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Bruce Lee would never

I don't know anything about what's going on over there but I'm going say he's based and on the right side of it.

That weird Chinese propaganda heist movie he did left a bad taste in my mouth.

beat Brad Pitt, yes

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Based Jackie, based Xi, God bless China!


Why is that asian guy behind Jackie so pissed? Is he from Hong Kong?

jackie chan says people have too much freedom. look at all the freak trannys, furrys and what not in the world today and tell me hes wrong

>Your social credit ranked has increased! You are now eligible to buy citrus fruits and use public swimming pools.

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that would be actually convenient since I have no lemon for my gin and tonic

I've watched
>armour of god 1/2
>project A 1/2
>all police story movies
>rumble in the bronx
>who am I
>meals on wheels
>drunken master movies
>mr nice guy
And most of his American movies, which aren't as good. Any other Jackinos I should watch?

Now I know why he never wanted to be a villian in movies, because he is one in real life.

Snake in the eagles shadow

And we know what happened to him.

>people in usa are too free, that means a dictatorship in asia is a good thing

Why the fuck would he comment on those protests, I thought he wasn't a moron?

He’s an asshole anyway. Cheats on his wife constantly with girls young enough to be his daughter.

What the fuck happened in Hong Kong?

if the usa and china ever went to war, would jackie chan try to kill us?

So living the dream

you should really consider using lime from now on

He’s not gonna be in Rush Hour 4

Big Trouble

When will they ever learn?

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>Drinking degenerate western alcohol
>Minus 45 social credit points!

did "all police story movies" include First Strike?

If he were any kind of father he wouldn't disown his daughter and sell his soul to prostrate himself in front of the Chinese government to keep his son out of jail for Marijuana distribution.

>What the fuck happened in Hong Kong?
This. Someone can explain please.

Which one?

They want independence from Beijing and Beijing is basically trying to step on Hong Kong neck by drastically ringing them in line with the main land.

Based Jackie

It's a rice based gin from Shenzhen

Not at 70 years old. That's just pathetic old man territory.

CIA funded uprising

Little Big Soldier

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Jackie Chan chooses the strong horse. How can you look at the trajectory of liberalism and not see it for the horrible mistake that it is?

Liberalism is a suicide pact. China is right to abort it before birth.

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Jackiiiiiiiie. You very bad influence on Jade. Stop promotions for mainland totalitarian regime.

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