Holy fuck, it’s the best film ever created

Holy fuck, it’s the best film ever created

Attached: 69DE9A56-972A-4A27-9C62-2A9082EAC449.jpg (315x445, 33K)

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>having the best anything besides best obsessive fan

Depression porn.

I preferred Breaking the Waves

The thinking man's genre.

Depression is correlated with low IQ scores.

Attached: intelligencenadhappiness.png (501x702, 358K)

It's a Lars Von Trier movie, what do you want?
The entire country of Denmark is covered in a haze of ennui.

Busting out random statistics to prove your shitty point is correlated with low IQ scores.


>Low IQ country produces low IQ directors who make low IQ depression porn
Colour me surprised

Attached: ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg (363x550, 23K)

Than why is Lars the greatest contemporary film auteur?

>low IQ country

Is this film enjoyable if you hate Bjork's stupid face, voice and music?

He's leagues below Noé and PTA

No, retarded people wouldn’t enjoy it.

I linked an actual scientific article and all you have is a shitty opinion piece by a low-IQ person who copes with his inability to perform in life by telling himself and other that "muh genius!!".
Hahaha, low IQ people never cease to entertain me.

Let me read my scientific article it for you:
>Lower childhood IQ was associated with increased risk of developing schizophrenia spectrum disorder, adult depression, and adult anxiety. Lower childhood IQ was also associated with greater comorbidity and with persistence of depression; the association with persistence of generalized anxiety disorder was nearly significant. Higher childhood IQ predicted increased risk of adult mania.

Seems clear enough, wouldn't you say?

Attached: CKe-dloUwAE6_je.jpg (489x499, 33K)


He's really not though. pic related

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Noe wishes he was Lars and PTA is reddit.

It’s a masterpiece. Even the worst moments (the musical moments) serve a point. The last scene is brilliant.

Isaac Newton had depression so your collectivist perception of reality is inherently flawed if you apply it to everyone who makes depressing films.

they're basically the same movie, melodramatic nonsense, aka misery porn.
I'm glad he stopped that shit after Dogville to try and make actual movies

>I'm glad he stopped making misery porn after dogville
>literally realeases the depression trilogy afterward
And along, user was the low IQ "cinephile". What a twist.

all* along

>and along
>call others low IQ
go gargle cum elsewhere

>can't see I already corrected myself
>still doesn't realize hes an idiot for claiming Lars stopped making misery kino
Fuck of felch monger.

Is “misery porn” something bad? The film is obviously sad to a point where it’s depressing, but they aren’t over exaggerating anything. I guess that every tragic story with a “bad” ending (as a negative conclusion, not as poorly written) is misery porn to you, huh?

no retard, he can make all depression movie he wants now that he clearly shifted his style from just melodrama to actual drama.
Breaking the Wave, Dancer in the Dark and Dogville are just "look at this cute girl being absolutely miserable for two hours while everyone his horrible to her and only wants to exploit her". This is known as the Cosette syndrome and has never produce anything worthwhile since Les Miserables.

Misery porn refers to exactly what you think it means, ie. filming someone suffering for the whole duration and calling it a movie. Nothing to do with a "tragic story with a bad ending".

Excuse me? In this film, everybody is nice to Selma except for one person, Bill. Bill was bad with her and took advantage of her and her blindness. But he did it for a reason, he was poor and needed money. His wife was angry, of course, since she murdered her husband. Besides that, no one is mean to her (Cathy and Jeff, two important characters, are very important to Selma. That woman in that place at the end of the movie too). The dance professor was very kind with her and the only moment where you could argue he was bad with her is when he calls the police but even then, he was just doing something good. He appreciated her, but it wasn’t okay to let her go. His boss fires her because she isn’t efficient, and even then, he wants to give her another job. Nobody is bad to her. And if they are, there’s a reason that justifies it.

My man. When she starts singung until she cant because of her sorrow... Man Björk's screaming haunt me for nights every time i see this film.

Yes. You might even enjoy it more if you hate Bjork.
