Why the fuck do film and television share a board? They are both huge mediums that easily could have their own boards. It would probably also improve discussions on both film and television.
Why the fuck do film and television share a board? They are both huge mediums that easily could have their own boards...
Half the threads here are just shitposts bro. If they split the boards they would both be slow as shit. And I would still shitpost on them.
/sm/ - Sneed & Mask
Banesois need not apply
I hate both.
Where's the YouTube board?
Because this board is populated by fucking plebs who watch television and think they are patrician when they do nothing absolutely nothing but share the same memeshit opinions as netflix tier mongs on reddit
We need a /cel/ first and foremost, so we can have a containment zone for e celeb cancer as well as waifu shit and gossip from all the other boards including this one. And then a /film/ board and rebranding this to just a television board would be great.
"my bad"
there was a trial board /film/ but it got shitposted to death and never addressed again
I like posting my waifus here, don't like it don't click.
the rules are very bad, literally anything that's ever been on a tv is allowed, which is almost any person or event, which makes it any pop culture instead of film
We had /film/ for about 5 minutes before Australians ruined it
It's literally a board for everything from actual informercials to reality TV to netflix original shit to independent film
The quality was doomed from the start. The only time Yea Forums is ever good is around halloween.
>it got shitposted to death and never addressed again
Supremely based
/film/ has been suggested for many, many years, newfag. It was even made once but with no moderation so it was all shitposting until they locked it again.
If Yea Forums had had its current traffic 7 or 8 years ago, then moot might have made /film/. This board used to be much much slower than it is now.
But it'll never happen today. swaglord made /film/ for the sole purpose of it failing (there was no announcement and it was first linked to in a Yea Forums thread) so that retards would say "well hurr durr the shitposters would just ruin that board too - it happened before!" He did this because the speed of Yea Forums is very valuable to marketers who go to his data collection company for material.
Have sex, you pathetic cumbrained faggot.
shhhhh i don't care what you think
Yea Forums was slower than /g/ and Yea Forums combined until around 2014 when all the redditors started flooding in through bane
the worst part of this board is the blatant viral marketing. it was midsommar but now its The Boys
We did split the board, it was quickly nothing but BANE? and then it was re-merged
Why the fuck do Sneed and Chuck share a store? They're both great farmers that could easily own their own stores. It would also probably improve soil PH
It's not like this board is fast enough to divide them.
Based user
cringe meta thread
I don't know why this made me laugh, I usually hate sneed posts.
I only come here to shitpost.
>I only come here to shitpost.
Based Chadubs
it makes Yea Forumsedditors insecure
we used to unite under the banner of cunny but the barbarians tore everything down
>he thinks waifus are purely for lewdness
Maybe if you're waifu a shit and not pure.
I always felt like it should be expanded to media in general. Excluding music obviously because it already has a board, but it would include podcasts, internet video/YouTube, etc
It'd just double the amount of waifu threads I need to make and the janitors already work for free.
Because ""people""" that are on our board RIGHT NOW would rather visit Reddit unironically and after they finish kissing the ass of everyone after saying anything remotely offensive they come to any semi-fast board on the 4channel and shitpost as hard as they can, burying any thread with potential under the ground because the board is so fast, no one does anything because g00k likes the money and dividing the board would kill the interest in spamming bullshit.
someones mad