ITT: movies women will never understand

i'll start

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Island of Lost Souls

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Fat camp

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shame how hollywood forced them to change the ship to french instead of American.
it had a shit box office anyway


>it had a shit box office anyway
because the biggest consumers (women) don't understand it

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in the book the ship is American but cant have white guys hating America in a film can we
Id say go watch the youtube channel 'history buffs' about this film, but the guy gets a shit load wrong all the time he's not entirely accurate either

it doesn't really matter, the first half of the film describes it as an american built ship of privateers, basically mercenaries

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any other films like this or at least in this era or earlier featuring boats and soldiers and such in the new world?

The New World

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I love The New World

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>Band of Brothers
Not a movie but an amazing series.

true but they did a great job with the french captain, I mean we see him for maybe 2 mins, but we know a lot about him, and its great, you want more of their duel but it will never happen

>Jewish wet dream of goyim killing other goyim who oppose jewish supremacy is such a based series.
Tell me you are joking

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KEK, why are Americans so insecure?

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>KEK, why are Americans so insecure?

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your post literally proves his point, you know.

>your post literally proves his point, you know.

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Movies NO ONE understands

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Go away /pol/

i understand it just fine, read the book and the trannies fucked with the story so much its shit, oldfolks story and the sloshin were almost right

Get the fuck out of here, pleb. The overall message of loyalty and brotherhood seems to escape you. Which means you are a female and any hope of you grasping logic is beyond you.