Tolkien BTFO

Tolkien BTFO

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But what does he eat?

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Both are hacks in face of the true master of high fantasy.

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literally darkness and evil

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GRRM himself doesn’t even dedicate asoiaf to the system of taxes within the seven kingdoms. There are throwaway lines made by Tyrion and Littlfinger, but that’s it. For a writer that tried to make his fantasy universe realistic, there are a lot of logical flaws.
>why are there no different dialects?
>what are the levels of currency and how are they valued?
>how does the king manage to throughly communicate with the other kingdoms despite communication problems?
The last one is the biggest for me, there are probably all kinds of shady shit going on without the king’s Knowledge. Why should faraway regions like the north and vale even bother following the laws set out by the king when he doesn’t even know what’s going in their places?

Maario Naharis

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"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men, it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing."
-J.R.R. Tolkien, on why he didn't write A Song of Ice and Fire

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In what context was this quote made?
It sounds like the perfect pseudo-intellectual comment.


>lannisters are rich because their home is on top of a gold mine

>Game of Thrones is to Lord of the Rings as 50 Shades Grey is to Twilight
>Just some shity Fan fic made by an obese perv that is inspired by a highly successful Fantasy series that's isn't even good

Maybe Tolkien thought it would be difficult to implement that in a way that wasn't detrimental to the flow of the book or made redundant by it

I'm glad that Tolkien finally came out and gave his opinion on ASOIAF. I feel like he was silent on it for too long.

Tolkien has already addressed that shit but I can't find the sauce, go ask Yea Forums, if they read any books, that is.

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What would your tax policy look like Yea Forums?

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As you get older, you start to understand that GRRM is a literal neckbeard writing his edgy sexy fantasies for teens, while Tolkien's work was a timeless piece of literature full of themes from mythology/folklore, history and theology.

IP sent to them .
Dont shit on a Great Inspirational writer here .

Zero. Taxation is theft.

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Based Tolkien literally named the Jew, but everybody is too afraid to acknowledge it.

this so much , its written with passion an so much love , fat neck beard just gets nudged to monkey at typewriter by slut young wife who gets fucked by all her gardens from taco


he said the Kikes started WW1 for their own means , an WW2 was another land grab affair for arab homeland hense the houlocaust meme , he was saying this back then , He is OUR Spiritual Leader .

uhh, nice source

The funniest thing about these modern day fantasy author's is that, every time they attempt one-up Tolkien when comparing their own works to his, they end up BTFO themselves eventually and never surpass the heights of Tolkien's works. It's like some sort of "Tolkien Curse" or something. Tolkien himself was literally the Donald Trump of Fantasy writers considering how many modern writers are always butthurt whenever his name's brought up.

>author's is
stopped reading right there


Apparently, quoting Wikipedia is now a deletable offense.

And just yesterday, saying that Midsommar was anti-white propaganda was also deletable.

This board is basically a Jewish outpost at this point.

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What was Joffrey's tax policy?

Blame my autocorrect, not me, kike.

>the Donald Trump of Fantasy


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Nice Synagogue of Satan, rabbi.


>>should we create an interesting looking world map?
>no just put Britain and Turkey next to each other

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curry most definitely

Why didn’t the targaryens and their dragons colonize certain parts of Essos?
Why don’t the seven kingdoms trade with Essos?
Why have their been no moments through history where the two continents fought each other?

Braavos funds wars in the Seven Kingdoms.

Its everywhere about him Rabbi ,
Your Kind Hated him for Being A Decent English Upper Class Guy War Hero , who did not suffer fools and the foreigner who intewhined to scream about a homeland in 1939 .

who cares, show sucks

it's because Tolkien wasn't writing 'fantasy' - the genre didn't exist before him, so he just a traditional, quality story and a setting based on european folklore(afaik his intention was to write a fake mythological history for England which he felt was lacking, and also threw in a bunch of stuff based on his WW1 experience, his dislike for rapid industrialization, etc.); which is why LotR will always sit above its derivatives, whose authors grew up reading earlier works already full of genre clichés and specifically sat down to write 'one of those dungeons and dragons stories, but gotta throw in a twist so that I'm different'

Martin, like pretty much every other Western fantasy fan, is a huge Tolkien fanboy. I think people read too much into those quotes he gave about the difference between his stories and LOTR. He goes by G "RR" Martin for a reason.

>it's a real quote
Just when I thought I couldn't love Tolkien any more. He's completely right, too. Not his style at all.

that's not how autocorrect works you phoneposting faggot

GRRM is a faggot and missed the point of LotR, Aragon is an ideal archetype not a real person, is how men should be not how they are

so of course he's a good king, you just have to fill in the blanks and realize his tax policy involved peacefully genociding the (((elves))) and reinventing the elf gold in public projects to the benefit of mankind

Apparently, George R.R. Martin has some Jewish ancestry so it's not a surprise an economics question would be his response.

And so it came to pass that user posted thread after thread of low-quality bait, and he felt no shame for he was the worst shit-poster to set foot on the Middle-Board in that age. The elves sang no songs of user in the years that followed his ban, for they resented him, and named him faggot.


>What should we call the knights?
Ser, like sir, get it
>What do we call the northern lands?
The north *burp*
>What do we call the land where there are storms?
The *rustles crisp packet* storm lands
>What do we call the houses?
Stark, like *BRAAAAP* York, and Lannister *pffft* *burp* like *burp* Lancas*BRAAAAAP*ter

GRRM is a hack

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Yeah, but can Aragorn spy on everybody at all times?

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Fantasy existed before The Hobbit. Tolkienfags are so dumb, most of them don't even know LotR takes place on actual Earth and Eru is JHVH and Christ is canon.

The Virgin Literalist vs The Chad Fantasist?

Do you have a source for that? I can only remember one Tolkien quote regarding Jews/Nazis, and it was very much anti-Nazi. This is something he wrote in 1938, in response to Nazi German laws regarding the publication of his books, since Tolkien is a German name:

>I must say the enclosed letter from Rütten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries?

>Personally, I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine.

Why is pic related so butthurt about GRRM

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Which one was the tranny antifa mk-ultra shooter job?

The antifa shooter was in Dayton, Ohio.

Tolkien called Jews “gifted people”

He didn’t like trannies tho

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>Ten years from now
Kek what a douchebag. Too busy drinking salad dressing from the bottle to write a damn book AND acts like an uppity cunt to his fans.

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Racism outside of Yea Forums has always been against the rules.

People are really overcomplicating things here when comparing the two. The differences between prose is enough. LOTR is balanced and stays firm throughout, whereas asoiaf is filled overly used phrases, shitty fanfic tier sex scenes, and cheap cussing

>tfw nipples :)
>tfw poo :)
>tfw food :)
>tfw items of clothing :)
>tfw historical targaryens :)

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Racism is hatred or bigotry against a group.
A quote from Wikipedia proclaiming his heritage isn't racism.

Rabbi stop he forsaw the gas chamber meme OK
an if you want I will forward you this ,
He expressed that it was not the hun in those close killing trenches but the displaced fat cats funding this abject killing of our European Youth .

His Estate here

ask your kikeness there ok

I still think it would have been hotter if it was the same scene but with Jaime

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Nice try

Obsessed tranny

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george tard-tard fartin

stop Rabbi
he called them jews

Gifted an Skilled men to entwine in for their own ends a devious endeavours ... Be Warned.
that was

I wish willfully pretending to be retarded was against the rules too.

>SBS news
>Literal who news site
We get it Juden, trannies are evil and we should kill them all and all jews who support their operations and lifestyle

Was this supposed to hurt my feelings, Joel?


why are there unironic nazis in a 'shit-on-grrm' thread

here he comes that shilled shit bag who is paid to stop on /pol this by the kikes

I nearly had his ip last time an if I get it will go front an wake that lazy fat jew up an Punch him til dead . .. not say all here do Put its worth it ok ,
a Mutt paid shill here .. even Mook would go batter that shithole

Jews supported the Nazis? Huh

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Scary tranny

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>Everyone that exposes me is a Nazi/White Supremacist/Etc.

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1 incel obsessing over Jews same as always

A Dance with Dragons (2011)

>if you talk about historical facts you’re Jewish

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why are there unironic JIDF in a shit on GRRM thread who was 25% Ashkenazi Jewish and was a cuckold kike hack compared to based gent Tolkien who called out the Jews? (((Hmmmmmmm)))




GO Figuare chops kids cocks off for living durty Bastard

He forsaw dirty jew cunts as many did ,
No gas chambers, all lies was prison , allies bombing supply killed them , that guiolt give them that WINRAR

>It's a George learns how women think episode

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Geez calm down tranny

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