Just came back from a second date with a tinder girl

Just came back from a second date with a tinder girl

>first one ended on a hug
>second one ended with a kiss on a cheek, she didn't want a direct kiss

And this shit is with the same girl, what the fuck Yea Forums? Why am I so unattractive to girls?

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>dating tinder girls
Also not your blog faggot fuck off lol

Shut the fuck up.

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Yea Forums - Television and Film

Did you really post this thread just so we could call you a faggot for 20 posts before you get b&?

How fucking retarded are you?

Sir this is Yea Forums not /r9k/. Fuck off.

hahahahaha no. she was hungry. thanks for the free food you fucking retard. honestly, you should kill yourself. you're worthless piece of trash, no one likes you.

I know that feel bro. Keep your head up, one day we'll make it.

Went on date with girl from tinder had great time lots of stuff in common, by end of date starts to talk about past, chick used to fuck a 45 year old dude when she was 16, tells me later in the week she might be pregnant by ex bf she recently broke up with, i blocked her number and deleted tinder, fuck tinder and fuck you


OP btfo by the bastest board on 4channel

Whenever I get matches, they disappear instantly I write them.

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stfu up

>dating tinder girls

OP is obviously a hugless kissless virgin larping but I do know IRL dudes who do date girls they met on tinder and it never fails to amuse me.

This, only an absolute retard or a desperate beta would humiliate himself by using that degenerate site

haha look mom i quoted everyone what now???

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You took a girl out just to feed her (for free) before her actual date with Chad. Beta cope

Actually I didn't pay for anything

I bet you paid for the meal too didnt you OP

Welp, she was probably the one.
Sounds like you blew it.
Have you considered suicide?

And you damn sure didn't get anything but a pity kiss LMAOOOOOOOOO

I don't pay for other people's meals because I want to see if they stick around with that in mind

>implying committing suicide thus breaking a cardinal sin and ending up in purgatory for all eternity neither suffering or feeling joy isnt the ultimate cuckining

More room in heaven for me, faggot.
I'll cuck you in the afterlife after she shares clouds with me.

Even then we have a third date set the day after tomorrow and I wonder if it even makes sense to meet with people who aren't obviously attracted to me. She'll probably cancel it

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Based retard quoting my same post twice kys.



You care sweaty

propose to her fag

can you please at least consider suicide? this is not an edgy joke, i think you and the world are better off with you dead. please, think about it, unironically

Just be yourself retarded faggot


Try not to cut yourself on that razor sharp edge bud oof

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Imagine getting so used to being told to kill yourself that you assume everyone is just doing it to be edgy.