The Hobbit

Why did it suck?

>inb4 too immature
>inb4 Bilbo is literally an autistic NEET loser self insert
>The struggle between the dwarves and the elves felt immature, literally saturday morning cartoon-tier with Care Bears writing.

>Bilbo did you just hand over the most expensive item of the dwarves to the elves?
>Yep, I gave it to them
>And now you ignorantly and happily admit to it like "I don't give a shit what it means... what did that object mean again?" aaaand "it was the right thing to do"

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Martin Freeman as Bilbo was the best Hobbit ever. Better than anyone from any MIddle Earth film or show.

I liked the food he was about to have for dinner.

it was alright
only reddit autists and our local neckbeards pretending to be hardcore fans shit on it as if it was a massive failure
>was it top tier mobie?
nah, but it sure was worth pirating it and watching it with the bros and beer, i remember it fondly :)

I think the main problem is/was that the majority of the main cast being really stupid-looking dwarves dragged the entire thing down.

I didn't mind any of the altered story of added subplots. It was all interesting enough, but those dwarves were all just extremely uninteresting. Not even bad, just bland. I literally didn't care what happens to them at any point.

this. plus the horribly boring love triangle

to add to this it's not like they didn't try to make me care about reclaiming the dwarven kingdom plot and all that goes with it. on paper it was all solid. but the dwarves being cartoonish looking idiots just got old super fast. I mean when they left Bilbo's house it already outstayed its welcome and there were three full movies of this to chew through

I actually liked the dwarves, insofar as they were quite varied and different both in appearance and character. I tended to think of all dwarves as looking roughly the same, but this film presented them as quite distinct identities.

The thing which really broke my brain was the elf/dwarf love story. Unbelievably stupid and contrived. Jackson should despise himself for coming up with that.

Because they split it into three movies to make more money and added in/took a bunch of shit out/changed the entire fucking narrative in an attempt to make even more money.

That being said, the first one is pretty okay, the second one is trash, and I'll never bother seeing the third one so lol I dunno.

The tone was all over the place, you have serious Lotr type stuff mixed with cartoonish action scenes where people fall and bumble in the goblin caverns without getting a scratch and the dwarf king headbutts orcs in the middle of the big high stakes battle. No real tension at all.

Because they turned one short book into a trilogy of retarded action comedy CGI fests.

I didn't mind they were "varied". I did mind that the movie never really made me give a shit about any of them. Any of them could've died at any point in the story and I wouldn't give even half a shit.

Basically the script/direction did not make me care about their fate.

Also the main dwarf guy (who looked just like a scaled down regular person) came off as a total dick literally 100% of the running time of all three movies.

The entire thing is a tonal mess.

>Why did it suck?
Because Jackson had to come in late and try to salvage the project.

It was a trilogy for no reason.

ps2 graphics and hollywood fan-fiction garbage

The cast was pretty solid, all in all, the problem was, that the Hobbit never was an epic like Lord of the Rings was and it was a mistake to try turn it into one. It should have been a much simpler adventure.

Because Tolkien made it up as a bed time story for his children.

It's blown out of proportion. I say that as someone who generally liked the movies and even bought the EE on Bluray. It's simply bloated. The Dwarf/Elf lovestory is dreadful and crammed in there. Alfrid is obviously taking over for the Mayor of Laketown to bloat runtime due to the latter's death already having been under wraps.

I want to give Tauriel loving ear rubs under the stars, but she really brings the story to a screeching halt everytime she appears.

Attached: taury sees ur tiny dwarf dick.jpg (198x255, 5K)

the first one was fine, not great, not dogshit, just fine. I can't talk about the others.

Just too fucking long. Did anyone ever do a supercut? It'd make a great 2hr movie.

The sad part really is, that Lily agreed to do the movie in grounds of that there would be no romance. Shame she didn't dictate that on her contract in writing.

They had years to prepare for the LotR movies whereas with the Hobbit they barely even had one year. The production was so hectic that props and sets were being destroyed and remade because they were writing the script on the spot.

>Andy Serkis was shooting endless battle scenes without having a script

This is a thing that happened.

>It'd make a great 2hr movie.
Two hours is way too short. The proposed duology would've been kino, but the production company insisted it be blown up to trilogy format after An Unexpected Journey was a success.

yeah there's a few fan edits

>Cash grab extension into 3 movies
>Shoehorned elf slag romance
>Shoehorned Legolas
>Shoehorned LotR plot points, it should be a comfy adventure film with a couple of hints about the future
>Unwatchably bad cgi
>Smaug should be terrifying, not played by Cumbersnatch
>Beorn looks like a faggot and not enough screen time
>I hate Martin Freeman, fuck his bland face stupid cunt

Auriel not barefoot

The source material: ~400 pages
The film adaptation: 9 hours


It is funny you know. You can clearly see how much bloat the 3rd movie caused to the story and because of it, The Hobbit will always be remembered as a technical and critical failure, but which still managed to do a lot of money,
The way the Hobbit will be discusses in the future, and is even discusses now, revolves around how much more cohesive it could have been had the studio reigned itself down instead of jumping to the kill.

The actual, factual reason was because the tone was all over the fucking place.

Peter Jackson did fantastic things with Lord of the Rings, but The Hobbit was an entirely different book, and was far more of a childish fairy tale than an epic. It was a good little Hero's journey and I remember finishing the book and going ''that was nice.''. It needed to be far removed from Lord of the Ring, and it wasn't. They mixed two tones that went really badly together and it backfired.

Agreed. Some spergs got mad at certain things for being unrealistic, but I just thought of it as Bilbo's telling of the story. Things were obviously exaggerated.


I absolutely loved the first one and then it just went downhill fast.
All those shitty plotlines, the romance, that ps2 legolas.
On the last one, I mean I get it, according to lore that how elves would be moving, weightless step and all that shit, but did nobody on the whole production look at it and went
>huh, this cgi that me just made looks like shit.

Daily reminder Jackson tried to reduce the dwarf party to less than half its size but everyone flipped out on him. He was right in the end...for once

>incel unable to relate to fantasy characters
nigga lmao wtf why on earth would you need to
nice reddit spacing btw

The hobbit was absolute kino. Only capeshit plebs and pseud autists cant get comfy.