Why did he rape Starlight?

Why did he rape Starlight?

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he didn't, but it was because he's got inferiority complex

You're right, technically it was sexual assault via forced sodomy, but there's really no point being pedantic about it.

She performed oral sex willingly, in exchange of keeping her position in the Seven. Could have refused, nobody was forcing her.

what was the purpose of the gill rape scene?

Based Satan

nice trips

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She chose to sick his dolphon.

How do I get arms like that?

>satan doesn't understand how coercion or consent work


I thought he were a jew

Why did Starlight resist when no sane girl her age would deny her crush's dick in their mouth? He's a qt.

He threatened to frame her for assault. There was more on the line than just her job.

Because he wanted a situation where he felt powerful, he didn't have that anywhere else in his life, so he took the opportunity.

Here is the real question

None of you know how to treat women. I wouldn't be surprised if each of you all are virgins.

Yeah dude, if I put a knife against the back of your head and tell you to suck my dick or I'll fucking stab you, if you sucked my dick it would be 100% consensual and your own free choice. You could always have refused.

So he's basically Louis CK?

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>says no and simply leaves the room
>still apart of the 7 because merfag is the biggest joke of the group and nobody cares what he has to say


The more important question is: Was this rape?

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Was it rape when he got gill-fucked by Ohio trailer trash?

false equivalence


How would that actually play out? Would she suck hard and go all out to get it over with quickly? Would she keep her eyes open or closed? Did she swallow? ....so many questions.

yes, he said no and she kept doing it
with starlight he just gave her a choice and she chose to blow him. If she was the pure girl she pretends to be, she'd say no

She stole his cutie mark.

You might have a point if he threatened to kill her.
CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: if rape is so terrible, why would she let him "rape" her just to save her job? We're frequently told that rape is the worst thing ever (even worse than death), yet women choose "rape" over losing their job or to pay their bills or to pass a class or to just stop a guy from complaining. Clearly, this kind of "rape" isn't that bad if it's preferable to minor inconveniences.

he threatened to ruin her reputation and frame her for assault by claiming she attacked him

As she found out though, it would never have happened. She was the brand new shining star of Vought's Seven. They were never going to ditch her. Meanwhile, he was the Deep. Sure, the "fish guy" but they still weren't going to ditch him, they'd have just kept them apart publicly for a while.

The bigger problem was Deep himself. He could have acted nice, and she'd have jumped on his dick willingly in under a month. She admitted to a poster of him, and having a crush on him. If he'd played the part of an upstanding guy, then she'd be doubly likely to give him her cowgirl rodeo ride once she found out the realities of the lifestyle.

>As she found out though, it would never have happened
she wasn't aware of this at the time though, she thought he was a big deal

>having your reputation tarnished is worse than "rape," as evidenced by the fact she chose "rape"
Then it's not really rape.

It's shitty, but it's not rape. Rape implies force, he used blackmail. Different things.

This show was good for three episodes and went to complete shit real fast.

did you miss the accuse her of a felony part

>implying the plane scene wasn't pure kino

>by claiming she attacked him
if I remember correctly, wasn't that if she actually attacked him?

Again, rape is supposed to be "the worst thing ever in the world" so if you'd rather get "raped" than suffer some alternative consequences, it's not really rape.
The whole thing is further ridiculous because if he even tried to follow through on that threat, Vought International would bury him for tarnishing their brand.

>Again, rape is supposed to be "the worst thing ever in the world"
literally nobody in this thread claimed this you're arguing against a strawman now
>so if you'd rather get "raped" than suffer some alternative consequences, it's not really rape
so by your logic it's literally not rape if there's something worse than it? fuck you're retarded
>The whole thing is further ridiculous because if he even tried to follow through on that threat, Vought International would bury him for tarnishing their brand.
she had no clue of this at the time, she thought he was a huge deal not the meme fishman.

If what the deep did was rape then lock me up right now. Freaking liberals

>being falsely accused of a felony is worse than being raped
Then we shouldn't believe "the victims" but rather the guy who is being accused, because if it's a false accusation is worse than if it were true.

it's a good thing our justice system works on innocent until proven guilty then

>The whole thing is further ridiculous because if he even tried to follow through on that threat, Vought International would bury him for tarnishing their brand.
I get you have to stick to your argument, but vought would have sided with him at that point. She was a literal nobody with no following. When she reveals she got "raped," they were forced to address it because she had become popular and did it publicly, otherwise they would have swept it under the rug

>literally nobody in this thread
Rape is discussed outside this thread, you bozo. You're making really stupid arguments right now because you refuse to admit you were wrong about this.
>so by your logic
It's not "my" logic. It's just logic. If rape is the worst thing in the world, then you'd never ever choose to be raped to avoid some other punishment. That's like saying "I choose to be executed for my crime rather than get fined." Makes zero sense.
>she had no clue of this at the time
Then it's her fault for being clueless and choosing to give him a blowjob (oh shit not a blowjob that's world ending) over a non-punishment.

>it's a good thing our justice system works on innocent until proven guilty then
Too bad the public doesn't, and we're constantly told to "listen and believe" and destroy people's lives over accusations.

would it reek of fish?

>no response

>Rape is discussed outside this thread, you bozo.
why are you using arguments for rape from people outside this thread? what retarded shit is this, again you're arguing against a strawman.
>It's not "my" logic. It's just logic. If rape is the worst thing in the world, then you'd never ever choose to be raped to avoid some other punishment. That's like saying "I choose to be executed for my crime rather than get fined." Makes zero sense.

Nobody in this thread, including me, claimed rape was the worst thing in the world. Is your definition of rape literally it has to be the worst thing in the world? If I threaten to execute your mother and children in front of you and then kneecap you if I can't have sex with you is that not rape by this dumbfuck logic? You have to be baiting me.
>Then it's her fault for being clueless and choosing to give him a blowjob (oh shit not a blowjob that's world ending) over a non-punishment.
He clearly knew she was clueless about how much of a meme he was and was using it to take advantage of her.

Can we talk about how there was a rape warning during an unseen rape, but no rape warning when The Deep was raped and it was shown?

>As she found out though, it would never have happened. She was the brand new shining star of Vought's Seven.
You're right, but she didn't know that. She genuinely thought of him as being a key member of the group and probably even bought his shit about being "second in command". But he was still coercing her into blowing him. To use a really extreme example, if you made someone suck your dick at gunpoint, but the "gun" was actually just a carefully disguised/repainted airsoft gun, that's still rape.

>The bigger problem was Deep himself. He could have acted nice, and she'd have jumped on his dick willingly in under a month.
Also true.

Gills are like lungs that wasn't rape
Also have sex incel

>She was a literal nobody with no following.
After the amount of effort they put into publicising her joining the Seven, putting her out there as a "young, christian girl" and the money expended on her (e.g. her welcome cermeony)? I don't think they'd want to drop her that quickly. Sunk cost, they'd protect their investment.

>why are you using arguments for rape from people outside this thread?
Because, guess what, there's a whole world outside of this thread.
>If I threaten to execute
Again, you make an example using violence because you know "threatening to call the cops" isn't much of a threat. If you told me "blow me or I'll call the police on you" I'd say go fuck yourself, I'm calling the cops on you.
>take advantage of her
He certainly did take advantage of her. Guess what? Not rape.

i just watched the whole season and didn't see that warning once. was it a shoop?

No. Louis invited women to his hotel room and asked them if they would like to see him jerk off. He didn't threaten them or offer them a position. Women had previously come out and said that when they refused nothing bad happened.

This, The Deep was on his way out anyways considering they had no issues shipping him to bumfuck nowhere when the news came out

like I said, your argument would have merit if they hadn't been so resistant when they did back her. They were forced to and unhappy about it. It would have been easier and cheaper to sweep it under the rug.


I heard they changed it recently.

>Because, guess what, there's a whole world outside of this thread.
So what? I'm sure many people define rape as many different things. You're arguing against a strawman that uses the definition of rape as "the worst thing to ever happen,"
>Again, you make an example using violence because you know "threatening to call the cops" isn't much of a threat.
You said rape is the worst thing to ever happen and if you choose some other punishment then then it's not rape. These are your own words.

>could easily say no and move on but jobless

>it's another "user who has never had anyone besides himself and his mother handle his dick for him argues the semantics of sexual assault to let anything that's not violent rape get a pass" episode
Is it assault if your cellmate Tyrone says he's going to take your mattress for himself if you don't blow him every night before bed? Keep in mind Tyrone is 6'5" and has had nothing to do but lift weights in the yard every day for the last 5 years.

>You're right, but she didn't know that. She genuinely thought of him as being a key member of the group and probably even bought his shit about being "second in command"
Oh so this was one of those regret rapes, like when a girl cries rape after she finds out you're poor?

I'd let him rape me

that's not true tho, they shipped him out because it was the final straw in a series of recent fuck ups, like the dolphin.

Not the same situation, you closeted homo.


bad analogy, but I would let him take my mattress. My other option is to fight him and die, but sucking his dick would never be one.


Consent and enjoyment/regret are two separate concepts. you can consent to something you don't enjoy or want to do, but that doesn't invalidate your consent or let you take back your consent after

see: consenting to sign up for military service where you literally might have to kill someone, consenting to do any other dangerous job where you could get injured or dead etc

>say no to the bj
>find out the next day that aquaman has no power and is a jobber

that's oddly specific.

They weren't resistant, they were just shitty over her deciding to blow (figuratively speaking) their massive Christian evangelist appearance and completely diverting the argument and public eye from "Supers in military" to "Who did Stargirl deep throat" - she didn't know it, but she was fucking with their long term goals by taking control of the news cycle. And the degree to which she did probably says a lot for how much of a following she had built in short order.

I'll grant that they probably didn't want to lose the Deep for the environmentalist lobby, but comparatively speaking they can find another one for that.

Shouldn't a Fish-man ejaculate something like fish eggs or something tasty, so why did she throw up?

is all physical assault murder? no? then how is pinching an ass rape? there's a reason for having degrees of violations, fucktard.

>So what?
So rape is an issue bigger than this thread, idiot. Here's the deal: we're going to drop this shit because I've explained it to you clearly. You're either too dumb to understand simple concepts, or you're acting stupid on purpose.
>You said rape is the worst thing to ever happen
Try actually reading what I've said. "If" is a word I use a ton. I take it back, you're just too fucking stupid to understand what's being said. Final (You) because I've wasted enough time talking to your dumb ass. I'm gonna go have a more enlightening conversation with the wall.

lol, fucking beta ass whiteknight orbiters in this thread

Women are so accustomed to using their holes to get their way that it makes absolute sense she'd just consent to sucking his dick to avoid potentially getting into trouble. "Oh shit, I'm going to fail this course. Better fuck and suck the professor to get that passing grade."

And then she realises that the professor is a teaching assistant.

Neither of these were rape. They were sexual assault.

who knows. nobody ever posts the scene.

This is how you treat women.

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still black mail and sleazy as fuck

I guarantee, if he had just said "you assaulted me, I'm going to tell the world" she would eventually offer him her holes to stop him. She'd probably have fucked him and not just sucked his dick. So what the fuck is everyone's problem with this?

>Why did he rape Starlight?
He didn't. She wasn't even a virgin.

>So rape is an issue bigger than this thread, idiot.
And the definition of rape is not "the worst thing to ever happen,", you seeing some leftist post it on twitter in your Sargon video doesn't make it a valid definition.
>You're either too dumb to understand simple concepts, or you're acting stupid on purpose.
lmao you literally keep pivoting from your own words.
>Try actually reading what I've said
Look at your own posts, dipshit. your entire argument is based on defining rape by a definition nobody in this thread, nor even in common vocabulary uses. go shitpost on twitter if you want to own far left libs epic style my dude.

I'd like to go balls deep in that

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>it's an "user argues with strawmen because offering genuine argument when your point of contention is fucking retarded is hard" episode
Ugh, this rerun again. Rape is bad. Sexual assault is bad. They're all similarly bad in similar ways. Arguing which is worse is a pointless exercise in toxic male privilege.
Come the fuck at me incel.

how are gills sexual in nature? further, why didn't starlight just bite down really hard?

That little slut was asking for it that's why

oh boy my favorite troll thread

No, you fucking idiot. She was tricked into thinking she had no other options.

>"Oh shit, I'm going to fail this course. Better fuck and suck the professor to get that passing grade."
And then accuse him of rape and ruin his life after I'm done with this place because I'm that petty and selfish.

no, they weren't happy with her not being a team player. Stillwell pulls the same shit on her without the blowjob
>be who we tell you to be or get fucked and be a cop
but the threat had no teeth because starlight had just accused someone of rape and firing her would be a little suspect. This forced them to make the deep do a public apology, it wasn't something they wanted to do. It was literally something they did to "get ahead of it" and by it they meant starlight, to regain some control over her. This wouldn't have been an issue when she was a fresh rookie that had no public support.

She really should've gotten her hands cut the fuck up by those gills

Gills aren't but the woman doing it to him could be argued to have been getting sexual pleasure from it. If punch a woman in the arm pit, I've assaulted her. If I have an arm pit fetish and I get a boner while I'm punching a women in the arm pit, a lawyer could argue it was sexual assault. Context matters for whether something is sexual or regular assault.

As for Starlight, because she cared more about getting the job than her dignity.

because she was willingly blowing him.

>how are gills sexual in nature?
How are feet?
How is getting eaten?
How is getting molested by insects or used as human furniture?
People get off to weird shit. It happens all the time.

Yep. See: Harvey Weinstein.
>"oh weinstein of course i'll suck your little jew peeny in order to advance my career"
>"now that i'm rich and famous, HE RAPED ME"

Starlight was coerced into blowing him. He was threatening to publicly accuse her of attacking him. Ironically, the Deep being a weak little bitch with no real power was working in his favor in that situation.


And as everyone ITT seems to believe, if someone gives you the speech the Deep gave Starlight, you should reject it entirely and do whatever you can to kill them or destroy their lives.

So if blowing him is part of a longer term plan to kill or destroy him for making this kind of threat, then that's fine too, and she's not a slut for doing it.

>>"now that i'm rich and famous, HE RAPED ME"
what's funny is that the ones that got rich and famous are the ones that protect him, or at the very least say nothing like Jlaw.

First off, that's totally gay bro,

Secondly, violent coercion isn't the same as the example in the OP.

read the comic and you have your answer

Yeah. Why not? He did the same thing to her when he had power. Hate the game don't hate the players.

based omenposter

>because it was definitely the women's idea to suck fat jew cock
>because telling them that you can make them stars or ruin their careers forever based on whether they do or not isn't coercion
>because you would definitely come forward about it before you're famous enough to withstand the establishment backlash of those kinds of accusations
Why are incels so retarded?

Jlaw accused the world of rape and has been in practically nothing since he was stopped. Hasn't she also done nudity in every film since then? Hmmmmm

>He was threatening to publicly accuse her of attacking him.
he only did that after she flexed in front of him and caused damage, giving him evidence to back up his claim.

>it's another user calls everything a strawman to sound smart and can only use buzzwords to try and work themselves out of the corner that their complete ignorance about the world and how it actually works put them in episode
no. it's the law and how the law works so the punishment can fit the crime. whether things are "all similarly bad" or not is irrelevant.

Never said it was their idea (in fact, my post implies it was his idea) but does it matter whose idea it was? They consented. They weren't forced. They could have just walked away, and they chose not to.
If you just want to argue with people online, at least build a working argument.

I pirated and no it wasnt a shop

that's kind of my point. He propped her up and kept her famous, not that he's gone, she's had to resort to being a no name nobody that does nudity...but she hasn't thrown him under the bus.

Why not, is she retarded?

no, its just regular coercion

Same with Watson who also hasn't been in shit

Someone walks up to you holding a hundred dollars. They say "suck my cock and I'll give you this one hundred dollars." Are you seriously so lacking of will that you would be forced to suck that cock? Can you genuinely not tell someone no? Is that really so hard?

probably signed an NDA, maybe he still has pull, maybe she can't because she'd be a hypocrite, maybe she genuinely appreciates the opportunity he provided her despite having to fuck him, maybe she enjoyed fucking and sucking him.

>he thinks every person who disagrees with him is one poster
I haven't said anything about "law" retard. Just that both acts are equally reprehensible and quibbling about whether it's "technically rape" on an Icelandic cod spawning forum is the definition of retarded.

Or maybe she's satisfied with the agreement? She traded her body for money, he got her body, she got her money. No real reason to kick a guy when he's down just to score good boy points with the media. Besides, by staying quiet she telegraphs to everyone else, "I'll suck your cock for money and roles and keep quiet about it." If you have no respect for your body and see it as just a tool to get money, then it's a pretty beneficial position to be in.

And what a perfect position for a middle school dropout to be in

*butthole picture*

t. christcuck

that's her prerogative. If she changes her mind, she can always blackmail him.

If you're using any coercion to sleep with women you'd have to be stupid to think it's not going to catch up with you.

>They consented.
Coerced consent is not consent.
>they weren't forced, they could've walked away
Such a typical male answer. You weren't actually there you know. You don't actually know what the ramifications, explicit or otherwise, were given if they denied him. So they should've just sacrificed their livelihoods to avoid blowing one of the (then) most powerful men in Hollywood? The one who literally made Oscar winners? I don't know if you noticed, but the women got a lot of pushback for actually doing it, do you think ANY of them would've been believed if they said "Oh Harvey's just getting me blacklisted because I didn't fuck him like he wanted me to"?

>they should've just sacrificed their livelihoods
user, are you saying that they literally have no other option but to be an actress? That there is NO other career path open to them?

Can all men in this thread agree that it wasn't rape?

Women need not reply.

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pinching an ass is not 'equally reprehensible' as jamming your cock where it doesn't belong. nor is punching someone just as bad as killing them. jesus fucking christ. did your ancestors lead the lynch mobs or something? it isn't your fault, user. let it go.

There's no coercion, just an offer, a bargain, a deal. If I offer to trade you an apple for an orange, that's not coercion even if you really, really want to eat both an apple and an orange.
You can live without being a Hollywood actress. You can act in other ways if that's your passion. You can do other lines of work. You can find another form of livelihood. There's no form of being forced since you could easily say no and walk away.
They wanted to be big Hollywood actresses, and were willing to trade their pussies for a career in Hollywood. That's not coercion. That's not even remotely rape. It's a trade. It's trading apples for oranges.


He's not thinking. He was just told "Harvey Weinstein BAD" and never really questioned it or gave it thought.

So women sucking cock to get ahead in life is considered rape now?

It is by fucking idiots.

Let's say you're being considered for a job. You're the most qualified candidate, but one of the women in the running gives the interviewer a blowjob. She gets the job over you.

Does that seem fair?

Who said life was fair? Where is that written?

>something not being "fair" makes it rape

more than fair, I didn't have to suck a dick.

She was clearly better qualified to give the manager what he wants

She was willing to do something you weren't.

Shit sucks, but that's life.

Why wouldn't you just lie and say it must have been that doppelganger nigger

>could have easily just walked out
>instead wanted the celebrity status and sucked the fishstick
>cries about rape after

because that guy is probably a secret that no one knows.

Sure, I'll agree to that.

You'll agree it's fair game for her to try to ruin his life or kill him? Since he declared war on her and everything. It's not like she 'surrendered' by blowing him, because what's the big deal about a dick in your mouth, right?

>Since he declared war on her and everything.
When did he do that? All he did was demand a favor from a subordinate. It happens every day at work.

Your entire argument is based on the feminist strawman that he "had it coming".

>It's not like she 'surrendered' by blowing him

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>You'll agree it's fair game for her to try to ruin his life or kill him?
Why? Because she agreed to suck his cock? So if some girl ever sucks your cock (it'll never happen), it's okay for her to kill you?

what is it with fat bitches in hollywood that can't stop exposing themselves to others? poor brad pitt as well.

>unemployed incels can't understand why this scene is rape

So you're saying it's okay to force literally every woman in the workforce into prostitution?

>Sorry, sweetie. If you're not willing to blow me 3 times a week, we'll have to find another candidate. ;^)

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>woman in the workforce
Well there's your problem

>"it's rape"
>no it isn't
>"well it's not fair"
>so what
>"well it's not okay"
Bit of a downgrade.
>inb4 "that was another user who said those things"
Doesn't matter because you replied on their behalf.

Does it matter? As a woman, you don't even need to work. You can literally just marry some guy, refuse to suck or fuck him, and collect his money. I know a lot of women who have done that.

It's an exchange of services. Is it morally reprehensible? Yes, no argument there. But that doesn't make it actually illegal.

>Let's say you're being considered for a job. You're the most qualified candidate, but one of the women in the running gives the interviewer a blowjob. She gets the job over you.
Where is the force? You keep seeing force where there is none

Those tan lines are kino as fuck.

You could quit, if you choose to suck dick to keep your job then you haven't been forced into anything.

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Is that all he did?

Because he coerced her. If I coerced a person into doing anything I'd understand what I was doing, and I'd expect that they'd come at me in some way. Wouldn't you?

Sucking the actual cock is completely irrelevant. He could have coerced her to eat a flavor of ice-cream she really didn't like and it would be the same thing.

He didn't give her anything. She was cheated.

he didn't coerce her though


So many white knights in this thread.

>The fucking comments
I hate them faggots so fucking much

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not really

yes really. she wasn't in a life or death situation you stupid fuck

prove it

it was just friendly hazing besides she said it herself "i have a crush on fish man" ewww

>moving goalposts
That question wasn't about Deep, betafag.

She wasn’t coerced. He offered her hos silence in exchange for sexual favors. Coercion is telling someone to do something or you’ll kill or physically hurt them.
By your definition, buying a DVD for ten bucks is coercion. In other words, nonsense.


She knew all along he couldn't get her kicked off the team?

You've coerced me into replying to your post because I'd feel bad if I didn't call you a retard after seeing it. Ipso facto, you are a rapist.

Great point user, on topic and insightful.

So it's not coercion if I threaten to take someones money? And I have the power to take their money?

>if you don’t give me the dvd, i won’t give you ten bucks
>see it’s a threat!
So buying something is now coercion. That’s dumb. You’re dumb.
If there’s no threat of actual violence then there’s no coercion. It’s just making a deal.

Because they didn't have the balls to have Homelander do it. It had to be the useless one on whom they shit for the rest of the series.


She was on the team and he was threatening to kick her off. She had a thing, he had the power to take that thing, and he was going to if she didn't submit to him.

As user has said, any man in that situation would understand - he's declaring war. After that it's all fair game, she can go as far as she likes to cause him real damage.

You all seem to think that blowing him was the end of the thing, like 'forget it, he won, game over'. As any reasonable man would understand, but the Deep didn't understand, he was making a permanent enemy for himself.

>she gave him something he wanted (blowjob) in return for something she wanted (to stay on the team)
That’s a trade.

Like if you give me your car so I don't burn down your house.

Say no, roll the dice in if he actually tries to do that, realize hed never actually do it or if he does rejoice in the fact that you didnt suck his dick and dont belong to a shitty company that supports that behavior.

Sluts who suck dick for a pay bump do it entirely to themselves.

Now you’re threatening violence. That’s coercion.

>Sluts who suck dick for a pay bump do it entirely to themselves.

Only one of the people in that exchange did something immoral?

Using force or threats falls under coercion.

Sorry, I meant to say

If you don't give me your car, I'll use my contacts at the bank to make sure you lose your house.

Now we're doing business.

None of the people involved were raped or forced to do anything

Threats of violence, sure.

A threat is a threat, violence or not. It's considered to be any hostile action.

And you personally wouldn't hold any kind of grudge against someone who successfully conned or coerced you?

You'd basically become their bitch if they got you one time?


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Assault is prejudice plus power. Tyrone cant technically assault anyone but I’d blow him because of white guilt


Go ahead and try.

Those are really vague definitions that mean nothing where anything could be considered coercion as a result. See

Looks like he punched Maeve's head off

The discussion is whether or not it was rape, and possibly even whether or not hes in any legal trouble for his actions depending on how far the conversation goes.

My emotions arent relevant here. Of course I can hold a grudge towards someone who takes advantage of me, but I would never, under any circumstances, suck a dick, or do whatever equivalent, for a job.

You're rejecting the argument because I can't actually use contacts at a bank to make you lose your house?

If someone DID get your car, threaten your home, would you just let them get away with it, or you'd do something about it? Would you play it smart, or would you go to violence immediately?

Sucking the dick isn't relevant.

Threatening her position on the team is relevant. You'd let someone threaten your position and get away with it?

I am rejecting the argument because I can just say no. How am I forced, how is it rape, when I can say no and not have sex?

You can say 'no' to the Deep going through on his threat to kick you off the team? Or the position means nothing to you?

Being on a superhero team means nothing to me.


Obviously you couldn't say 'no' to my contacts taking your house either.

You'd say 'no' to giving me your car, and then later you'd be destitute.

And our business would be complete, no hard feelings, right? You have your dignity, and I get money.

More importantly, whe does he have a massive ass?

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Wow that's the point I was trying to make. You're really reaching now.

You asked and got an answer to your question.

His fate isnt really relevant either, all that is relevant is the dilemma offered.

This conversation is clearly going off the topic and into subjective what if scenarios, but I personally would refuse and try to work around the individual to keep the job or reputation. If the company takes his side and does nothing to punish his behavior, or essentially is in charge of everything, I'll walk away entirely. If it's my reputation that is attacked, I'd obviously fight the accusations. If that fails, I'd rather live with random idiots thinking I attacked him than to live knowing that I sucked his dick.

You’ve lost whatever point you were trying to make in your example.

he could've just pushed her off, he has super strength

I didn't though.

Once I tried to coerce you into giving me your car, and you refuse and I take your house, you'd walk away knowing you're a bitch?

The point is that whether she blew him or not, whether he gets her kicked off the team or not, he has demonstrated he's her enemy.

Is the right move for her to surrender, or what?

And I’d just find a new place to live. It’s not hard. I’ve been kicked out of places before. So what?
You can find a new house and a new job. It really doesn’t matter.

They were literally gonna fire her when she refused to wear the sluttier costume at first so I don’t think they cared that much about keeping her

the real question is did Homelander rape Becca or was she cheating on Billy?

Do you genuinely think she wanted his dick in her mouth at any moment?

Precisely. Food knows it's food. You'd be disrupting the natural order by trying to protect yourself too much.

But Starlight isn't food.

One night stand. Not rape.

I still don't understand how you or anyone could "coerce" me into giving you my car without violence or the threat of violence. It's my legal possession, unlike a job. Do you mean you would threaten to sue me? On what grounds? Even then it would be better for me to hire an attorney or just try to delay than to give up my car.

It really is

1. Threat of losing job and maybe charged for assault, but has a choice nonetheless

2. Threat of life/limb and physically forced to do something against your will or else you risk dying, being maimed for life, or even risk an escalation of the force upon you (being forced to take it in the pussy instead of the mouth)

Sure there is substantial pressure in both scenarios, but one is coercion and the other is legitimate rape.

Homelander got her knocked up in one night? Must've been the super sperm

Same with a house. Even if you owe money on a mortgage, it's still your house. The bank can't unilaterally demand you accelerate your payments. Even if you stopped paying entirely, it would take some time for them to actually have you evicted and take possession of your house.

>I didn't though.
>You can say 'no' to the Deep going through on his threat to kick you off the team? Or the position means nothing to you?
You did. In fact, you asked two questions. You got your answer: the position means nothing to me. I'd rather be kicked off a superhero team than suck a dick. The character Starlight has different priorities, she'd rather suck a dick than get kicked off a team, and thus made her choice.

You're equating a job with a possession.
You're fucking retarded.

A job is not 'a thing'.
A job is an ongoing exchange of things, an ongoing exchange that either party can terminate at any point.

None of those are rape.

That's the relevant thing here, the logistics of me using my power and influence to do a thing to you? Should we keep arguing about that, instead of about the proper response to someone using their power and influence to do a thing to you?

>You did. In fact, you asked two questions. You got your answer: the position means nothing to me. I'd rather be kicked off a superhero team than suck a dick. The character Starlight has different priorities, she'd rather suck a dick than get kicked off a team, and thus made her choice.

Why do you think it's over once she sucks his dick?

Answer my question then - someone takes something that means something to you. Is that the end of the whole thing between you two?

People use their influence and power to get people to do things. So what?
EXAMPLE: If you have a job, someone is using their influence and power to make you do things. You can refuse, but then you'll be fired and won't be paid. And the problem with this is what?

I guess that's why the blowjob was in the contract, huh?

Again, firing someone is not 'doing a thing'.
It's 'ceasing to do a thing' which is an entirely fucking different circumstance.

Here's a much better analogy:

I'm renting your car.
You say 'I want an extra 100 dollars or I'm not letting you use it any more'.

Is that coercion?

What are you even talking about at this point?

So your contention is - it is impossible to scam or coerce a person.

Playing morally detached devils advocate like people are in this thread about rape and thinking through theoretical cases has ironically made me get triggered when rape is depicted in media.

user says that Starlight was wrong to threaten the Deep's position on the team just because he threatened her position on the team.

But user seems to think that the blowjob ended the thing.

Do you know what sodomy is?

Is it in the contract?

Where do scams come into this? I feel like we've lost the plot because first it was rape, then coercion, and now scams.

>user says that Starlight was wrong to threaten the Deep's position on the team just because he threatened her position on the team.
You've got the wrong user.

No, but he would ejaculate on fish eggs to fertilize them.

It's any threat or trick. Should people let themselves be threatened and tricked, or should they do something about it?

user is saying that people should just let these things happen. Starlight is wrong to take any action against the Deep because she didn't take immediate action when he threatened her. Or no?

post the scene already

Because as the show progresses, you realize how pathetic of a character The Deep is. No one takes him seriously and many people take advantage of him. He's so emotionally fucked up that a dolphin convinced him to have sex with it (before it died by accident). Later on, he gets emotionally manipulated and raped by a woman fingering his gills. He simply knows no other way to have sex so he uses the same tactics people use on him to have it. It can be assumed that this behavior has occurred long before Starlight showed up.

Saying something is a threat or coercion or rape or a scam or whatever isn't the same as saying it's okay and you should just let it happen. If someone scratches my car, that's not any of those things you've said, but it's also not something that's okay.

Can't rape the willing.

she came three times...
Was probably ovulating too.

He's got the best arc.

I'd be extremely happy if he's been smuggling V to the dolphins and we get a dolphin supervillain for S3 (not too soon).

Then we've got crossed wires.

She WAS right to try and ruin the Deep after what he did.

>She WAS right to try and ruin the Deep after what he did.
Does it matter? I don't think The Boys as a series is about characters "doing the right thing."

Y'know, if Starlight was a man he would've taken his chance with the felony accusation rather than suck di... I mean get 'raped'.

Attached: Fun+fact+maestro+is+voiced+by+clancy+brown+the+man+_806be1c38b3ff910764eae361bedb562.jpg (326x296, 27K)

Women know they can use their holes to get out of trouble, and are willing to do so. The same isn't true of men.

There is the legal definition of rape or physical threats, and there is a person being convinced that they're being threatened with these things.

I'm not saying Starlight had a legal case. I'm saying the Deep made it known that he's a problem, and since the whole conflict is outside the law, he's put himself in a dangerous position.

>consenting to sign up for military service where you literally might have to kill someone,
My fucking God that is the LEAST of your concerns in the military. How about if you get married your spouse auto gets 50% of your pension. If your wife cheats on you she still gets 50% of your pension. If you cheat, you go to jail.

You can go throughout an entire military career and kill Noone.

Women know that men can overpower them physically. Should they engage in physical conflicts with men?

Billy's a cuck. She wouldve gotten an abortion or taken a morning after pill if it was rape.

Vought definitely gave her $$$ to not do that.

She probably just wanted to f**k the Homelander one time.

Rape warning? What?

Reminder that rape requires vaginal or anal penetration

Looks like mouth fucking is back on the menu, boys!

Post clip

you are really dumb man

Ask all the women who were """raped""" by Weinstein how their careers faired.

99% of them didn't have careers.

99% of them were happy enough with what happened.

1% got famous and rich.

And 1% were raped and are now trying to press charges.

Corrective rape.

It wasn't rape, they made a deal. That's it.

>Homelander says Billy's wife came three times
>cums within a minute during the sex scene he has with stillwell
something is not adding up here