ITT: generation defining movies

ITT: generation defining movies

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I hate this reddit movie so much, I haven't even seen it
how bad it is?

It's fucking terrible and a waste of time don't watch it.

its comfy

is just as based and redpilled as this guy over there

i want to fuck kim


It’s an Edgar Wright movie. It’s exactly the same as his other four movies.

awful movie

Pretty fucking cringey
Painfully obvious why it hit it off so hard with the DS-carrying, triforce-shirt-wearing, "I WANT TO DO ALL THE THINGS" crowd

It was shit. Michael Cera was a total miscast.

This Yea Forums fag keeps spamming this garbage movie.

I thought it would be really bad and embarrassing, especially since I don't love Cera but I ended up liking it

Riley, stop spamming the board with your ex wife’s meme movie. It’s in poor taste.

The NutBusters remake

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Where's Knives?

Do women really feel empowered by movies made in Hollywood?

What's with the sudden push for this movie?

Except way worse than the other 4

Cringefest, and no, not even MEW can save it.

>That roast beef hanging out
Why are women so disgusting?

She’s worst girl

For me, it's Kim

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It has its moments for sure. Overall it didn’t age that great and it’s the film equivalent of a 2011 Hot Topic store, but worth watching for the one liners and Ramona Flowers in panties


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It literally ruined an entire generation of women.

why would allison pill ever change her hairstyle from this

Prefer Edgar Wright's other films, this one is too Yankified.

yes, but feeling empowered to buy more useless products and merchandise.

imo she should've kept this cute hairstyles

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