American Dog Obsession

>Air Buddies, Snow Buddies, Space Buddies, etc...
>Marley & Me
>Cats vs Dogs
>Beverley Hills Chihuahua
>The Shaggy Dog
>Army Dog
>A Dog's Purpose
>countless others
Why is Hollywood so obsessed with dogs? There are so many movies about dogs and they treat the animal like a family member. They let the dog inside the house and sleep with it. I'm Pinoy so it's so fucking weird how dogs are portrayed in movies while here in Philippines few people own dogs and none of them let them in the house
Anyone else think the obsession is weird and unnatural? It's basically replacing kids and babies with animals
Is it like this in Europe or just an American thing?

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Golden/Yellow/White dogs are an underlying symbol of white supremacy in media, prove me wrong.

It’s the dogpill


Watch Alpha(2018) and Jon Wick(2014) and K-9(1989)
then you will understand

A lot of people find dogs really cute in America so films about cute dogs doing cute things are usually a safe bet, cheap to make and will likely get their money back in sales. Also white women really like dogs too

You don’t know what you’re missing, man. Having a well behaved dog snooze by your bed at night and get all stoked when you wake up is a sweet feel

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But the dog doesn't clean its anus like we do. Isn't dogshit getting everywhere on your bed?

American non-black females love to fuck dogs from early years. Thats why they like dogo films, just as you are watching some move to see a shot of your fav cunt.

Your race of bug people don't have the right brains to comprehend

Y’all cool w being the laughingstock of the Asian community? Y’all are basically Mexican-colored Jungle-Asians.

Just so you know.

> I’m a Korean btw


>Why is Hollywood so obsessed with dogs?
go look up the cast of these films

what do you see?


that's right. white people

white fucking people. and their obsession with animals. dogs. it's disgusting.

I hate dogfags so much.

Don't you people eat dogs?

white people have large brains capable of empathy, thus they're able to form bonds with animals that are useful and have good temperaments (dogs and horses for example).

don't forget American white women also fuck dogs and their men are furries

europe sweetie you're thinking of europe

>T. Low test fag

You seem to forget that Americans don't use bidets user.
Their dogs are as clean as the owners.
I'm not American but I like dogs. But my dogs sleep outside and I don't let them inside my house.

>> I’m a Korean btw
lmao that's like a Bolivian calling a Mexican a shitskin

Pinoy OP here. Yeah I don't dislike dogs, but the keeping them inside the house thing that Americans do just seems so unhygienic to me. Its even worse with female dogs because they'll menstruate in the house too
thats chinks not pinoys

I like pets and all, but ever since all 4 of my dogs passed away, I could care less about pets in general.
Cool, you own a dog, I don't want to give le doggo pets. Your shitbull should be euthanized. Your smiling tail-wagging retriever is annoyingly happy. I don't want to own another one. I'm fine with not having to look after or take care of them anymore. They were my best friends, they passed, I move on. I'm not eager to try and replace them.

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Most people have their dogs spayed.