Movies like this?

Movies like this?

Robin Hood 1938, Mark of Zorro 1940, Three Musketeers 1973

Attached: inigomontoyacrop.jpg (720x480, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You just want to see fencing?

Count of Monte Cristo (1953)
Prince of Foxes (1949)

The Duellists (1977)

Ah fuck, I meant the 1934 version of Monte Cristo, starring the great Robert Donat. It's the best version.

This and Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960).

Attached: The Duellists.webm (704x400, 2.75M)

All three excellent movies. I saw Musketeers in the theater when it came out. Raquel Welch left an impression on a young lad.

Attached: Raquel.jpg (600x900, 84K)

The Great Race (1965)

Attached: GRace_fencing.jpg (839x713, 171K)

It's Oliver Reed kino.

Attached: Oliver Reed Three-Musketeers-The-1973.jpg (1420x799, 236K)

based ancient boomer


What does “S” stand for?!

Pre internet. Young kids had to find their boobs where they could. You have no idea how many hours I spent looking at this album cover.

Attached: Whipped.jpg (636x421, 81K)

And Michael York, who seemed to be in every decent sword movie at the time.

Attached: MichaelYork.jpg (200x200, 8K)

oh shit it's him

he was a good lad.

It’s Z

For Zneed

Flesh and Blood (1985)

Attached: flesh+blood.jpg (670x315, 56K)

The 90s Zorro with Antonio Banderas is fucking great. Ignore the sequel though.


The Seahawk 1940

Attached: MV5BMTYwOTE5NTM1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzU1Njk1MjE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg (182x268, 19K)

Attached: image.jpg (1046x1500, 266K)

A little creepy when you think that the directors daughter played Igrayne

Attached: 816592eb92473cae5c8134205a7ca7c5.jpg (390x600, 63K)

Attached: Adventures-of-Robin-Hood-3.jpg (376x520, 117K)

From the Buggs Bunny version of Robin Hood:

Bugs is such an asshole