Colleague comes over

>colleague comes over
>immediately excuses herself
>shits in my freshly cleaned toilet
>leaves a lump of hair in bathroom i just cleaned

any movies for this feel?

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Why are you a janitor?

Girls are so gross

people don't poo in movies

It’s a fucking bathroom made to be dirtied and shit in, did her breaking up your daily routine send you into a panic?
If so you should maybe seek a medical diagnosis.

should have sniffed the seat

why are girls 18-25 so gross? They clean shit later in life but all my guy friends my age are way cleaner when it comes to their rooms and cars

>Visit another person's house.
>Shit in and defile his bathroom.
Literally don't do this shit user.
Girls are all show user, the veneer is just to hide the rotten disgusting leaky fishy smelling mess underneath.
t. has a sister.

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Why do women put on perfume and wear makeup?

Because they stink and are ugly.

Defile a bathroom??? HAHAH fuck man you a funny nigga u know dat, HAAAAAA I guess somayous whipoys is alright yeh.

>don't shit in a bathroom
hello pajeet

>They clean shit later in life
no they dont

>be so fucking irresponsible and unhygienic that you don't clean your own place
>go to other people's places so you could use their clean bathrooms

kys hobo

>They don't care when others shit in and make a mess of their shitter.
Guess you wouldn't care if they fucked your girl too huh?

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What makes you think she doesn’t clean her place at home pajeet?

My girlfriend is not a toilet in my eyes, so the two are about as far away from each other as two things can be.

because i've been to her place already

I'm sure where you're from not flushing and leaving a disgusting mess in someone else's toilet bowl is a sign of cleanliness user.

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>the state of america
lmao, girls in europe is clean AF. All dorms that girls live in are tidy.

licked it

Ok anons, fastidiously clean your toilets all day with tooth brushes every time you smell something bad, I’ve got more important things to do with my time then worry about the place I shit, piss, and spit in being clean every day.

>letting women use your bathroom
>having a woman over at all
also, did you beat her to death yet?