Blue Velvet

i don’t know why i’ve put off watching this film for so long, but let me just say that i am absolutely, completely, unequivocally blown away. there is no other way to describe it. it’s like the full weight and impact of a master in complete control of his craft settled on me a few minutes into blue velvet and never dissipated the entire run time.
and to think i was going to watch lady bird instead

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It's pretty good noir film with nice romance. I prefer Lost Highway, TP season 3 and Mulholland Dr.
Lady Bird is overrated.


yes i’ve seen every lynch film except for dune now, and tp season 3, blue velvet and the elephant man are my favorites of his

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I like most his films after rewatch more. I rewatched Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr. this week and most of things seemed to fall in place when looking at plot.

i didn’t enjoy mulholland dr. much at all when i saw it the first time, i’ll probably give it another shot tomorrow

Baby wants to Sneed .

Definitely check it out again. Once you know where the plot is going, it's easy to figure it out. Also the film is quite funny and heart breaking.

The atmosphere in this film is outstanding, and from what I've seen both of David Lynch's work and in general, pretty unique.

Watched this for the first time the other week. Its the first thing I've watched from Lynch that isnt Twin Peaks related. I loved it. Planning on watching Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire within the next few days

you just weren't ready at that time to get

[ L Y N C H E D ]

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Watch Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and then Inland Empire.

Really underrated

Inland Empire ruined me in unimaginable ways. Really good film though

Originally watched it in the cinema after looking forwars to it for months. Thought it was good but felt a bit let-down for some reason.
I couldn't get the film out of my head afterwards - I thought about it all the time, certainly every day.
Then I realised it's my favourite film.

It's also one of the most quotable movies ever but you wouldn't see it on any lists.

It seems like lot of people have this weird reaction to Blue Velvet. They dislike it and after rewatch or later they like it much more. Ebert, Kermode both talked about this.


Ebert still wasn't convinced after seeing it again IIRC.
I don't think I'm the same as them though. I didn't dislike the film, and wasn't offended by the violence, my issue was I thought I'd hyped it up too much. It then turned out that the whole film had stuck with me.
I do like Kermode's video where he says sometimes we're not good enough for some films. A lot of people get very adament on their opinions of films but you have to wonder how things may change down the line.
Disagree with this. IE belongs down with Dune.

saw a 35mm print of this a few days ago at the kinoplex. It was my first time seeing a Lynch film, and halfway throughout I came to a conclusion;
"yeah, I'm thinking this is Lynch!"

This is a great way to sum up Lynch. He's somebody that know EXACTLY what he's doing somehow (even if he does many things by intuition) Twin peaks the return was like being sat down at school and having a master teach you the most incredible lesson as slowly as he could, the slower it went the more profound it became.

The Return is many things, but it certainly isn't profound.

Is Lynch done with feature length kinos? Inland Empire was in 2006.

He never got Lynch. He just gave good reviews to his movies later in life for the same reason he gave Kubrick's movies good reviews later in life: everybody is praising them, so I better start doing it to before somebody calls me stupid

I think it's his best film

He has a script ready, but, like many times before, finding producers willing to fund the project is a problem.

He has some script called Antelope Don’t Run No More. He was in Netflix headquarters last year but nothing since.


BV is underrated as fuck and is a legitimate masterpiece with the exception of the retarded mechanical robin

Where was that?

The very end, as "Mysteries of Love" plays.

True story, in early 00s I participated in the dvdtalk forums, and they had monthly contests, and I won Blue Velvet SE DVD in my first month or two of joining that forum
it's pretty much the only thing i've ever won, I'd never seen it or heard of it at the time, i was noobish at movie collecting at the time. I put off watching it for a couple of years, and decided to watch it
it was my first time watching Lynch too, and I havent stopped since
good times
also this

The robin obviously being fake aids the themes imo

What did you think about Bobby Peru in WaH?