Why didn't anyone tell me this was such fucking kino?

Why didn't anyone tell me this was such fucking kino?

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It fucking sucks and was almost aggressively bad

It's okay.

Bad movie pandering to reddit-tier fascos thinking Mel Gibson is unironically "based". Filled with rehashed tropes that make Stranger Things look like some dank OC

stopped the trannies

I did tell you, but you didn't read my thread faggot

>movie has somewhat alt right vibes
>so everyone who doesn't like it is a tranny

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There was 95% that Yea Forums is retarded.

I made like 5 threads about it, nigger.

This movie was sweet. Debra with jackson with...wow

I wish we had more Vince + Mel movies together. I didn't know I wanted it until we got this movie.

Yeah they had good chemistry but the movie fucking sucked

Why is he based? Is it because he said fuck you to Hollywood?

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I thought it was good, but I understand how people would say it sucks. Brawl was better than this though, desu.

Why does mjw look so bloated

Yeah it was better, but I still think it was pretty bad. Bone Tomahawk is his only good movie. I still like Vince Vaughn though.

>Mel Gibson

Why should be needed to be told anything? Knowing that is enough.

It has a lot of bad things about it, like some of the dialogue being hammy as fuck and some of the turns in the plot just not being satisfying enough for the slow burn loading up to it, but it has enough good bits for me to want to watch it again. The trio of robbers were easily the best part of the movie and the whole thing was probably written around them.

Point out every "altright" vibe retard.

The anti liberal media speech is the one thing that comes to mind. I wouldn't even call it alt right vibes, but it's what people use to say about it on here.

So being critical of an institution that holds way to much power, has been proven to lie and shape narratives is "altright"? Youre a moron please kill yourself

wew, someone's really startled. calm down user, i didn't want to insult your tribe

>muh tough but honest cops ain't allowed yo do their job anymore.
>muh lügenpress protecting drug dealers strawman
>Jennifer Carpenter
>Zanny heistmen
>Memey weapons and face armor
Henry was the only good character

It's a centrist movie where a nigger is a hero for killing a cop at the end lmao

>lügenpress strawman
LMAO how new to this country are you?

>have no argument
>calm down xd
all you guys are a bunch of spineless faggots, fuck off

I don't get how libshits don't even like this movie. It's their dream movie basically.
>aggressive cops
>cops abusing power
>caucasians blaming blacks/media for their state
>caucasians being violent criminals
>black guy got away with it and actually honored the deal with the cop
>other black guy dying trying to save friend

But no, they just focused on whatever they wanted to focus on.

>have no argument
against what? a police chief complaining about liberal media accusing cops of racism is a pretty clear alt right vibe, what's even to discuss. you really should calm down, faggot

he is based because he doesn't care about audience expectations. He just makes the movie he wants to make and not many directors do that. So far, he delivered 3/3 kinos.

didnt i tell you to fuck off, jesus christ cant you separate characters from real life? its like you believe whatever you see on a screen to be fact, guess i shouldnt be surprised you fucking dense cunt

Is it kino?

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boring as fuck, don't watch it

no idea what you're even talking about dude


Terrible garbage.

I'm curious about this one as well.

I was, too. You'll be surprised how fucking bland and boring a movie can be.

Dude made Bone Tomahawk, it was destined to be kino after that

He is. I like his style.