Was this dude stronger than Yoda

Was this dude stronger than Yoda

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He was stronger than everyone. It took him being an ancient geezer and getting sucker grabbed by one of his own guys while he was cooking someone else to be defeated.

There's no other explanation for the plot of the prequels.

>Yoda is unable to sense that Sheev was a Sith lord until he literally kills the whole Jedi council with a red lightsaber
Yes, he was definitely stronger.

Then does that make Mace Windu the strongest because he was gonna murder him until that twat anakin interfere

Being strong with the force isn't necessarily the same thing as being a strong personal combatant.

Mace was the baddest motherfucker in the galaxy when it came to fighting, but he wasn't particularly good at the rest of the Jedi arts.

Being more powerful doesn't mean you win every fight.

think of the force like having multiple classes, and Mace windu's class was duelist.

Nobody was stronger than Yoda.

Wasn't Mace Windu's entire existence based around killing Sith? I thought some EU lore talked about how he had developed specific techniques to counter the dark side and shit

I think he thought with the lightsaber style that brought you close to the dark side or some shit. But none of the Jedi would have really thought a true sith given they were in hiding for thousands of years.

palpatine intentionally lost that fight though so anakin could be turned

It was pretty darn clear that Sheev threw that fight so Anakin would save him.

Green rodent vs Galactic chancellor

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maybe not in raw force power. But his will was much much greater than Yoda's will. He was a try hard while Yoda was a burned out hack

This. Based Palpatine is the SW Universes Grandmaster 4d chess player.

Guardian is the class, duelist is the feat for single weaponed combat. Yoda and Sheev were consulars.

Was Andy Serkis right when he said this dude was stronger than Darth Sidious OR Darth Plagueis?

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I was 15 when ROTS came out and understood this immediately. Palpatine starts saying he's too weak then when Anakin chops off Windu's hand and seals his fate he immediately smirks and shoots out a huge wave of lightning.

I've always liked that interpretation, but what about Palpatine getting his face burned by his own lightning?

Was he so committed to turning Anakin to evil that he willingly disfigured himself in the process, or was there a point in his duel with Mace where things got out of his control and he was in actual danger of being killed had Anakin not intervened?

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>is Yoda stronger than sheev?

Decide for yourselves

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I know his face got cooked but I always wished that it was a disguise that vanished once he revealed his dark side powers.

I always thought that he didn't intend for Windu to deflect it back in his face, but Dindu was gonna kill him so he kept using it to keep his lightsaber from hitting him

It was confirmed his self acclaimed "scarring" was not from the lightning scarring him but instead the lightning and his exertion of it broke his illusion he put up for appearance to hide the dark side's effects on him for using it for many many years before he was even in political office. Being deep into the dark side makes you ugly and he was just trying to hide it

Really? This makes me happy.

Rey is stronger than Yoda

Porgs are da strongest xd give upvotes and gold

It is canon that Windu bested Sheev. Mace was the best lightsaber duelist in the Jedi Order. Only Yoda and Dooku were canonically stated to be his equals. He specialized in a lightsaber style built specifically for fighting users of the Dark Side at close range. He slowly edged out Palpatine in the lightsaber duel as it progressed because of this. Had it come to it, I highly doubt Windu would survive an actual battle using just the Force - it is practically a stomp if we're going by EU Palpatine, who can dominate entire planets at his absolute highest....

Palpatine feigned his defeat though, right at the end, as Anakin arrived ever so conveniently to end it right then and there.

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No way. He at most stalled the fight. There is no way disfiguring himself was part of the plan.

He dispelled an illusion he put up he was already ugly in reality before the prequels

wouldn't he have looked ugly while he was talking in the holograms as darth sideous if that were the case?

more like Windu dispelled the illusion

You missed that clone wars episode where he destroys nearly a whole platoon of droids without a lightsaber. Dude opened his barrage with a force push in all directions and then used force punches to wreck the whole army.