably. I don't think you can smoke weed in heaven

>t. Retards who unironically enjoyed Grown ups


lol you wish you were on the level of Jesus for it to be cannibalism

>anti christian
Protestant are so brainlet

Is anybody claiming hes a good director or producer? No. You are arguing a point against nobody.

Box office poison
and rightfully so

Yeah, he's a one-trick pony; but I don't think you're shaking it up as much as you think you are by pointing that out. I've never heard anyone, ever, consider Rogen to be a talented or even somewhat worthwhile director, or go out of their way to talk about him in any capacity other than being a moderately funny actor when in an ensemble cast.

Has he said anything outright offensive or is her just an actor that stars in shitty stoner movies?

The only reason he’s in Hollywood is Jewish nepotism.

what does grown ups have to do with seth rogen

>from Ernie Kovacs to Seth Dude
he's like the poster child for the decline of jewish comedians

He was only bearable in Superbad. Everything else is pants on head retarded

Grown ups was 30yo boomers the movie

Seth wasnt on grown ups. Are you retarded?

fuck this unfunny fat faggot and fuck his defenders

Eat my penis

Now why would this nice man hate Christianity?

it's part of their culture, so we have to accept it and celebrate it, apparently

i also really dont like him and his shit work but i was in shock when i was like 6 episodes into the boys and found out he was an exec. producer
>this cant be no i cant like his works i just cant