What the fuck did i just watch, this movie makes no fucking sense

what the fuck did i just watch, this movie makes no fucking sense

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It's just a silly gook movie. None of them make sense.

he was the spoopy ghost all along.

it's shitty and also low budget

it does make a lot of sense, a jap devil comes to town and pretends they are just racist for thinking of him as the devil cause he's a foreigner but he really is the devil and the girl is an angel

Hello zoom zoom

It worries me that I watched this only a couple of years ago and I literally cannot remember one thing about the plot.
I'm only 32

fuck off you boomer piece of shit

you watch too many movies and maybe are a neet so your time and memory got fucked
you probably dont remember what you ate two days ago

>and the girl is an angel
What? How do you get that?

w-why does being neet ruin memory...?
for me it was japan noodles

Attached: sweatysnaek.gif (364x489, 526K)

cause she hasghost powers and is a good being but not all powerful so she's not god

because every day/week/month/year feels the same and your brain atrophiates cause you dont really pay atention like people do when they are working or studying

I had to tap out about hour in, the movie dragged so hard and was getting nowhere.

thats all asian cinema, you get used to it

it doesn't get better.

>you probably dont remember what you ate two days ago
Am I supposed to?

maybe not

They hammer it down for you.
>He who is without sin, cast the first stone.

Not the same user, but you are an underage retard.
