Comedy cringe thread
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give me a brief summary.
shoes lol
Why are all female comedians obsessed with sex and their vaginas?
Why are all asian comedians obsessed with their families and the disparity between asian culture and american culture?
Why are most black comedians obsessed about what it's like to be black in America?
I know they say "write what you know" but they're stereotyping themselves with this tired old shit.
>around only 228 views
>nothing but dislikes
>4 years old
How did you even find this?
>worst comedian EVAR
She's not bad.
The comedian uploaded the video herself, so it's probably titled that way as a mix of self deprecation and clickbaiting.
>Why are all female comedians obsessed with sex and their vaginas?
Female comedians go "edgy" in order to prove they're tough enough to hang with "the boys." Vaginal humor is easy edgy humor for a woman to do.
I found Kristina Wong and started looking through her youtube channel.
Ah, that explains it. I kept waiting for it to get really bad and it was just kind of boring.
Why did we let these women into the country that we fucking created for them to turn around and do this like she wouldnt be eating fucking insects back home?
>it's a joke
>that coached kid struggling to recite her lines about Hello Kitty
That's going to be a yikes, a cringe, and a double dose of crinfe from me.
Woman are whores.
White man bad
White man in charge of everything
White penis bad
Color penis good
Vagina good
It's standard SJW bullshit twisted into """"comedy"""" yet again
This isn't a comedy kino thread, bud
>Never trust something that has a tongue and no throat
Her boyfriend is funnier than her, still bad tho
white man's penis is huge
It's like they want the 19th Amendment revoked
White penis is average bro I have a 7 inch BBC and most white men pack a 5 in wc
>something about funeral for a white man's penis that she's apparently been doing for years
>a series of video reviews of books by white men about picking up Asian women
Pretty safe to say that she's just perpetually flustered by white Chads not hitting on her despite white men supposedly loving Asian women, right? Nobody can be that obsessed without there being some hint of jealousy/sour grapes.
This isn't that bad. She's just posting this for clickbait. Notice how the person that uploaded this is the woman in the video?
bet you great in Gen Pop nigger taking white Cock
>Why are most black comedians obsessed about what it's like to be black in America?
The one or two black comedians I heard that mentioned nothing about race were funny as fuck.
But it was years ago I don't remember their names
Yeah, I've seen a lot of cringe out there, but she just takes the cake.
>"Now I'm the hottest thing on earth"
>kids programmed to hate Donald Trump
>that one kid that straight up says that white men are creepy
Past a certain age, an asian woman without a white husband can be a troubling thing.
Watching this once all those years ago was enough, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING
>Following actor James Franco's co-hosting of the 83rd Academy Awards, Kristina published a personal blog account revealing that, when her alma mater UCLA invited her to give the commencement speech at the English Department graduation in April 2008, Franco, himself graduating with that class, said her speech was "okay" (unintentionally) in front of her and (intentionally) in front of the chair of the UCLA English Department following the commencement exercises. Her blog post was quickly picked up by multiple culture and celebrity sites, including being republished in its entirety on Jezebel.[20]
>said her speech was "okay"
Because as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche pointed out, women are children. Their entire belief structure is hollow and narcissistic. That's why they're not only obsessed with themselves, but also their own body parts.
>and that's why even though I'm a useless piece of shit at least I'm better than a WOMAN
Why are all jew comedians obsessed about how a failure they are?
Why are all Mexican comedians obsessed with their culture and differences between them and murricans?
and i can go on and on, just try to understand a person does comedy with the most natural material they have, and thats their daily live and shit, just dont see them, dont be a fucking whinny bitch
This but unironically.
I still laugh at the fact that she got fired for wearing blackface over 10years ago.
Damn I feel bad for her. It’s ballsy to even try stand up.
t. woman
Look at the wrinkled mask on that hideous kike
God damn it's even more unwatchable than I remembered. What kind of person would unironically think this is good?
>What kind of person would unironically think this is good?
You reap what you sow, kek.
>largely ignored POS video
can't wait till the shills find this video and start flaming the comments section and then we see her in the news and in front of congress shilling her patreon account
She's not dark enough for that.
she just needs to think that she's oppressed to put on a show.
It's a racial handicap my dude. I'm pretty deep in my local stand-up scene and all the Indians and Asians make jokes about their parents and do tired racist accents but it's okay because they're doing it. Also "White" male comedians do heaps of "im okay with the gays" material, its all like fucking clockwork, I swear comedy is dead.
Is this the girl with the Netflix special? Do they know she's a racist?
my white penis 9 inches so what’s your point?
Women are obsessed with sex.
not even going to click on this
Her beta orbiter(s) kept saying "omg you're sooooo funny!" to her so she actually believed it
Why are minorities in the USA so uppity to those who were courteous enough to let them into the party?
yes we know, what he mean by this though.
is the SHOES LMAO British girl standup hidden on youtube anywhere? The BBC was trying their best to hide that abortion.
tits or gtfo
People like to hear jokes about their own lives and culture. Those comedians are just doing what works to get them crowds in the door.
She's not great, but not terrible
the blackie that is
She'd be extremely hot if she got a bit fitter
Glozell is an ebony goddess.
>Drake Bell shows her fortnite
>she starts dancing and shaking her booty in his face when they get to the fortnite dances and how much they cost
oh lord
You guys just can't handle the fact that women can and do perform comedy. Just have sex guys damn
In that moment Drake Bell officially unJUSTed himself.
You JUST know that they fucked off camera.
>Just have sex guys damn
I would but Glozell doesn't live anywhere near me !!
She does have a husband though, and like two kids.
this video is 4 years old
>4 minute set about shoes
>comedy men will never understand
god I fucking hate nigger women
>god I fucking hate nigger women
God I want her.
Still, she'd look insanely hotter if she got in better shape, but she's not too fat.
must smell like dogshit
all sorted here Brillant an Disabilty checks . OK
Helping you BacK to WORK .. !
She could stand to lose some weight but she has a nice body.
Says shit like this.
Co stars next to lead in Wrek it Ralph
Amazing fundamentals.
>must smell like dogshit
disney audience is truly numale and cucked.
know where to keep your children away
Why are these people allowed to be anti-white racists?
I mean what the fuck man?
The only thing worse than a female comedian is an ASIAN female comedian.
Have you ever been with a black woman user? They don't smell human
>Have you ever been with a black woman user? They don't smell human
I actually have though, black women smell weird. Also their hair is strange too (unless you're black or some other nonwhite in which case they probably don't smell bad to you)
Anyone have that video of the comedy promo for the trio of 3 female comedians and they are showing their bare asses as one of the routines?
why are you posting pictures of internet leftists? lmao
holy shit guys asian women are so BASED and redpilled amirite? completely immune to cultural brainwash unlike white women
hate that bitches ray bradbury song, where the chorus calls him the greatest sci-fi writer in history. anyone who knows the first thing about bradbury is that he hated being labeled as anything especially sci-fi and lots of his stories are horror, fantasy, or just plain drama. it's cringe to hear that someone showed it to him before he died.
Because it gets me (You)s.
this is where standards are at in 2019
let that sink in
I mean, from an evolutionary standpoint, I can see why that might be the case. Women are child readers, men had to conquer the environment to provide. And because we were weak little retards on our own, that involved innovating social structure and technology. While the women still fulfilled the role of child rearing.
this 1 hundo p
Take everything wrong with the average white roastie and add in insectoid tendencies and you have the asian woman.
Comedian fired for making one of the funniest episodes of any sitcom ever
Haha, she's liberal so it's a good thing
Bonnie McFarlane performing stand-up as a man:
She engendered outrage culture and her golem turned on her. You reap what you sow.
Krisitina Wong is literally obsessed with"BWC" as she puts it and parades her fetish in front of audiences in the name of "comedy".
Got to hand it to her, if a male comedian did this people would start thinking he gets off on it.
I'd fuck her because I have a fetish for big-assed nigresses, retard. I'm not talking about marriage here
she is such hot garbage
>mfw Asians are around me
can't make it through this one
I want to kill her just to end the cringe
>6lbs of metal and liquid cooks Japanese in seconds with ONE WIERD TRICK
cute , but not funny
the only "resist" I see there is Insulin resistance
why is she taking a shit on the floor?
Pretty sure they used to call this blood libel.
This is true. My erect white penis is just over 5 inches. When it's flaccid and cold it looks so tiny. Wish I had a big cock brehs.
yeah asian,not asian american
>white man's penis
he's clearly feeling guilty after taking so many white cocks
it happens, mostly due to liberal propaganda when fucking a white guy is taboo.
This but unironically.
why do jewish women age so badly?