Commando is gayer than Top Gun

Commando is gayer than Top Gun.

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You sure?

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You're gayer than Top Gun.

Be that as it may, at no point in the run time of Top Gun does no one scream “I don’t need the girl!”

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>ending theme is power station
so gay is flies off the spectrum and becomes manly.

have sex

>Commando is gayer than Top Gun.

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That's debatable, I'd say Top Gun is way more homoerotic just because it has more homo characters. Commando only really has the main villain being explicitly gay for Arnie's character.

Commando is about the joy of being a father, you queer.

Asshole Chinese made them edit the patches on his jacket for the sequel .

Arnie begins the movie carrying an enormous phallic symbol while eighties ballad metal plays in the background, not to mention that he’s mostly naked throughout and the camera is constantly making love to his perfect body. Homoerotic as fuck.

for you

For all of us, user. Arnie’s beautiful naked body is for us all. There’s no need to be greedy.

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High-test coked-out 80s were based. You wouldnt understand. Now action heroes look and act like twinks. You think thats better?

L O N D O N.

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Where did I ever say that coked out homoerotic high octane eighties action films aren’t objectively better than modern action movies? I mean, to say nothing of the fact that eighties action movies were hard R alone...

>Mirin the literal Mister Olympia, the most aesthetic bodybuilder to ever exist, is somehow gay

Dude presented the Apex of male physical training and raw power combined with a look that made men want to be him and women want to get mating pressed by him.

If you look at any 80s Arnold movies and think faggotry it's because you're gay for Arnold. While that's perfectly okay and all, you should accept it rather than project it on others.

What I’m saying is, if you can look at eighties Arnold and not want to worship that body, then you don’t have a pulse and Arnie ain’t no necrophiliac. Wanting eighties Arnold doesn’t make you gay, it means that your eyes function and your heart’s beating.

I..I.I can beat you John.



There's gay elements to any highly masculine drama.
A stereotypical gay villain and an attractive male lead do not a "gay movie" make.
Top gun is gay because the plot centers on gay relationships.