Will you watch Mulan Yea Forums?

Will you watch Mulan Yea Forums?

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anyone still watching these pieces of shit ought to be hung and shot publicly and maybe beheaded too just in case.

>ought to be hung
For you.

>No make a man out of you

I havent stepped in a theater in 10 years. I dont finance this shit industry anymore.

>be chinese
>support your country
What a bitch

No. Just like I didn't watch The Jungle Book, Aladdin, and The Lion King remakes. Disney are creatively bankrupt. If it weren't for Marvel they'd be even more pathetic than they currently are. A shitty company propped up by nothing but nostalgia and manchildren bucks. They they go out of their way to buy any intellectual property remaining so they can leech that too.

I don't know what the issue is since I don't know Chinese politics. Can I get a rundown?

What why? Thats the best part of the movie and integral to its message

who is Hung?

Hong Kong police are sexist dicks

Attached: mulan.jpg (777x567, 96K)

Hong Kong is democratic because it was taken by Britain ages ago but sort of given back. The police is basically seen as backed by the main Chinese government though and Hong Kong will probably finally be brought under it's control sooner than later. It's not even surprising really. It's going to end in another Tienamen Square incident though and nothing can or will be done about it.

How was the original a musical? Musicals dont have spoken dialogue

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Hungs

Gee I wounder what side will Disney take...

Isn't she supposed to be disguised as a man? Why not pick a homely actress?

That's an opera, user. Musicals have a ton of dialogue. I only know because I used to be a theaterfag.

"Weibo shows that she is an iPhone user"
what a cunt.

>It's going to end in another Tienamen Square
And it's gonna be absolute unadulterated kino


You're thinking of opera's

Jesus christ, this thread just made me remember that I dreamt that I saw/experienced the entire new film last night. It wasn't very good, but it had its moments. All the magic was missing and Mulan wasn't even the main character, she was only introduced like a quarter of the way in and then half-way in it was "revealed" she was actually a girl and then she spent the rest of the film not wearing a disguise.
There was actually some magic. The main villain (not Genghis) had a magic spear that we/they broke and he couldn't find it because he had such a huge army that his base was just endless tents/huts and the broken pieces of the spear had fallen into various tents that he could only sort of locate by cheating.
It was also quite violent with lots of killing. But there weren't many "war" scenes (ie no big battles) and there was no blood either. So it felt more like an action/martial arts film than a war film. And the main character was some random kid who reminded me of Matt Damon's character from Titan A.E.
That's all I can remember right now. I think after the villain was searching for his spear, it transitioned into an unrelated dream.

hanged if you're talking about a noose, hung is when you're talking about someone with a big cock

No I'm thinking of eating your moms ass

Language doesn't work that way. If most people think hung is what should be used there, than that's correct.

kiss me already

Hung Lo

no it does not work that way.

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Everyone knows you dont kiss whores

ummm sweatie it's actually "HANGED" it seems you used the incorrect term! Don't you look stupid

Remember when france tried to stop frenchmen from saying "e-mail"?

Bad bait

It's not a country worth supporting. Their government is an autocratic nightmare.

Hanged sounds stupid AF though

>Actually watching live action Disney Films

>Weibo shows that she is an iPhone user
ok, I don't get it.

yeah, it does work that way
why do you think words constantly change meaning and why does language change all the time?

My dick is white boi

Not him, but it actually *does* work that way. That's the mechanism by which languages change. People use words differently come up with different syntaxes and when they become ubiquitous, the language has effectively changed.

Have sex
With me

Says the american

Because most people are fucking retards who fortunately dont have any power

>don't show your support for the grorious peopre's repubric of china
>your family mysteriously disappears

that's a new word, not a misunderstanding of a past tense form of the same word. big difference
the language won't change as long as there are people not retarded and use the proper form of the word

Ask me how I know you don't have a gf.
Going to the movies with your gf, especially a week or two after it has come out is kino. Everytime I play with get tits and pussy during movies, and get my dick sucked.

No the dictionary defines language. Colloquial language doesnt have any meaning in the real world

That's an Opera. Musicals can have spoken lines.

There were like five songs in the movie. How is that enough to qualify as a musical

You get your soc cred decreased for using non-huewai phones

You can meme about >America all you want, but our government by and large still supports our rights. Freedom of speech, press, religion, etc. Chinese don't have those luxuries.

>as long as there are people not retarded and use the proper form of the word
And yet languages still change, and new words that once weren't "proper" are used ubiquitously. I wouldn't be so fixated on the idea of languages being fixed and "proper"; they're not and never have been.

Companies that write dictionaries have no intrinsic authority over language. Besides, you see dictionaries adding words all the time nowadays, quickly responding to new words/usages/spellings/etc.

Imagine caring about gooks, kikes and kids movies.

just use the proper form next time instead of trying to justify your mistake with mental gymnastics "OH BUT TEH LANGUAGE EVOLVES" no you fucking idiots. it's okay that you didn't know the proper usage of hung and hanged until now, just remember it going forward and own up to your own damn mistakes.

>When she was 10 years old, Liu and her mother moved to New York City, where she attended Louis Pasteur Middle School 67.[12] She lived in Queens before returning to China in 2002

>only moi gets to enjoy the freedoms of democracy, fuck everyone else
she's a fucking bitch


The worst type of hypocrite.

>be chinese
>support your country
It actually would be better if any of these celebrities had any backbone to openly doing that.
But what they're actually doing is indirectly supporting their country through proxy via feigning false support for the Hong Kong police force, something they probably didn't give two shits about until a month ago, and pretending that HKPF is an individual political entity and not another arm of the CCP today.

If this bitch has American citizenship it should be revoked.

Five songs in a 90 minute movie

>before returning to China in 2002
That was a mistake. The thought police probably grabbed her the moment she stepped off the plane and re-educated her to renounce democracy.

I don't give a fuck about the guy who didn't use hanged/hung to your satisfaction. My point in making is to illuminate how overwhelmingly idiotic you are for believing that changes in languages aren't created by a language's users using that language 'wrong'.


who hung first?

>be chinese
>go abroad to get superior education
>come back and use it to uplift your country
What a bitch


>supporting commie fucks
Than again supporting (((democracy))) is just as bad

Oh, it gets better...


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>Hong Kong is democratic because it was taken by Britain ages ago

Hong Kong under British rule didn't have democracy. They were literally ruled by an appointed Governor General. They had riots in the 1960s because of it.

Democracy came to Hong Kong unironically during the Chinese Handover so they won't chimp out much after being handed back to a Communist Mainland.

schezuan sauce

Imagine being completely fucking stupid enough to think she actually has a choice in saying that.

mark hamill is such a cuck jesus christ
his twitter feed makes me glad he got fucked by disney

>come back and use it to uplift your country
You mean oppress right.
She's working for the status quo that keeps the average citizen of her own country downtrodden and oppressed, while she as a member of the upper echelon elite gets to enjoy the fruits of both the east and west.
It's the same thing in HK, making this essentially a classist fight. All the rich, powerful and wealthy of HK want the protests to end because any oppression would sooner swallow the rest of the country before them as loyal servants to the CCP, not that the laws would apply to them in the first place anyway.

And that's ignoring the fact that as China's middle class truly start settling into their wealth, their people are inevitably going to start demanding more freedoms. Hong Kong right now is in a sense fighting on behalf of the future mainland Chinese people, in the same way the mainland Chinese Tiananmen Square protestors were fighting on behalf of HK and democracy in general.

Depends really.

Some Chinese celebs pretty much willingly support Beijing because 1) They're from the Mainland. 2) that's where their main audience is now and 3) Mainland China is now the face of Chinese Nationalism, as opposed to liberal Globohomo Hong Kong or Taiwan's Weeaboo SJW paradise.

The Last two being pretty much the case with Jackie Chan, who is a crazy old-guard Chinese Nationalist who wasn't as big as he was in HK come the 2000s.

In America we fight for tranny children. Fuck you dictatorships!: youtu.be/t9YYHByBOsI

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>Jackie Chan, who is a crazy old-guard Chinese Nationalist
Jackie may be a nationalist today but he's anything but old-guard.
Jackie is what we in the west call a flip-flopper.
He was vocal against China in the '90s, because his main audience was HK.



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That's a hot tranny.

Hong Kong is not democratic and never was. The pseudo democracy it is in now is effectively controlled by Beijing and a group of business executives.

>enjoy freedom so much she moves back to China

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The disturbing reality Americans will never embrace is that the speeches given by their leaders about mankind yearning for freedom is fake. Most of the world have no cultural or historical understanding of freedom. We've seen this over and over. In Vietnam, in Afghanistan, in Iraq. The fact is to most of China democracy is as alien to them as ancestor worship is to the West.

You're mixing up freedom and classim for some reason. The opposite is true. The more free the market is, the greater the competition and inequality.

He probably doesn't even own his twitter like most celebrities and politicians

wrong, the dictionary describes language, not defines it..

Oh and I should add

Many in Mainland China would willingly dab on Hong Kong due to the North-South divide as Hong Kong is viewed as the pinnacle of everything bad about Southern China: which the mainland views as a place of effeminate manchildren, raised by Southeast Asian maids, whose education was wholly financed by their who still live in their 20s and 30s, with their parents and are incapable of surviving on their own.

If you were a Northerner/Mainlander raised in China's ghettos, who had to leave your parents in your early 20s to make a hard living, or study in the University while working, not to mention a culture of industrial/rural camaraderie with the lads, Hong Kong seems like a place filled with big softies in your eyes.

Kinda like Boomer-Millenial fights, except the Boomers are the same age as the Millenials.

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>Hong Kong is not democratic
That may be technically true but not realistically true.
In the same vein neither the US nor England were ever democratic either (US is social democracy and England is a constitutional monarchy).

Actually, countries like Hong Kong that were caught up between two major superpowers are/were perhaps MORE democratic than the US or England or most western nations ever were, because their limbo status allowed them to have more freedom at the expense of both.


>US is not a democracy
>US is social democracy
Jesus christ, stop talking about shit you have no clue about. US is not a democracy because it's a republic. It can't be further from social democracy given how americans see any kind of state welfare as communism.

>Her father is An Shaokang (安少康), a 1st Secretary in the Chinese Embassy in France and a French language university professor,[2] while her mother is Liu Xiaoli (刘晓莉), a dancer and a stage performer.
She's a spoiled rich cunt, being in a dictatorship doesn't bother her

>Against Narcotics and disowned his children for using them
>Abandoned his kid when she came out as lesbian (Homosexual identity is utterly immoral in the Confucian mindset)
>Unironically believes in traditional Chinese medicine.
>A lot of his pre 1990s political rhetoric was Pro-Hong Kong Independence but in the perspective of Chinese Ethnic Nationalism.
He's old-guard.

I don't know knowledgeable you are of Chinese history, but one of the biggest shifts in the history of Chinese Nationalism is Mainland PRC China's about-face from internationalist Marxism and its willing embrace of Nationalism and Traditions to mobilize Chinese society in a Post-Mao China, and the disillusionment of many old-guard Nationalists over Hong Kong and Taiwanese liberal society in the 90s and the 2000s that they became more susceptible to rhetoric from the Mainland.

China is practically Nazbol today.

Attached: Xi Jinping Confucianist COmmentary.jpg (500x756, 155K)

>Disney writer made black humor jokes
fire him
>Georgia where lots of movies are filmed might go anti abortion
let's not work there anymore
>China imprison people for wronthink, censor, tortures, lies, steal
We see no problem filming movies here

>The disturbing reality Americans will never embrace is that the speeches given by their leaders about mankind yearning for freedom is fake
Everyone knows that's fake.
The things humans yearn for can be counted on one hand.
We want to eat, fuck, sleep, be entertained, and have it better than our neighbours.

>You're mixing up freedom and classim for some reason. The opposite is true. The more free the market is, the greater the competition and inequality.
That doesn't refute my statement and is contradicted by your own where you say nobody really wants freedom.
Most conflicts are primarily classist conflicts.
The drug war? Class conflict (Nixon didn't want black weed dealers wielding so much power).
Race war? Class conflict (rich people love pitting lower classes against each other to their benefit)
The current war for 'freedom'? Class conflict (lower classes demanding rights enjoyed by their rich and wealthy and being denied)

>so they won't chimp out much after being handed back to a Communist Mainland.
It would have happened much sooner than that if the mainland hadn't kept threatening to 'liberate' HK if the Brits tried to set up a democratic system.


Firstly, a social democracy is not a true democracy so your greentext doesn't matter.
Secondly, a democratic republic and a social democracy are effectively the same.

Disney has there contracted actress supporting a communist dictatorship for foreign money and orange man bad.

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None of your greentext makes him old-guard in the least.

Good for her, the Hong Kong rioters are in the wrong. China’s government is effective and I envy it.

I've been saying that the Mulan movie is going to flop, now it might actually happen.

get that boomer of our board, NOW

Disney is a hypocritical megacorp, what's new? Can't pass up those chinkbucks. Especially now that the US is going to see movies less and less. Now to get ahead of that they buy everything under the sun like FOX so they can maintain their stranglehold on media for even longer.

Chinese civil war when.
Would be kino.

>Actually, the correct term is "HANGED" when referring to the execution method!

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Historically a Chinese Dynasty has a shelf-life of 200-250 years. Unless they're one of the greats that can last 400-500 years like the Han and Tang did. As the current bearer of the Mandate of Heaven, the PRC so far has under 70 years in its belt.

Nevertheless the PRC exists outside the boundary of the Chinese historical experience as never in the history of China has its people been so disarmed (NONE of the dynasties banned civilians from owning weapon), never have central authority been as powerful (the government has nukes for fuck sake), nor as connected to the global market.

Based. Fuck commies.

And fuck your cute, anti-commie, freedom-fighting gfs.

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>being a commie
Hope you retards aren't white.

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No one outside of China and Hong Kong cares about the politics of China and Hong Kong. And as it's a pro-China thing people are upset about, any boycott won't affect the one of those where all the money is. Do you seriously believe that the average American even knows anything about these protests or is invested enough to join a boycott over it?

>supports commies

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I'd shot my jizz in her eye if you know what i mean haha

>soulless, leftist white
>probably low iq
Many such cases.

>actress supports china

i'm alt-right but still support based Winnie

These threads always make me laugh.
So many mutts projecting their bullshit on the rest of the world.

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>People's democratic dictatorship is a phrase incorporated into the Constitution of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong
So subtle

He's thinking of opera's what?

As a Globohomo liberal stronghold, Hong Kong is literally more left leaning than Nazbol China is nowadays based on /pol/ definitions of "Left" and "Commie."

They pass up on R rating because they want to keep the idea of a "family brand", how does this help their cause? Is like an hypocrisy within the hypocrisy.

>ou can meme about >America all you want, but our government by and large still supports our rights. Freedom of speech, press, religion, etc. Chinese don't have those luxuries
Go boycott Israel and tell us how that ends.

>Shows that she is an iPhone user

>Globohomo liberal stronghold,
Hongkong is extremely rightwing and homogenous, you stupid falseflagging commie.
They're not leftists, like "liberals" in America. What's up with this stupid shilling?

Why do Americans suddenly care about what's going on between HK and China?

>more left leaning
Where do you get this bullshit from?

>hire a mainland china girl for your movie
>surprised when she thinks and speaks like a mainland china girl

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Sure you are, faggot.

I am italian.

Well excuuuse me for not thinking that a Chinese would not act like a robot programmed to serve the state.

>iphone user
jesus christ this fucking monster

>But what they're actually doing is indirectly supporting their country through proxy via feigning false support
So like American celebs.

It's just another Disney cash grab, I would never watch it on my own

>tfw you'll never get to fill up your cute yellow gf after a hard day of pissing of commies
Lucky guy.

>Hongkong is extremely rightwing

>as Hong Kong is viewed as the pinnacle of everything bad about Southern China
I know the whole Northern China vs Southern China is a meme, little different from the whole northerner vs southerner stereotypes in the US, but it's still odd to me since HK is ethnically speaking, a mix of north and south since the majority of people made their way there after fleeing the conflicts from invading Japs.

>pissing of
Sup ESL.

How could they be more rightwing? Libertarian views on free expression and economics. And they loathe open borders, and only let in high iq people. Homogenous, prosperous and free. They're great.

>captain America guy supporting punching “nazis”, good
>ching chong actress supporting her country, bad
What did the westerners mean by this?

Might just be an American.

Can't wait for Beijing to go full Tienanmen on HK.

The crying on Yea Forums will be glorious.

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>got you

>Libertarian views on free expression and economics
You just described mainland China. They have zero safety nets, they don't even believe in universal healthcare.

You ever been to HK, wumao? Not only do they dislike foreigners, they don't even want to accept other Chinese in there, what are you saying, lmao

Calm down pajeet, I'm just yanking your shiva elephant trunk.

Those antifa bitches could have backed away after they got the bill killed but once they started demanding “democracy” you just know what is going on.

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>Not only do they dislike foreigners
They dislike them so much they wave UK and American flags around praying for a British/American invasion force that will never come. Cuck to the core.

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>Hongkong is extremely rightwing
-Youth supports gay marriage
-More state-services (and functioning ones) than the Mainland.
-Promotes western style liberalism which /pol/ brands as /lefty/
-Hates Chinese nationalism despite the fact that they are mostly Han themselves.
>and homogenous,
Say that to the tonnes of fucking Bangla/Pinoy/Indonesian migrant laborer populations in HK. A lot of these protesters aren't even raised by their parents but by armies of Indonesian and Pinoy maids.

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I think it's fair to say that asians have more soul than whites. People like this user are now the majority in the West. Too stupid to care for abstractions like freedom, and too lazy, narcissistic and conceited to do anything for anyone but himself. Empty, worthless people.

>Weibo shows she is an iPhone user

>beijing protesters are "antifa bitches"

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The main actress is hot

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The irony is they're exactly like antifa but because they're subversives in another country, boomers here support them.

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>libertarian anti-commie protesters are now antifa
80 IQ posting.

China needs a new Car Cao

Attached: cao cao.webm (720x400, 2.94M)

Keep talking, the more shit you talk about the West the less likely we'll be coming to the rescue.

>The crying on Yea Forums will be glorious.
*on reddit.

Yea Forums is divdied over Hong Kong. Some support HK, some Beijing, but most are just waiting for any kind of Drama and Happening to make fun of in order to alleviate their boring lives.

>western style liberalism in hk
They don't. They value freedom of speech and economic freedom.
>hk isn't homogenous
The population must be 90+% Han, you faggot.

Thank god based Trump sees through your antifa tactics.

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Wrong, they're subhuman south chinks. Basically Cambodians.

>anti commie freedom fighters demanding a foreign power “liberates” them and install itself as it’s new colonial master
Keep trying.

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I'm a swede, and you "people" are white niggers. You cunts have ruined the west.


Goes to show you don't live in the region, faggot.

No, I won't boycott the movie, because I wasn't planning on seeing it to begin with.


Muh red scare.
Americans are so fucking brainwashed.

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>>anti commie freedom fighters demanding a foreign power “liberates” them and install itself as it’s new colonial master
>literally just making shit up
That's not what they're protesting for. You must have lied ten times already in this thread. Are they paying you well?
>Yea Forums is divided
Lots of leftists here, yeah.


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They are literally asking for Britain to colonize them again, lmao.
If they are such noble freedom fighters why aren’t they asking for, oh i don’t know, to be completely independent?
Fucking cocksucker.

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Gotta be pretty so Chinese Netizens don't shit on her.

>actress that will portrait a girl that loves the china so much that she enters the army in drag actualy loves china
ban her

Oh yeah except these people are fighting for freedom and to live happier lives and Antifa are fighting for you to lose freedoms and be more regulated. That's the only difference though.

Your post wasn't even worth 10 cents let alone 50.

What exactly is stopping China from going full Tienamen Square on the HK protestors?

>No songs
>No mushu
>Claims to be "historical" but is still based on the fictionalized Disney story
It's gonna be shit

How are they fighting for freedom if they are asking britain to be their master again?

>actually loves China
No she just doesn't want to get Fan Bingbing'd


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Not that guy but please keep your rabid pro-China boner to a minimum here, Yea Forums is a place for civil discourse.
They are asking to be independent, they aren't asking for Britain to colonize them again.

China is more based than Jewmerica

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Commie faggots BTFO.

Please keep your pro liberal capitalist zionism boner to a minimum here, Yea Forums is a place for civil discourse

actualy she did it because her father was to old and sick

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This, desu.

They don't want to spook the western nations too much yet.
They're still aiming for Chinese hegemony by 2025 or something but they can't do it if too many western countries get spooked.

Big government is good for the people. In the US (((corporations))) have more power than the government and are destroying normal people

>all Chinese are Han

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>What why?
Think about it, user. Why would current year Disney remove a song where a man tells a woman to be a man?

>Permanent residents.
>Not counting transients, migrant labor, and TNTs

I happen to be a centrist.
And a centrist perspective is one that advocates for HK to remain an SAR, which is the only reasonable expectation.


Well, I wasn't going to go see it in theaters, so it's not like my opinion on this matters. My reason had nothing to do with this though, so far all the live action adaptations of these Disney films have been really bad, inferior to the animated works they're adapting. I'd just rather re-watch the old Disney classics, especially my favorite, Fantasia.

As for the Honk Kong thing?

I hate to say it, but she's allowed the opinion. I'm generally on the side of the protestors, in that I see where they're coming from. On the other hand, I've seen violence in videos from the police, and from the protestors. It's a sad thing to watch, and I sympathize with anyone getting hurt that didn't go in there to hurt people - and I mean that about the police and the protestors alike, in regard to people that are just doing their job and not abusing anyone (the good police) and the protestors that just want a say, and aren't being violent (the good protestors).

But let's be clear. There have been cases of bad police and bad protestors in this.

And she's allowed to have an opinion on that. You don't have to like it. You don't have to see her movie either. Freedom, to me, means everyone gets to say whatever they want, and react to what's said however they want, so long and neither side is being violent. Saying she supports the police isn't encouraging violence, there are cops right here where I'm from that have done bad things, but there are also plenty of cops that have done good things. I support those cops, and it's not suddenly wrong to say I support cops here because some of them have done bad things. I clearly don't mean the bad cops. I doubt she does either.


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IE extremist liberal capitalist zionist.

>In the US (((corporations))) have more power than the government and are destroying normal people

Yep. There's no loyalty left to America as a nation or institution.

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>pro liberal
There you go again. Liberals in HK are not the same as "liberals" in America. It's the difference between libertarianism and leftist "liberalism."
>capitalism is terrible
Knew it.

Hong Kong is likely more Han than the majority of southern mainland China, given the population is made up of a diaspora.

>British colonisation bad!
>wtf why do we have to go back to china!?

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Wow, why would Americans care about live action freedom kino featuring China getting dabbed on? I just don't get it.

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Liberalism (the real thing, not the republican boogeyman word) is jewish cancer. Capitalism is not terrible but it needs to be kept in check by a strong government. China is capitalist.

Wasn't that during the kowloon city era?

Watch them not respond or shift the goalposts and say "well britain isnt as bad as china".

Lets be real tho. Chinese government clearly forced her to write that. Its old news that they control their stars.

So what's the problem exactly with showing the pervious flag of Hong Kong?

>Big government is good for the people
Socialism is just dishonest wealth transfer between the races: From average white males, to brown people and women. Only white men pay more in taxes than they get in return from the state, so we pay for all the shit.

>chinese rule bad
>btw we want to go back to being ruled by the british crown now, k, thnx by

So actors are not allowed to support whatever the fuck they want? Only what the big corpo daddy says?

I hope automation makes relying on robots cheaper than chinese drones.

The solution to a bad government is to fix it, not to half-assedly "abolish" it and leave a power vacuum for rich kikes

>everything in Chinese life revolves around government intervention

They literally aren't though.
I know you're being deliberately hyperbolic and facetious.
Hong Kong is petitioning any democratic nation equally for moral support, they sure as hell aren't asking for another dictatorship.

That's quite literally how language DEVOLVES, by stupid people getting it wrong and spreading the stupidity.

>americlaps talking about freedom
Fucking lmao. People in power do whatever the fuck they want without impunity (see Epstein's "suicide") and your media is owned by individuals who go to extreme lengths to push certain agendas while villainizing any other viewpoint.

Here comes the commie shilling.
Prove that the Han aren't 90% of the population. Sounds to me like the migrants are in low numbers and not citizens: used for temporary labor.

>what is the problem with fighting for muh fredumbs while asking for your former master to enslave you again
Go though my greentext again, brainlet, you might get a clue.

>pro-China supporter
IE extremist liberal capitalist zionist
Scary how well all those things apply to nuChina as well.

Sorry Hong Kong - your protests are worthless because you have no 2nd amendment, therefore nobody needs to listen to your stupid asses.

Liberals should take note, because this is what they apparently want.

>capitalist and free trade
Oh NO!

No because none of this changes the fact that this is a Disney movie.

Punching “nazis” is good and brave, supporting your birth country bad!

why Mulan is not black? isn't this 2019 already?

The Chinese military is already in Hong Kong. It's over. It was over long before it started because China is an economic powerhouse everyone wants to trade with, especially the nations they're petitioning for support. No one is going to help them. That's why western media barely even covers this.

Don't give them hope.

There is no hope.

They were abandoned long before it even started.

Yeah, leftist, western "liberalism" is jewish cancer. Libertarianism is the opposite. Jews hate not being able to control people.

Let's be fair here, I'd rather live in America than China. At least if you say something bad about the government they don't take away your passport and you can still leave the country.
Don't get me wrong, America is a shithole but at least you don't get every single one of your human rights violated

Brainlet, I'm telling you how socialism is paid for, no matter how good the governent is. Only whites have the necessary iq levels to support first world standards of living. On the whole, browns in Western countries contribute nothing. That'll never change.

This. The only people "supporting" HK are the internet activists on twitter and reddit. In reality the protesters won't accomplish shit and have been effectively fighting a losing battle from day one.

Actually if you read up on your history, at the time GB colonized HK (HK island) there were fewer than 10,000 living there at the time. So essentially it had always been British by the time most other people started living there. So it wasn't technically colonized, at least for most people.


But government safety nets in China are so bad most do not rely on it. Unlike Hong Kong where its people do.

Go boycott Israel.

....once again, Disney ruins the potential of yet another one of their movies to do well in that territory, just like TLJ and Solo.

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I'm just saying if I had to chose (and couldn't kill myself at the airport), I'd rather live in the US.

Isn't it ironic there were more freedumbs and less protests with the oppressive colonial government, yet there are so many after the city was returned to the "motherland"? Really makes one think, doesn't it, chunk?

I want an asian gf, bros.

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>The Chinese military is already in Hong Kong
They're not petitioning for martial support, they know no foreign nation would dare lift a finger against China. The fight they're fighting is more a moral one and to do with soft power. They're hoping to give the west more moral ammunition to throw at China.
And besides they have no other choice but to resist. Americans will be doing the same in the future when China finally deploys Red Dawn 2.0 and invades America.

It funny how they refuse to make edgy and adult content and neutered Star Wars yet you have producers and shills hype up homosexual shit in Marvel, Star Wars, and potentially Frozen II.

If they are freedom fighters why are they asking to be slaves again instead of an independent country?
Go on, clown, entertain us!

>Isn't it ironic there were more freedumbs and less protests with the oppressive colonial government
Nope, they didn't even have the vote until after the handover. Sorry you skipped history class, brainlet.

Shut up, Mainlander.

I went to China on a tour years ago and this English guy was with us, he was Chinese, born and raised in England, English accent, really nice guy.
The fucking second the train crossed into China from Mongolia he turned hyper-Chinese(aside from not speaking the language), suddenly the millions who died during the great leap forwards were acceptable, the state cracking down on everything was okay because it helped with stability, nothing China did was wrong in any way or form because China was perfect.
The food was the best, the drink was the best, the sights and scenery was the best, the people were the friendliest(this is kind of true, very nice people), China was best place, number one.

The second he left back to England he reverted apparently but it was hilarious.

>and that's a good thing

Fuck. Off.

Fuck. Right. Off.

Fucking hacks.

>your protests are worthless because you have no 2nd amendment
And how exactly are your peashooters supposed to protect you against tanks, drones and planes?

>more freedumbs and less protests with the oppressive colonial government

They literally didn't have the right to protest or elect their own leaders until they were given back to China.

>China was best place, number one.

You have tunnel vision. No safety nets alone =\= libertarian.

Ugh, sweaty, evey heard the phrase "Hong Kong Independence"? That's what everyone out there would prefer if China ever let them, but it won't, and China is one of the least free countries out there, if you don't consider commerce only. Therefore, one thing they can do is to wave the colonial flag to express discontent with the current system and preference for the way it was. Yeah, sometimes it's better to be a colony of a good country than a territory of a bad one.
>Go on, clown, entertain us!
You're such a fedora faggot, it's not even funny. There's no "us" in here, only you loser.

yep lol, millenials and zoomers still dont live in the real world yet. nothnig controversial about supporting the hong kong police. i could explain my reasoning but i dont want to play teacher to a bunch of youngsters on Yea Forums

So why is universal healthcare socialism?

And now a committee of 11000 people appointed by the Central Government votes, is that an improvement?
They had no right to elect anyone since.

I would masturbate to a nuke or two going off in Shanghai and/or Beijing. Imagine all the roasted roaches. China is evil.

Again, if they are freedom fighters why aren’t they fighting to be completely independent?
And has is having no rights and an appointed ruler better than what they have now? Go on, ape, dance for us!

that's literally how it works, actually
dictionaries only came around to document most common uses for words - they didn't set the definition

Imagine being this much of an insufferable faggot.

Itt: Idiots falling for Chinese propaganda perpetuated by Poohfag posters.

Maybe you should ask the Afghans that.

>Yeah, sometimes it's better to be a colony of a good country
The UK isn't a good country, it abandoned Hong Kong and didn't even give HK citizens a path to British citizenship. They literally left them for dead and don't ever want them back.

why isn't mulan being played by an undocumented mulatta mutt

Pathetic attempt.
>nothnig controversial about supporting the hong kong police
There is because the HKFP is not an individual political entity anymore. Saying you support HKFP is akin to supporting CCP, which people on all sides would agree is controversial, even people IN the party themselves (especially since Xi elected himself as defacto leader in perpetuity).

Feel free to answer my question any day now, sweety.

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>And now a committee of 11000 people appointed by the Central Government votes, is that an improvement?

Nope, they still vote but it does have to be from a pool of candidates vetted by Beijing, which makes sense since Beijing owns HK now. Under British rule, HK had zero (0) voting rights whatsoever.

Hey, dumbass. Look up what libertarian means. It advocates for small government with low government intervention. Then look at Chinese daily life.

Hong Kong was never British. It was leased from China and handed back when it ran out.

Are you saying that the police world over should be a private entity that serves only itself and not the state that created it?
That user was right, you are a 12 year old kid.

HKFP? As in Hong Kong Free Press? With?

Can't believe this is a boy.

Ask the irish lmao

I don't have to... they're literally supplied and financed under the table by Russia (and China, and probably several other European and Middle Eastern countries), so essentially they have their own planes, drones and tanks.

If the US military was given free reign to do as they please against just the Afghan civilians, Afghanistian would be the 51st state in a week.


Well, the liberal progressive media should be covering the protests with unbiased and impartial journalism, and they probably are.

Hong Kong is a Chinese city, throwing a fit and trashing their own homes isn’t going to change that.

>Hong Kong was never British.
True. If HKers want to be British, let them get shipped off to the English Channel and see how warmly they're received. Honestly it's a win-win for everyone if London takes them. Since Brits seem to have such a hardon for HKers, it should work out just fine.

Because they won't be able to shut it down as much as they could with Tiananmen. Everyone has a camera with direct internet access through their phones. Sure, they can cut communication, but that raises an even bigger red flag like what the Egyptian and Lybian government in 2010.

>Are you saying that the police world over should be a private entity that serves only itself and not the state that created it?
The police should serve the people, or failing that, at least the country before foreign governments.
So it should be in solidarity with HK against China.
Which should be a no brainer anyways since the demonstrations were peaceful until the police force started allowing subversion and instigating violence.
You know what I mean.

This will help it do better in China, we love our government and artists who support it.. Hong Kong is not a market that matters.

Poohfag govcuck bugmen will always be the most pathetic "race" in the planet. Can't wait for China's next inevitable collapse.

I know you're picking at straws but HK is a Han majority.

most countries that have universal healthcare aren't considered socialist countries.

Britain didn't have a choice on whether to give it back or not, you idiot! They were following the treaty they signed and they did everything accordingly, ie gave Hong Kong back after 99 years as they were supposed to. They even included Hong Kong Island which was leased in perpetuity and you chinks now kick it for doing so. And you know why they didn't give Hongkies citizenship? Because China wouldn't let them! They had to maintain the image of a "happy" return back home for the former colony. And yeah, of course you don't wanna mention the BNO passport that was created SPECIFICALLY for Hong Kong and gives a person the right to receive right of abode in the UK eventually. And the fact that a few hundred thousand people there still have said passport, particularly, all the pro-government figures, former CEs etc.

Why would they just bend over and take Winnie the Pooh’s chode? Especially when doing so takes away rights they once had.


Yea, treaties aside, there was nothing the British Government could have done to keep Hong Kong, militarily speaking either.
China's army would have murked any British forces with ease and retaken it by force.

Britain really should have just kept Hong Kong and re-flooded China with opium.

More likely thr people in the West learned that "freedom" in practice means that elites are free to steal everything that isn't nailed down while importing millions of third worlders



Not that guy, but a libertarian society also needs to respects personal freedoms. China doesn't, so it isn't libertarian.

>elites are free to steal everything
White people do amazingly well in free societies, like America, up until recently. Maybe you should try blaming yourself for your failings.

So what are the odds of a big time happening going down over this chinkfags?

There was a way, actually, which was considered but ultimately never pursued. Weihaiwei, a pretty important place at the time, was to be returned to China in exchange for keeping Hong Kong forever.
>Chinese army
An army that never has won a war and would have to kill other Chinese? Never ever would that happen. Besides, this would be the end of the Chinese reform and opening up since no one would ever trade with an aggressor who attacks Britain.

It's okay, China will find a way to screw itself over in the end. Empires always come and go like this.

>Britain didn't have a choice on whether to give it back or not
This is what you Hong Kong monkeys will never get. Brits didn't fight for you the way they fought for Falklands or held onto Gibraltar because they DO. NOT. GIVE. A. FUCK. ABOUT. YOU. You will always be worthless chinks to them and that's why they used the treaty as an easy out to say "Ah fuck it, take em back."

>cultural preservation

why would the military start shooting randoms with tanks?

But she lived in the U.S all her life and gets to enjoy freedoms here that she cant possibly have in bugland

>mfw nick got $$$ sponsor and promo money now

Literally every Western country is becoming a brown horde.
China isn't. There is no danger of Chinese culture going extinct.

Depending on how the protests play, the result of Canada's October election (China has a shitload of money at play for the LPC), and the whims of whoever is US president after 2020, that could be the catalyst to WW3.

HK police are only seeking to obtain order. Rioters have terrorists among them that seek to disrupt this order. The police are being very brave to help protect the innocent in the face of these evil, foreign-backed terrorists.


>There is no danger of Chinese culture going extinct.

Mao almost did that

>modern China
Being a hoarde of Asian gypsy-equivalents with zero manners or arguably even souls isn't a "culture."

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Hey man, what's your problem, you wanna get checked with the doctor or something? Nobody's saying Hong Kong belongs with Britain here, people just pretty much agree that it doesn't really go well with China either in the current political climate.

What foreign power is gonna step in and start a war over some shitty chink island? At best they're gonna get an international oh no that sucks from the UN or something, and life will go on.

Nothing's gonna happen, UN will not do anything either, like in Crimea

So. Many. Good. Things.
Reddit space
I love 2019
Reddit space
I cant even right now!

I like how Mainlanders are basically bots already. Simultaneously selfish as fuck with no ability to self-determine or go off script at all.

Cousin of Dunnheir and Ewan Yufrensaaded

>comments disabled
Every time lmao

>Homosexual identity is utterly immoral in the Confucian mindset
Damn sounds pretty fucking based

The innocent are the ones protesting.

Now imagine someone with his power and authority saying the opposite.

Communist government literally destroyed the culture of China and all the people it occupies and replaced it with Memedarin. The only "culture" china has left is being an oppressive police state shithole that throws the color red on everything.

so wait, does it mean she sides with Hong Kong or Mainland China?

>Let's be fair here, I'd rather live in America than China. At least if you say something bad about the government they don't take away your passport and you can still leave the country.
That's because in China is the government the ones in power, while in the US it's the other people and the gov is just a strawman.

The latter

police enforce laws, they dont dictate them.

if you have a problem with the police because they are trying to prevent protests from getting out of hand then im not going to try to debate with you. your stance would then go beyond being against the extradition bill or whatever the fuss is about and more about being anti-authority in general.
doesnt really matter desu. police for the most part try to do good. maybe she has a friend in the police force. that gives her a more legitimate reason to support/protest than anyone here


The Disney Live-Action remakes are shit. And they took out Mushu! Fuck them!

I ain't watching any of Disney's remakes.

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Hong Kong is still owed a democratic form of government for another 30 years, which violently crushing protests would clearly invalidate, and the protests there are only a regional problem. "Look at how nice we are to Hong Kong!" is also a big part of their sales pitch to Taiwan for reunification.

TS was in Beijing. The communist officials at the time thought there was a very real possibility that the protests could bring down the party, which is why they ordered the crackdown. I don't think they'll ever do anything like that again unless the level of the threat is similar.

She threw her opinion to the public, the public answered, don't like the public reaction, do not engage it then.
Is like if I started shouting "I hate niggers" in a park and then whined that I lost my job for it

new thread

The American government has power, it just does it's best not to piss off the entire population so hard that they vote everyone out of office.

>An army that never has won a war and would have to kill other Chinese?
...there are neither any moral qualms nor any issues with regards to martial prowess to the Chinese army.
They won several wars actually. By the time of the handover the Chinese military was completely battle-hardened. You forget they were fighting the sino-Japanese war (which began before WWII) AND a civil war before that, which lasted until after WWII.
And besides we're talking about them fighting other Chinese, even if they did have a problem with that. We're talking about them neutralizing white British forces.
As for the 'aggressor' matter you simply lack imagination. It's not hard to paint the other side as the aggressor and for the other side to swallow the pill, especially if the one that has to swallow said pill is part of a waning empire with a rapidly declining military influence on the world. It happened in WWII with Pearl Harbour which was not a surprise attack (higher ups knew it was coming) and was not the instigation for the US' involvement in the conflict either (the US had an embargo on Japan or something and was preventing it from getting oil it needed to expand its empire). China could just do what it's doing now and spread subversive ideologies painting Britain as a big bad that reneged on its agreement (even though HK island's ownership was in perpetuity).
>since no one would ever trade with an aggressor who attacks Britain.
Iirc it happened in India in multiple places during the decline of the British rule of India.
No one gives a fig today. With the death of the British Empire came a 'reset' button to its international relations, otherwise the other countries would have way, waaaaaaaaaaay more ammunition morally speaking about the wrongs of the British Empire.

you know there was a time before 2010 when you could shout at the top of your lungs FUCK NIGGERS and nothing would happen to you unless you were in a black neighborhood

If the desires of the people go against the status quo, why wouldn't they? They shot people at universities in the 60s for less.

Right. And the HKPF are not enforcing any known laws by beating protestors that were not fighting them in the first place.

man, if only that was real cunny

source? i havnt been following this at all but as far as i know about protests, you dont get your ass beat unless you did something out of line


well in america at least, the military isnt allowed to unless given permission by the president, even then they probably wouldnt do shit since thats the polices job. now if some rebel army with their own big guns became a threat to the united states, then they would step in. by that time though the president would probably resign/get impeached or something if they let shit get that bad

the whole protecting yourself against tyranny thing is more local, like if the town sheriff was running around touching butts then you can shoot him or at least have the power to keep him from grabbing butts

American idiots aren’t get to have opinion on government of countries you don’t from fuck off

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

based esl poster

>She triggered the living shit out of Amerifat

>Hongkong is extremely rightwing
