>Two Oscars
>Never named in the Harvey scandal
>Ugly as fuck
>Films have been flops
Is Hillary Swank just an oddball in Hollywood or is there some kind of Jewry I am missing here
>Two Oscars
>Never named in the Harvey scandal
>Ugly as fuck
>Films have been flops
Is Hillary Swank just an oddball in Hollywood or is there some kind of Jewry I am missing here
Other urls found in this thread:
how is she ugly
She is not "ugly as fuck"
She just has sort of a unique look with a big jaw and mouth
Also she's 45 now and showing it
>One Oscar for a real life story of a raped and murdered tranny
>The other for being a woman in a 'man's sport' who wins over her crotchety old wh*te male trainer (and also gets disabled and euthanised for bonus points)
Oscar bait works wonders.
lol fuck off gayboi
>I actually dated her when she was poor out of work actor.
She was at least very good looking. The reason why she got a her first oscar is that she was willing to cut her hair and do "Boys don't Cry" for something like 500 bucks.
We broke up since at the time she was neck deep in Scientology.
more like Hillary Skank
Did you jam her? 'cause if you did I'm jelly bro. She's a handsome woman
>neck deep in Scientology
There's your answer, OP
Fine, she's less attractive now than she used to be
But maybe you're also a little homosexual
She is/was attractive enough that there are large numbers of nude fakes of her
I have always found her the most beautiful and charming of the horse-women.
>Two Oscars
She is a good actress.
>Never named in the Harvey scandal
Most of her career has been in smaller productions. Also, she may not be Harvesting material due to her unconventional looks.
>Ugly as fuck
She's not classically beautiful, but she is by no means ugly. I like her broad mouth, and she has nearly perfect breasts
>Films have been flops
It's hard for a film with a modest budget to flop.
>Is Hillary Swank just an oddball in Hollywood or is there some kind of Jewry I am missing here
Oddball. Not a Jew at all. IIRC, she is a West Virginia hillbilly
Always thought she was kind of hot, jelly you got to tap that.
>Did you jam her? 'cause if you did I'm jelly bro. She's a handsome woman
She was fine back then, also a nice person too, which is rare. I am not going to pretend that she like me more then that she was dirt poor at the time and I helped her out on a few jobs and so on. It wasn't for my looks that for sure.
>Not my photo (my photos of her have me in it) but from the era when we dated.
>We broke up since at the time she was neck deep in Scientology.
She denies being a Scientologist.
Share a pic or two, just cover your face if you are worried.
>Boys Don't Cry
>Budget: $2m
>she did it for "something like 500 bucks"
Yeah, so this is a weird larp. SAG has rules that mean that this definitely didn't happen. Do you get off on pretending to have banged Hillary Swank on a Mongolian DIY board?
That Duff, not swank user.
user, I didn't say she was paid literally 500 bucks, just that her pay was very small.
Her actual pay was about $3,000.
Still too low. It might help you to actually research this shit before lying about it
user is right, she wasn't paid squat.
This sounds like bullshit, she got married a few years before she even did Boys Don't Cry.
>I helped her out on a few jobs and so on
Hello, Mr Harvester.
Look it up user.
And so on.
Dozens of examples. So perhaps you should do some fucking research.
I do not think "Like $500 dollars" and being paid $3000 for am movie role is that far off. She was not paid much for it at all. Of course, it ended up earning her millions later.
Thanks for sharing Chad.
> I helped her out for a few hand jobs and so on.
ftfy you sickie
Someone post the Next Karate Kid webm where her boobs are all bouncing around
Its almost like an oscar is nothing more than a promotional investment into an asset that may or may not blow up
He always goes over.
she's a good actress, how can someone deny it
Average looks tho, breasts deserves a special mention, of course
>Thinking he did it just for handjobs user
Hillary Swank would have a much better career if it wasn't for her man jaw. She's too hot to be the homely character actress, but not hot enough to lust over
Can anyone here explain why she hung herself?
I didn't get it
>Thinking he did it just for handjobs user
Well, not BJs. No man in his right mind would risk his pennis by putting them near those choppers
The hell you say. Back about 15 years ago, I spent so much "me time" with pics of Hilary Swank...
She and Rosario Dawson were my go-to Hollywood actresses.
Now I know you are gay
>guy claims to have banged hollywood actress
>this sounds like bullshit
we've got sherlock holmes on this board too apparently
This thread is deeply entertaining
>user claims he dated Swank
>People claim it a lie (as who in the fuck would make up that they dated swank)
>user claims he a liar and she could never work for little money.
>Turns out she did the movie for squat.
Who knows, perhaps we have a old leecher hollywood type cruising Yea Forums reliving the days when he swank fucked him for a role on some tv show no one remembers.
them some fighting words
tell me where you are so I can slap you with my gauntlet
I like her seems comfy and familiar
don't trigger me, my teeth are like this
I believe there are actual celebrities here since we found out Taylor Swift browses b
I like her
I believe the guy probably dated her. I dated someone years ago (for 2 years) who is a host on a national weekday morning show in the US.
Yep, and Dane DeHaan posted here as well.
I can believe that they dated as well. Its not too hard to believe that. My cousin dated some guy on ESPN while in college. I never dated that many people but one girl I dated sang in Nashville for about 10 years before she gave it up.
I can totally see a 4channer who one of his highlights is "I dated Hillary Swank back in 93" or something.