Fight Club is Fincher's best fil-

>Fight Club is Fincher's best fil-

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Gone Girls poster looks different

>he forgot Fincher made Se7en as well

Fincher is the most overrated director of our time, his movies are hit and miss. Pick is obviously the best and Gone Girl and TGWTDT was absolute garbage

Only a 15 year old would claim Fight Club is his best. His two strongest films are Zodiac and The Social Network.

>Gone Girl and TGWTDT was absolute garbage

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Zodiac is by far his best film, there’s no real flaws within it. Of course this is helped by the fact that it’s based on real life

>Fincher is a good director

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Ending of Dragon tattoo is kino

That would be Nolan and Tarantino. Fincher elevates garbage material with his direction. If he actually read the scripts and didn't only pick up pulpy trash novels he could be a good director.

Chad se7ev, social network, fight club vs Virgin zodiac and girl with the reddit tattoo

Fincher's best is obviously Se7en wit a quite wide margin

Fight Club scared and depressed my folks so much they turned it off. They watched it for the first time two days ago. AMA.

Fight Club is the only one where he drops his wannabe-Kubrick perfectionist control freak schtick and just has fun with it. It's a wildly original film with a touch of genuinely crazy vision and thus surpasses the dull, by-the-book feel of most of his movies. Also you do realize that all of the "edgy" stuff in Fight Club is ironic don't you?

This. Fincher took all he has learned from making music videos and employed it in FC, turning into the grooviest movie of the last decades with the perfect pace. In fact I haven't seen a movie yet where scenes from snippets and fragments of different situations flow so incredibly well
Couple that with the spot on aesthetics of the movie and the charisma of both characters and you end up with a generation defining classic
Tldr bravo fincher

What's with Zodiac being popular all of a sudden?

Fight Club would be loved by Yea Forums if imdb didn't exist therefore all edgy teens didn't knew about it and quote it

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You gay?

No. Next question.

It was always popular here

Prisoners absolutely crushes Zodiac

Ted's looking for votes

based and fightclubpilled

>Zodiac is Fincher's best wor--

Half kidding, but Mindhunter is unironically gr8 and some of the best shit Fincher has ever done

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Netflix shill

Guys, i'm the Zodiac

If you were, you certainly wouldn't tell us.

It's fine, i'm anonymous here. So i don't mind tell you i am the Zodiac. But i won't reveal my true name

>rick didn't draw any posters
>no, he drew this one
>mr graysmith, I do the posters myself. That's my handwriting

>not many people have basements in california
>I do

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Literally the opposite. Mindhunter is their only good show. Everything else was either shit to begin with or turned to shit as it grew popular.

Darkino is their best show, Mindhunter is #2

Wasn't social network Sorkin's movie?

ZERO people think fight club is his best movie


The Game is actually his best film

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Imagine being this fucking stupid
>comparing a pulpy genre movie to Zodiac

Alien 3 Assembly Cut is Fincher's best film

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based contrarian

I do. It's the only one of his movies that has a strong enough vision and unique feel to be called a great movie. All of his other work is merely "well made" with maybe the exception of Se7en which is a close second for me. Haven't seen The Game though.

Why have I still not seen Social Network? I only hear good things. I watched Zodiac recently and was disappointed. Wasn't bad by any means but I expected more from it.

is that jew on the left intentional

It obviously is retard


Watch social network now its pure kino

Sorkin wrote it, Fincher directed. But Sorkin did write and direct Molly's Game, which is kino.

am i the only one who found Zodiac unintentionaly funny?

Not seeing "you"

which The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo version should I watch

This anonymous poster is right

I never understood the rick Marshall detour, care to explain why it was included?

That movie is so fucking boring. His worst work.

I found the first scene with leigh allen at his workplace unintentionally funny because it was so bad.
In general the movie is ok, but it cant decide whether it's historical fiction or a thriller. They try to keep close to most of the facts of the case, including all relevant characters. However, owing to this the movie drags along with Downey jrs and Gyllenhaals characters being essentially pointless the first half. Moreover, they took some liberties such that the first presented suspect appears to be much more guilty than it was in the real case.