Zoomer here, can someone explain why they killed Vito? I know he was gay but why did it matter...

Zoomer here, can someone explain why they killed Vito? I know he was gay but why did it matter? He brought in good money and he wasn't even open about his homosexuality.

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he was an abomination in the eyes of the lord

no more

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You are an abomination in my eyes zoomer and bring me great pain

It was just a joke.

>I know he was gay

Person of color

Of course the patriarchal, white Italians wanted him dead.

Vito was...BLOWING, the security guard...

>white Italians


uh, hello, because he's a faaaag

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>he wasn't even open about his homosexual
He went to a fag club, people could have been taking pictures and smearing the sopranos name.


>white Italians


Italians are matriarchal as shit.

how, because they have a thing for their mothers?

He was open about his homosexuality though. That key factor is what got him killed. Re watch the series and prove me wrong.

They are all in love to their mothers. So it...how you say...comes natural

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t. can't take a joke

Two random guys saw him in a gay club once. Big fucking deal. Could have been anything.

People have no respect for the effort and sacrifice that goes into quality comedy. Vito went above and beyond, really sacrificed to the comedy gods on this o e. And what does he get? Chased outta town

If you'll suck a dick you'll suck anything


what? here was there, It was nothing, it was a joke.

Cuz the gangsters were bad men...we tend to forget that.

Also he was a security risk, a guy living a secret sex life is easier to turn rat.

>I know he was gay
He was a cop, OP

>I know he was gay
wow. congrats on not getting the joke.

cause criminals are cowardly and superstitious lot
they were taught that homosexuals are gay, and they can't afford to be perceived as gay

Because all fucking faggots must fucking hang

He wasn’t gay, it was a joke

Catchin, not pitchin?

He was just lubing up his bro's cock with his saliva for some mad pussy. Stop projecting you queer.

Tony had that idea, but the more old school gangsters weren't having any of it.

He stabbed his family in the heart.

Because being gay = being submissive. How is anyone supposed to take you seriously

italian mobsters are old school in prejudice

they do not allow any one not full blooded to be a made man and any sign of weakness is frowned upon. being gay in their eyes is a sign of weakness

it was just a joke

He was a fucking disgrace

>being gay in their eyes is a sign of weakness
In everyone's eyes, this is just the nature of submissiveness

did he have aids?

>in their eyes
Go outside

What about power bottoms? Are they submissive?

> While it's never stated, homosexuality was obviously not acceptable to the Mafia

> He was married and thus living a lie to his wife and that added insult to the mafia family

> He never told the mafia family about being gay so it was even more insult that he kept a secret from the family

If he had met with Tony he might have been able to leave town with his life. His mistake was coming back to see his kids.

This was one of the rare moments in tv/film that I thought a gay character made sense for the story and wasn't shoehorned in to push the SJW agenda.

i feel like everyone feels that same way, but not to the point of fucking a gay dude in the ass with a pool stick to get the point across

And all the guys who killed people and cheated on their wives were saints.

Honor among crooks, deal with it fag.

>This was one of the rare moments in tv/film that I thought a gay character made sense for the story and wasn't shoehorned in to push the SJW agenda.
That's probably because that shit wasn't in full swing until a couple years later.

right. any sign of weakness had to be removed. thats why tony killed crissy in the car accident. he was 'weak' for not overcoming drug use and would never change from being a junkie. he had to go

God doesn't exist tho

Oh Marone! Look at this fuckin guy!

Vito jr already has his own social worker.

says who?

>white italians

Says me you fuckin wise guy, can't read the words in fronta your face or something?

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that was tony's excuse to kill chris. tony killed him because he was an inconvenience to him personally. he justified it to himself by convincing himself of that.


He’s just breakin your balls that’s all

ey forget about it

i never got that

>this dude is gay we should kill him
>yeah but first let's put things up his ass

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It's called irony


Because The Sopranos was a constant reflection of actual toxic masculinity (and not the SJW buzzword that condemns men for just having fun and busting balls). It constantly examined how the old generation saw their successors and weak and incompetent. At the start of the show Tony was very insecure to be seen talking to Dr. Melfi, discussing your feelings with a therapist was seen as weak. Uncle Junior was motified that people knew he dare gave his sexual partner cunnilingus.

For the mob every major associate is a reflection of the "family." Vito being a homosex was embarrassing. Tony looked the other way because Tony was more progressive than the rest but the older generation as portrayed thru Phil was having none of it.

Vito wasn’t gay


Tony shouldve killed Phil after he killed Vito.
Phil went full jew at the end and cockblocked the whole thing


the gay Vito storyline is rough to get through
i mostly end up skipping it on rewatches.
its even worse than the coma episode with the monks

it was just a prank bro