Movies with this aesthetic?

Movies with this aesthetic?

Attached: basiert.png (500x800, 431K)

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This really isn’t that funny

I thought the same thing, but it’s a crime to not be racist here so just laugh or you’ll draw a certain kind of shit poster


Attached: 2yfftn.png (750x987, 640K)

>"With a car, you can go anywhere you want." He said out loud.
Only funny part


If you don't laugh at that last line you're objectively a brainlet.
case in point, this dumbfuck who thinks the racism is the real joke

only funny part

If you don't laugh at the racism you're objectively a brainlet.

case in point, this dumbfuck who thinks the last line is the real joke

now you done it

Attached: 1565124614559.jpg (1024x682, 70K)


this picture fucking slays me every time

The racism is the funniest part of this image

I was the OP of that thread and I fucking regret making it. That shitty paragraph derails every other thread I make with the same image.

Nice Guys

I dont get it

It’s called irony. By saying the least funny part is the funniest part he is mocking people who said similar unironic statements but inversed

Ebic racism aside, whoever wrote that is unironically very good. It manages to be punchy and atmospheric and the last line is actually gold.

Attached: 1547522239449.jpg (480x772, 169K)

This. Every single line is pure gold and it has several different things that make it funny, the over the top ebin racism is just one of them.

it wouldnt be funny without the tonal set up

IMHO this is poorly written, it also doesn't capture the feeling of the dude. He doesn't seem schizo/low-IQ goofball. He seems more Tyler Durden, manic Chad. The author really missed this.

Wrong Cops

it just says nigger a lot though, i don't get what's supposed to be hilarious? that it's over the top or something? is there a punchline here that i'm not getting?