Does anybody recommends this movie because of the initial speech? I guess nobody else saw the rest...

Does anybody recommends this movie because of the initial speech? I guess nobody else saw the rest, because it's fucking weird and almost nonsensical.
What am I missing?

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What's non sensical about it?

I don't know, it's just angry salesmen being angry at their job. Very weird.

You're young, I bet

I'm 31

Maybe you're just a dumb dumb?

Okay, good. But there's nothing out of place in the dialogue, it's very accurate to the cutthrot, fast-paced world of sales of that era

Nope, please explain the movie and the correlation with being old or smart

okay, so I'm just weirded out because I can't relate on how they used to do things. Did they really do things that way?

The Blake scene was added for the movie just to set up this race against time to be the top two salesmen on the board. The movie is basically a day in the life of some downtrodden salesmen selling Florida swampland to deadbeats. Lemmon's desperation ultimately destroys him, while Roma is Blake-like in that he can sell anything to anyone.

Sad that you can't understand it. One of the best

yes, I am confused by the way people talk about the speech scene. People talk about the speech scene as a positive message, but the speech kinda incites them to rob the place.

That scene showed me how awful it must be to work there. Sales, not even once.

Sales doesn't work that way. I mean, maybe in some Indian call center where you call to scam old people in the US selling them norton antivirus, but legit operations don't have salespeople act that way.
If someone where to pull something like that speech to their sales operatives, they would probably tell him to fuck off. There are some marketing/sales forums where they talked about the scene and how wrong it is.

Bruh he works so Walmart. Of course he wouldn't understand it.

Movie was weak

The movie is weak? The fucking movie is weak? Fuck you! You're weak

>Fuckin' movie was weak? YOU'RE WEAK!

It has more to do with being experienced.

It's an amazing movie. The first speech isn't even in the top 3 best parts.

Based Mamet’s best writing.

I can't remember the exact quote, but what always sticks out in my head is "they took, they stole the fuckin' phones!" Haven't seen it in years, gonna have to rewatch. Thanks for reminding me, pleb.

experienced in what, being a loser who has to sell shit land to other losers?

How would've Al Pacino reacted to Alec Baldwin since he was top salesman and didn't need to take any verbal abuse?

This movie is about a dying trade. Yes, sales is still a line of work for many and yes, if you ever work a sales job you will likely have some frat boy faggot with a coke problem show you the Alec Baldwin speech on the first day, but this kind of hard selling is not nearly as prevalent as it once was.

>t. Guy who didn’t close

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It's a adult themed movie in a world accustomed to capeshit.

Adult, grown up dialogue, complex character interactions and motivations, real world consequences, no wonder it goes over Yea Forumss head.

It about hard selling.

I used to do it with machine parts, made tons of money, but then I quit to sell insurance after I had a kid.

>Talk about a fuckin' beat that could sap anyone's self-c-

Probably would have laughed and walked across the street so he could play Lingk like a fiddle some more.

>Jim! What are you doing here? Jim Lingk, uhh. D. Ray Morton.

That's basically the premise. They have to cold call and sell properties that are hot garbage. Trying to sell anything cold is hard. What you want is to be a seller in a market that has big demand. Then they come to you.

it's not adult at all, since the characters are a bunch of losers who can't function into society without scamming others.
They're not grown up either and they don't have grown up dialogue. I mean, maybe angry losers grown up.
Characters interactions and motivations are well made but not complex at all. There is no surprise and one can easily identify what's going on and why.
Real world consequences I guess are there.
I'm not saying it's a bad movie because it's a well made movie, but I think immature people think it's a good movie because it shows how the world is for people, when it depicts unhealthy people (doesn't matter if they're the majority of people or not).

This, there will never be a film with this much testosterone again.

lots of jobs still do things that way. how do you make your living?

>growing up means not being angry

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Sounds like you didn't actually watch the movie and have only seen the opening speech, like 99% of people who talk about this.

>You stupid fuckin' cunt. You, Williamson. I'm talking to you, shithead. You just cost me $6,000. $6,000! And one Cadillac. That's right! What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it... asshole?

Indeed. It wouldn't be allowed by the utter fags that run this society now.

the only character with testosterone is the one played by Baldwin in the beginning. The rest is a bunch of angry losers who can only scream like women and cannot keep focus for more than 15 seconds, costantly trying to get everybody attentions costantly or else they feel hurt in their pride or something.

I worked as a freelance for 12 years and I had to train myself in sales and I never read a book that advise to act like those characters, nor I ever had to in order to sell my services.

So it's not adult because they are failures trying to get ahead in a hard, cold world? Especially Lemmon's character facing the crushing reality that his best days have long been buried? Really opened my eyes, user. Props.

Jesus, have you ever worked any job other than fast food?

Go back and take my drive-thru order, zoomer

>implying everyone but Shelley wasn't manly

>I worked as a freelance for 12 years
well, that explains your failure to understand these characters.

Work a real job for a few years then we'll see how angry, miserable and desperate you've gotten.

by mistake I thought you were mostly talking about the characters, but yes, the themes are adult even if it's about losers.