>tfw you are watching webcam porn and you realize that you are better looking than the guy fucking his hot Stacy gf yet you are still a forever alone virgin
Any kinos for these particular feels?
Tfw you are watching webcam porn and you realize that you are better looking than the guy fucking his hot Stacy gf yet...
Ethan James
Other urls found in this thread:
Joshua Reed
No you aren’t.
Dominic Parker
You really aren't.
Logan Edwards
You probably are.
Carson Baker
Looks are irrelevant.
You guys dress like shit,always smell funny, have messy hair, have no social life and have no money
You're unironically manbabies why would we be with you?
Ryan Sanders
to be my mommy
Michael Wilson
Nice try user
Zachary Anderson
Let me take a wild guess: You only go to class/work, the gym and then back home to shitpost while barely interacting with anyone.
Gabriel Ramirez
Would you fuck a woman on camera on the Internet? No, you would pout and be scared. That’s why.
Landon Cook
have you ever asked a girl out?