Remember when they told us that Gay rights wouldn't normalize sexual promiscuity or pedophilia? Remember ??

Remember when they told us that Gay rights wouldn't normalize sexual promiscuity or pedophilia? Remember ??

Here's an excerpt from the book:

>From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighborhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral. And I touched their you-know-whats. We were really young, but that’s what we did.

Stupid fucking book :

YouTuber urged parents to check their local libraries and school libraries to ensure children are protected from this harmful agenda:
> [Open]

It's over guys

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There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia

fuck trannies

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I always thought the slippery slope arguments were ridiculous, but now that giving children hormone therapy, and convincing elementary school children that they're "trans" are both real things, I'm having a hard time disputing it. Do a good thing for normal people, and weirdos will take advantage.

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liberalism is a sickness

These people need to end.

One bad apple doesnt poison the entire tree, and your non-existant slippery slope argument is full of shit. That part about sucking dicks at only 6 is sickening to read, but one trans person writing a book does not mean that gay rights as a whole are bad or that pedophilia has suddenly been normalized. Doesnt mean that sexual promiscuity isnt bad at all, dont fuck everyone else just because of one fucked up individual and their book. Or else everyone would have turned against straight people a long time ago. Get your damn head out of your ass for a moment.

shut up Jessica Yaniv

The idea that progressivism is some kind of train and you can just sort of get off at the stop you want has always been silly. Why *shouldn't* the paedos try to use the same arguments that were used by gays and transsexuals? They've already been proven to work.

>"it's only most of us, god!"

most homosexuals and promiscuous people have all the same story. they were sexualised at an early age. some cope with it was ok others say they where forced the correlation remains the same nearly every homosexual or pornstar has a story about being touched at an early age. take that as you will.

Remember when we talked about television and film here?

Yes, I too remember 2012.

We are way past one, fren.

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Tame as fuck. People need to read Manchild in the Promised Land. Published in 1965. Depicts life in the ghetto (Harlem) in the 40's/50's. Frank depictions of gang rape, theft, pimping and murder committed by children during the Leave it to Beaver era. Characters also blame the jews for their ills. It'll blow your fucking mind.

the trannies have served their purpose and now will be cast aside for the next bread and circus

>everyone would have turned against straight people
who's everyone you faggot scum?

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I bet youre a what about the children gun control fag too

transfaggotry has always been satan's trick to normalize fucking kids

Yeah, back when television and film wasn't 99% inundated with this bullshit. Political/social discussion has overwhelmed the TV and movies board, because political and social propaganda have overwhelmed the TV shows and movies.

>normal people
Faggots and trannies were never normal

>but one trans person writing a book does not mean that gay rights as a whole are bad or that pedophilia has suddenly been normalized.
So where are the trannies denouncing this sicko

we've already reached weimar levels of depravity long ago, how much longer til the utter collapse of american society/economy?

>no verified checkmark

yeah its fake news. probably a russian bot.

A purge is not a collapse

Nigger society is not a normal human society, they will always be batshit levels of insane and it's the hard fucking truth, the poorest white communities in America have less violence than the wealthiest black communities

>poorest white communities in America have less violence than the wealthiest black communities
Not true

>One bad apple doesnt poison the entire tree
If I presented you an tree of 100 apples, and told you only one was poison, would you still eat from it?

>he didn't fool around with the little girls in the neighborhood when he was a little boy
If I had to guess, I'd say you're not a very good dancer, are you?


>white ppl culture

just white ppl doing white ppl shit

nothing really new under the sun...

Please don't lump us together. I want nothing to do with faggots and trannies.

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>One bad apple doesnt poison the entire tree,
one drop of fecal matter spoils the barrel full of wine

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based.