When was the last time you were this excited for a movie?

When was the last time you were this excited for a movie?

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When the Pokemon movie was re-airing on tv

nicole aniston blacked trailer

Literally never, I'm not retarded.

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never, because I am not a manchild

Don't really get excited for movies anymore. I always loved Star Wars but I didn't like Force Awakens though still had optimism that Last Jedi would be good.
Within the first five minutes I fucking hated it and that didn't change for the rest of the film and I walked out vowing I was done with Star Wars.
That's the closest I've been to excited about a movie for about ten years.

kek perfect

When I was a child.

glass, then I read the plot and never saw the movie

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Episode I and I was half this excited.

I don't think I was ever even this excited as a literal child.

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

LotR 2 and 3 after I watched the first

2002 Signs
im scared of the dark since then

>this excited
is that even excitement ew. I kinda got excited when I heard they're gonna continue clone wars but then I remembered it's most likely not going to be what they first had in mind for it before it got cancelled

I was never

1999 matrix


Grown men should never be that excited for anything. Not even the birth of their first child. Not even winning the lottery.

how do you get excited for something like star wars?

I'm waiting for Dune

someone should draw some OC where a nigger fucks a white women and the cuck in op's picture is on his knees begging to fuck her harder WHILE the nigger extinguishes a ciggarete on his burn mark on the face

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And the result left me dead inside.

Bladerunner 2049

only thing that came close was the hobbit but even then I was disappointed that Del Taco had dropped out.

How do I get excited for anything again?

It´s been a long time

I'm excited to see the vast of night

get laid incel

BR2049, reserved IMAX seats and ate a half hit of acid with my brother

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Godzilla King of the Monsters

haha.. yeah.. that would be hilarious... NOT!

I'm honestly hyped for this. I'm not even that into the Joker or capeshit in general.


Did anyone even watch this shit?


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I was never excited to the point of becoming less than human.

Revenge of the Sith was the last movie I was ever hyped for though.

When was the last movie made that was worth getting this excited over?

The new dune kino

from trailers? i dont think so
from movies? Pain & Gain as a whole and The Rock too.

2005 king kong

Revenge of the Sith

John Wick chapter 3.


become addicted to crack then crack will make you excited


Same here. Damn dissapointing


Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I grew up on the old films, so it really pushed all the right buttons for me to see Hollywood putting out an impassioned love letter to the franchise, or at least the goofier Shōwa-era films.

Never for a movie, but Pokemon Pearl in 2007. I was in 7th grade.

>mfw Yea Forums incels are way more sick that cucks

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they're really not, take a peek at the cuckolding subreddit

The House that Jack Built

I don't know when was the last time i was excited about anything media related. Excitement was replaced with healthy skepticism that was in turn replaced with "it will be a run of the mill no risks movie but if it's good then all the better" and that turned into "it will probably suck".

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No idea

Glass was super disappointing. I'm guessing none of the main cast wanted to be in another M. Night movie as they all die in the end.

I disagree with winning the lottery. They should be allowed to be that excited, but they should be absolutely prohibited from expressing it the same way that Mr. Butts did.

I cant remember

How can someone show this much enthusiasm for SW after TLJ?

They could be a perfect consumebot like the guy in OP pic related.

I was too young to remember.

The Thing (2011)

Even as a young kid being excited about Return of the King I didn't act this retarded.
That said, probably the last movie was was genuinely hyped for for was The Hobbit.

I'm in an awkward position where I don't care about movies enough anymore to try and find the "hidden gems", and blockbusters have become so fucking awful that they are borderline unwatchable.

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woah...this is deep