/bb/ Big Brother 21

Good morning and welcome back to /bb/ ladies, expect the unexpected.

HoH: Jackson
Noms: Anal/Christie
Veto: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first time i click on one of these threads. is that chin real?

Yes it's real

OP is a fucking faggot

>MFW Michie ACTUALLY saved the season

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morning stupid bitch

Explain yourself

I may be gay, but not as gay as you.

Incredibly based

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good morning to Yea Forums's only 100% female thread

you boys talk about amazon superhero shows and how hot dora the explorer is

we ladies talk game and how many cats is too many (answer: 15)

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Proper bo I tell thee.

Oh no poor wittle mistie

are you retarded? those posters are clearly mentally ill

What mental illness do they have user? Please enlighten me.

Christie getting Thickie

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the gay

knowing anything about Yea Forums. being a waifu autist. still pretending to be a girl

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>knowing anything about Yea Forums
What does this have to do with anything?
>being a waifu autist
It's a meme, you dip
>still pretending to be a girl
It's a meme, you dip

kill yourself bridge"bro"

What the fuck is a birdgebro? What are you even talking about?

a.ggro is up early
ignore them and post devin

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>just spitting out names of random posters you don't like hoping I go away

today is my birthday can we just have comfy threads pls

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Happy Birthday, user!


>Dan just reading away

anybody want cake?

happy birthday fren and no.
the days of comfy threads are over.

What ruined /bb/?

happy birthday my friend

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the people who watched bb19 as their first season because they're election newfags and stuck around

a.ggro camping out in these threads all day, filling half of them with weak trolling bullshit

>kill yourself
>you're retarded

Third reply to this thread is "OP is a fucking faggot" which means this obsessive fucking cunt is here right now

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keep it comfy or else

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>Good morning and welcome back to /bb/ ladies
this is pretty faggy though

cursed image


its a meta meme
because phony positivity is a part of the game, so it's funny to be phony to each other like we're playing big brother
its at least more entertaining then constantly picking fights and shit

this post is extremely faggy

2 years since bridgebro has posted any videos

antifa is hard work can't be posting videos on youtube

all those Bridgette/Frank convos that are on the channel really make me miss bb18 comfy feeds tho

You're being extremely faggy, m'am


>waisting an HOH on anal

feels good to be such a powerful force that I singlehandedly ruined your thread.

>Thinking Anal is the choice

you’re a retard if you think aggro didn’t make this thread with a cringey OP on purpose

OP here. Seriously, who the fuck is aggro?

oh sorry, he more frequently goes by “stupid bitch”

Okay? This doesn't help me understand though.

he (she?) is the poster that goes around picking fights with others

if someone replies to your post saying "kill yourself" or "retard" or another low-effort troll, it's them

Bros, please.

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the houseguests are waking up

Aggro isn't a person, it's a state of mind.
Anyone can be aggro

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A bit early for that, innit?



am i the only male here?

2 minutes of pure cringe


Jackson's watermelon cutting strategy is to cut the round ends off and then cut them into transverse slices. He then stacks the slices in a bowl approximately the same size as the melon ends and makes horizontal and vertical cuts to get them into bite-sized pieces.

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>Tommy is frontrunner but i think he will shit the bed
>Jackson is HOH so it's not going to be a shitty week
>Nick is throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks

based Ovi knowing what he is talking about

couldn’t even get his gf to hold the camera for him

veto picks

Time to go run errands, see you ladies in a few hours.

Came here to ask this. Might actually start watching the show because of this based chin.

its photoshop
her real chin is here in b4 misted lol

too late come back next year

is anal sinking her game just so she can fuck the jack show in the jury house?

going to be a long veto picking this early. could be have nots again


Christie and sis turned against nick

Christie seething

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Tommy and Nicole aren't playing
Nick, Holly and either Jess or Cliff were picked

rip christie


cam 1/2 - Christie and Sis shit talk Nick
cam 3/4 - Tommy telling Nick that Christie/Sis don't trust him

it’s cliff

>not just eating it like an apple
why is Jackson such a pussy?


They think he worked out a deal to get off the block

christie and sis basically fighting with nick over why he isn't on the block

based retards

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Christie: Fuck Nick and Bella I don't want to work with them anymore

Christie: Fuck Jackson and Holly I don't want to work with them anymore

Christie: Okay Nick I guess we can work together again

Christie: Fuck Nick I don't want to work with him anymore

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nick thinks if he wins veto and takes off analyse that tommy isnt going up and they will keep christie

jackson said he'll heavily hint to nick it'll be tommy if he gets picked to play yesterday

while telling tommy the entire time he isnt going up? they probably wont compare notes, good plan

idk I didn't watch late last night if the plan changed but the idea was to get him not to use it so christie can be gone

This is best case scenario for veto selection honestly other than Nicole in place of Jess.
>Nick will save Anal if he wins
>Holly will either save Anal or not use POV
>Cliff most likely won't use POV if he wins it, only downside is his bum leg if it's a physical comp. Jess is a wildcard and could potentially use it on Christie but will probably feel slighted about being left out of the new sixsome.
Christie's only hope is to win this herself. Question is if Anal comes down, who does Jackson put up to guarantee Christie goes home? Holly?

>>Holly will either save Anal
lol on what planet is this

Can definitely see it happening if they want to work with her going forward since shes a low threat


based Big Jess trash talking Angela's hygiene habits

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she had poor hygiene habits?

Sis is growing on me. I'm starting to like her.

Hey ladies, check in time.
How are you all holding up?
Stay strong

>Sis - Regardless if we stay we will never ever work with them again


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When I wake up to Nicole on the feeds, I'm always strong :)

she didn’t use the obesity stick to wipe her crevices like the whale does

is this bitch's face really this big

yeah, her chin is named brother, that's why the show is called big brother.


tommy trying desperately to still defend holly


>tommy to analyse: you still have holly and can trust her

this fucking guy

what a beast

i can see jackson, christie, david or nicole returning.

and stfu about david not returning. jason roy was pre-jury and jozea was a first boot too.

>instead of bb celeb in the winter they do a bb nigga season
david coming back

a one of for OTT is hardly returning

jackson telling Cliff that him and Nicole are not going up if veto is used

Kat is honestly most likely
Christie is a huge maybe
Jackson had too many problems
David if they do a thing with "robbed" players or prejurors
Cliff or Nicole could return if the returnee season is close. If not, some other adorable houseguest will win America's hearts and Cliff can be a Donny

I forgot about that one

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they won't let jackson return becacuse he's white mail.
they can't let crystie return, because she's hated and that wouldn't be good for the gays
david never got on a show
ni- who?

>We just need to survive this week and it's smooth sailing for the six after...

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lol christie crying in the shower

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why is tiff so autistic

Am I the only guy in this thread?

wow rude

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Post your dick and prove it

I know that feel

>Wes just needs ta suhvives another weeks and it's smooths say-a-ling fuh tha six aftah...

who is this ‘wes’

It is I, Wes.

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OTT should not have returnees if they do America's nominee. America's vote is fine though.

yeah production is so lucky that jason was an asshole. Otherwise it would have been a steamroll

its either that bb production knew that jason was a huge dick and that people would turn on him (thats why we were to pick either him or joeza) or they got lucky.

production didn’t care. OTT was a live feeds fans gauge

apparently suzanne collins was inspired by BB6 to write the hunger games. i bet katniss was inspired by janelle.

i love the smell of mashed potatos in the morning

kat mashed nicoles students?

nick once said analyse smells like mashed potatoes


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they are cute but i hate them lol

unironically the only returnee should be big jess


How do you watch people just sit in a house all day? Christ

Freak out, and give in
Doesn't matter what you believe in

Boomers rise up

>they are cute
>i hate them

why do you sit on Yea Forums all day? Christ

here's a picture of my dick
it kinda turns me on knowing girls are looking at it
please dont report me to the mods

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haha i wonder what jack and bella are up to right now

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jack dgaf, she was a tinder date he banged a couple times. bella, scrambling


ana's foot on those logs

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fuck off with your twitter screencaps



for me, it's dan gheesling

>i can see jackson, christie, david or nicole returning.

the jacks will never return to play when they see overblown vitriol they got on social media
so it'll most likely be christie, kat, and maybe cliff in the running to return. david has no shot

for me it's Christie's unwashed tan-colored bra that's been soaking up lesbo titty sweat for 2 months and counting

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oh no no no no
look at the bottom of it's face
oh no no no no no

GOAT feeds season when Devin was still in the house.

>"I have a dauuuuuuuughter"
>"Donny's CIA, BRO"
>BMC stalking Amber
>qt Nicole
>Derrick scheming

>hey Sis tell us about Jack's dick again

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I wonder if tommy would accept an offer from cliff to take a crack at his boipucci

i thought cliff had a 1 week deal to protect the new 6? why is he telling jackson he wont use the veto?

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i want chrisite to win so tommy can go up, he is a way bigger threat

it' not looking good, Mistiebros...

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if Tommy wins veto, who goes home? Nick?

then analyse goes home. big move jackson

anal doesnt have the votes bro

and? tommy is six shooters all the way, he is not putting up jackson or holly next week unlike sis

tommy isnt competing in veto

thats what i just said... are you daft?

yeah im sure that will be the same if he becomes the renom after being told repeatedly muh six shooters is still a thing. it doesnt matter tommy is way more dangerous and has the jury as of now. jackson doesnt have a chance against him

>thats what i just said... are you daft?
you said anal goes home, i said she doesnt have the votes to go home, also who the fuck says daft. what are you 50?

uh, count the votes the only way she stays is against christie. sorry i dont speak zoomer XD

t. showfag

>Jackson - I am so glad i am a guy


3 votes and jackson breaks the tie, she is already down 1 to holly

on what planet will cliff and nicole keep analyse over tommy? christie will keep tommy too. she might get a vote from jess

if she is against jess shes not getting cliff and nicole again

i'm glad he's a guy too.
if he was a woman, he would be twice as fat as jess


anal told nick that jessica is upset with nicole. and wants him to be put up if christie gets taken down

Please watch the nbombs

yup, i'm watching them real good, and i like what i'm seeing

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>eat me bitch

Put up Tommy because nobody in that house wants to get rid of Tommy just yet.

I bet the veto competition will be whoever has a name that starts with C and ends with an E gets the veto and a c'oup de etat plus three family members to enter the house

sis hugs nicole
>nicole, your boobs are so big
>you guys insist on making me uncomfortable all the fucking time

she covered them puppies up with the blanket instantly

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>somehow even this twist flops with all Murphy members turning on each other before the end of the week

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Sitting right

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lmao you motherfucker

inshallah brother
let all thots in the house be cleansed by fires of eternal damnation

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who's playing in veto?

that witch profile

>bitch better have my MONEY

soon brothers

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cbs should troll the shit out of kat and have brett host this veto so she can see it when analyse takes the video to the jury house on friday


her face is so busted now

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if christie gains another 10 pounds she can easily become a slampig


i wouldn't mind busting your fucking face, you piece of shit. shut the fuck up, scumbag.

what are your opinions on the best alliance of all time?

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are we suppose to know who this is

what is she even doing these days?
surviving of her 20k instagram followers while desperately hoping for Challenge callback?

>dane: the social player
>adam: the compbeast
>anthony: the mistman
>mark: the autist
based alliance desu


this is a big brother thread

>wore that to the airport
is she flying to saudi arabia
because I'd pay to fuck her if I was rich

>is she flying to saudi arabia
you shouldnt joke about that stuff, a lot of the people in dubai will pay girls to be their toilets and will even pay them to have sex with their underage sons. its fucked up

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start the tears

oh fuck


females have won 6/19 comps

jesus christ


jackson is the 3rd HoH in a row to win veto, is that a record?

christie to camp comeback crying
>really tommy, you to play baywatch


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feels good now, but jackson is seriously fucked next week unless holly wins hoh

>Really, Tommy? You want to play baywatch... I can't, i really can't!

dyke may rat out her relationship with Tommy this week

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the universe has found you wanting christie. its time to pay the piper

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>implying tommy isnt leaving

all that matters is that posting her face will still make /bb/ seethe

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how long before somebody goes on big brother and actually massacres the rest of the house guests?

depends how many white male incels they cast

wherever you are user you have been properly BTFO

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i bet tommy is fucking stoked with this outcome. his albatross is finally being removed from his neck and he can cruise to F2

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9th place

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shes probably gonna tell everyone she knows him in the jury house

>tommy is going to be forced to do the heavy lifting instead of riding coattails

he's finished


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Aww poor wittle baby. I guess this is karma from the universe huh?

watermelons saved the season


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crying in holly and jacksons dried cum


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struck a nerve, eh incel?


What are some other movies where the bad guy was actually the good guy all along and saved the day?

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Where were you when Jackson Michie saved Big Brother 21?

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some spaghetti westerns

>Gr8ful won 6 out of 8 HOHs. We were the Bomb Squad.


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Uh, you don’t get to manifest.

most narconovelas

Majority of the house sucks at comps though.
Jackson is the only real comp beast left.

sissy wants to scratch some eyes out

She’s all talk, she won’t do shit.

based on Tommy's previous behavior he might still go after Cliff before Jackson

>The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here and 8 watermelons. But only one of you!

You may only reply to this post if your showfu is safe this week

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jackson/holly win survive until 6 then a 4 will emerge to take them out just like in bb15 when the exterminators took out amanda/mccrae. the only problem is if there's a buyback and kat comes back


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We did it quirkybros

truly a blessed week.

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I guess Kat being in the jury house technically makes her safe this week.

>anal -- his dick is huge

hey who was that one white girl from this show who had a big ass

hell yeah

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Kristy from OTT


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jackson shotgunning a beer with holly in the HOH room

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no, i dont think she's from this season

>but jackson is seriously fucked next week unless holly wins hoh

none of the girls has big asses this season

she had dyed hair and wore glasses, not from this season

she cute

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kemi did you racist

it's gonna be a looooooong week

You can't mist me, I know Kat prefers black guys.

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Rockstar baby!

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it was misted from bblol

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no idea who are you talking about
joey didn't wear glasses

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that's the one! check'd
she got ass
didnt know about her until now

post more of these sluts

thats pure yummy

dont have a lot, but here

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based watermelon man

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Joey from bb16 had a dynamite pooper but she's definitely not white

here you go

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So Christie is going 100%?
No chance of it being an Anal evict?

>morgan shouldn't have won, she didn't make any moves

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I can’t imagine why Holly, Nicole or Cliff would vote to keep Christie

or nick. tommy will probably vote her out as well.

jackson killing all the beers in honor of his victory. SKOL MOTHER FUCKERS

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based chad

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>Sis has no plans to campaign

Watch it buddy!

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How have these idiots still not realized that America hates them?

Only Agent Marky is CIA.

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Ian loves this Braaappp

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He could have asked for any brand and he picked Lite. BAKA

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you sure about that?

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Dr. Melons, I’m Milkies.

I loved moos fat tits

christie and anal begging the cameras again for salvation

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based Michie getting a celebratory bang

>Christie begging for a twist while she’s had Tommy in the game with her
