Late 90s/Early 2000s Cartoon Network will always be the peak of television programming.
Late 90s/Early 2000s Cartoon Network will always be the peak of television programming
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Now it'd just be Teen Titans Go
Looney Toons was pretty quality too.
They'll be playing it forever.
My dad grew up watching it in in the 70/80s and so did I when they aired it on teletoon.
I downloaded the entire Asian Beets Culture album because of the [AS] bumps.
For me, it was Cartoon Network Groovies.
Jesus, that takes me back.
as a foreigner, this was better than any english teacher i had
Same applies to Nick
>watching Scooby Doo on Primetime
I want to go back.
did dexter just get cucked by johnny?
This makes me sad for some reason.
>blacks playing chess
peak comedy kino
The icon of prime CN walking off into the sunset together. Kinda poetic.
CN started dying out in about 2005. Never was the same after. 2007 was the tipping point tho
They are heros too.
The Powerhouse and CN City era was peak cartoon television. Cartoon Network died in 2007.
EVERYTHING died in 2007
They still had older shows running along side newer ones. Faggot. It wasnt till late 2006 early 2007 when shit hit the fan.
2007 p much btfo all the kids networks
>CN's last classic show died, Introduces live action, Toonami just becomes Naruto spam and will be cancelled soon, Adult Swim starts moving towards low budget live action
>On Disney Hannah Montana becomes huge, ensuring every future show will be tween sitcom
>Kids WB cancelled
Nick actually died out in 2004 when multiple classic shows were all cancelled and it just became Spongebob spam
> that one episode of Courage about the lesbian whore cat and bunny where it's heavily implied that the bunny gets raped.
Threads needs moar songs!
Some subtle non-euclidean meta horror.
And in case you need a cast list.
Nostalgia for a video that is about nostalgia for a 70s cartoon. What a generation we are.
Solomon Grundy want remembrance, too!
Gr8/10 episode
>back when I had youth
Most obscure cartoons you loved and tried to watch every episode? I'm going with Santo Bugito
And Mighty Max.
>Most obscure cartoons you loved and tried to watch every episode?
I mostly stuck to what was popular, but fuck, I was a superfan of Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?
that episode where Dee Dee and the Mom switch bodies, and Dexter's Dad unknowingly tries to fuck his daughter
>adventure time and regular show havnt aired in months
feels like yesterday those 2 were dominating the channel, time is scary
Adulthood is realizing he wasn't overreacting
>get velma horny with science
>chad bravo takes her away
A pup named Scooby doo was SHIT
tom was pretty chad
Any boomers out there remember this?
Your a dumb faggot.
hardly the most obscure show to air on CN
now true CN lore is pic related, which William's Street actually produced and based the Dummy episode of ATHF on
boo boo runs wild is 20 years old
Aw shit. Now i am sad
Even as a kid I liked Tom.
I wasn't ready for these feels.
take me back, I want to regress
>tfw you and your boys were the eds and still are.
I actually feel bad for kids who missed this era of cartoon programming. The Cartoon Cartoons were objectively in a class of their own. What are kids from the late 2010s going to be nostalgiac about when they're older?
Those repeats on prime Saturday mornings are just awful, desu. Canada's YTV had it better.
>What are kids from the late 2010s going to be nostalgiac about when they're older?
peppa pig
Are there any 24/7 streams for old cartoon network shows?
I can hear the entire intro theme of Cartoon Cartoon Friday in my head. Would have my lil third grade friends over and we’d build legos and drink surge and eat pizza
Google Toonami Aftermath.
That one was pretty fucked up desu. At least most of courage was just because it was creepy monsters, but that was just the real kind of frightening.
unmitigated kino
why is it so kino?
based, thank you.
>Return the slab, or suffer the consequences.
>Hey Arnold
>Garfield and Friends
>Clarissa explains it all
>The secret world of alex mack
Stop fucking making me fucking feel these fucking feels
Powerhouse was PEARK Cartoon Network. Pure kino like that will NEVER occur in animation again.
Well, Yea Forums?
>>The secret world of alex mack
fuuuuck. Do you remember that promo that would play before eps that had that song that went like ALEX MACK WEARS A HAT?
That about sums it up perfectly.
>What are kids from the late 2010s going to be nostalgiac about when they're older?
Quite honestly, they will be nostalgic for the YT personality wars and twitch stream dramas.
Anybody know if they are in youtube with sound?
Red, but I will cry
EEnE was perfect
Nightmare fuel
>Pure kino like that will NEVER occur in animation again.
Don't get so pessimistic. Remember that the 90s was the SECOND golden age of animation. A third will come about some day. We just might not be around to see it.
I'm gonna miss Jack, but we still have Dexter and Clone Wars for Genndy goodness.
Was 2007 really the peak and beginning of the end for our civilization?
>Return the Slab! Or suffer my curse!
I have them. And in high Quality. Enjoy.
Red, this isn’t even a hard choice.
I wish my kids could see it. Off-topic, but I watched the OP of Serial Experiments Lain and the nostalgia brought a tear to my eye.
>that popular show everybody watched, but you just never got into
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Possibly. Google bought Youtube in 2006. With the rise in social media and tons of crap on youtube that caters to every single niche one can think of kids abandoned tv quickly.
Dystopia roger rabbit universe?
Prepare to feel that feel.
holy fuck the nostalgia. i watched that shit every morning religiously. also had a geocities fansite centered around raven. i was like 8 lol.
Honestly, I heard good things about Ben10 but Canada didn't air it in our national kids channel. I also didn't see all of Batman Beyond..will catch up.
Kino commercial
>original music video for a song by a real band about a Scooby Doo knock off show that was only ever used as time filler on the channel early on
This could NEVER happen now.
This... seems wrong. I have a hard time believing Clarissa was still airing in 99 and that Doug wasn't acquired by Disney, or whatever place acquired it, by then.
Nah it was good
Easily the red button.
It wasn't just Google, everything fell apart all at once. It's quite inexplicable.
Nope! Not getting out of this chair!
jesus fuck
I remember CCF being one of the most god tier ways to start a weekend.
Nope! Still can't get me out of my chair!
Red. I'll miss Megas XLR, but green is Kino.
I sorely miss these and all the fun bumpers they used to play. Like what the hell happened? Early 00s CN had so much personality compared to what came later.
Clarissa was airing periodically on Nick until 2001
That feel when blatant carbon copy scooby doos are still more soulful than modern cartoons
>More macaroni.
Early 00´s Cartoon network
Early 00´s Locomotion
Early to Middle 00´s Foxkids
God, if you are real (and i doubt you are) please land a fucking 747 at my house´s roof tonight. Nose first.
Fucking medabots was the shit
Didn’t feel like going through all the links to see if this was posted but this is my favorite Groovie.
Crazy. I for sure thought the show was done by at least 99 because I have no memory of watching it when Spongebob first started or even when Kablam! was airing -- and I did used to watch it, too.
Weird stuff.
Thanks user!
That's what I mean, it would appear that everything fell apart or began to
Nick owns the rights to the early seasons of Doug. They just can't produce/reboot anything new with Doug, just sell DVDs/rerun the Nick seasons.
I just remember Doug stopped airing on Nick and went to some other channel for a while -- around the time the movie came out.
But my memory is clearly off with regards to the year.
Absolute kino.
CN and Nick have very similar histories. Both networks started out being run by people with rebellious, indie spirits that were genuinely interested in making quality content. Then over time the spirit got crushed by their soulless corporate overlords.
and then king obama came along and ruined everything
Nick seriously milked Doug reruns up until like 2001. Well after Disney bought Doug, made their shitty seasons/movie, and quietly laid Doug to rest.
Shit man I just got hit with those feels for waking up early to watch Zoids. Then sometimes they'd throw a curveball and show s1 instead of 2, and I'd have to figure out wth is going on. Usually would leave the room when Hamtaro came on but my sister would keep it on.
they'll be nostalgic for a life that isn't an orwellian nightmare
Hamtaro was super comfy
As a child, these felt really random and confusing, but now that I'm older it was really some based individual at CN trying to broaden the musical tastes of the younger generation who would have never been exposed to such things otherwise.
i'd erase ever other cartoon just to keep Courage
Totally Spies
X-Men Evolution
>What are kids from the late 2010s going to be nostalgiac about when they're older?
Shutterbug time
And this
Indeed. Similarly, Animaniacs introduced an entire younger generation to They Might Be Giants.
I grew up on Powerhouse plus some other weird shit like classic Inspector Gadget and Eek the Cat, so I had a good grasp on animation. Even I have to admit adventure time is one of the most impressive cartoon shows ever.
When I was a kid I thought Pup named Scooby-Doo was the original because it was the first version of the series I ever saw.
Cow and Chicken even though I think a lot of people hate it. Such a shitty Ren & Stimpy knock-off.
My man
Red Guy was great though.
Do your very best!
Get a hundred on your test!
>tfw I was watching this at 20 and discussing it with the land surveying crew chief
I'm a Genndy/Couragefag, and I never got into Megas since at the time it just felt like Gundam for normies.
Feels fuckin bad about Billy and Mandy though.
didnt cartoon network stop airing looney tunes on saturdays sometime in the early 2000s? i remember getting up at the time block shown on saturdays in like 2000 or 2001. but for some reason i always thought in like 2001 they stopped airing that block but this shows i was wrong.
Green for me easily. Grim Adventures has some of the funniest material in the whole history of CN.
Fucking this. Literally every aspect of culture just fucking took a nosedive at the end of the 2000's. It genuinely feels like there has been a deliberate plotted effort to snuff out any sense of individual expression or artistic merit. I mean Jesus fuck just look at these logos and compare them to just 20 years ago. And you see this happen everywhere: cartoons, movies, vidya, music, architecture, technology.
I know the whole soul vs soulless thing is a meme but I swear to god, something has gone terribly fucking wrong and I want off this ride.
Pic related.
Even websites now have no soul. Look at now and compare it to pic related.
Anyone else hate how they insisted on doing hour long blocks of Tom & Jerry in the early afternoon on weekdays for years? I never got the appeal.
cartoon network was still airing looney tunes on saturday mornings as late as 2016
only real niggas know
Don't forget the days of YouTube when you could customize your channel's colors, background picture, and entire display.
>first thing you see is a terms of use popup
Agreed. Stuff like that was filler because they didn't want to air anything good during school hours. It was pretty much 'fuck off' programming.
That's the effect it had on me with the two Soul Coughing videos
>tranny universe airing more than 0 seconds
You gotta love how YouTube doesn't even have a functioning commenting system anymore.
YouTube has actively ruined every addon that I've used to try to and bring back some level of functionality, pushing their sponsored content that was exposed by the google leaks to be "human programming" attempts. It's disgusting.
Don't do this to me.
that FUCKING writer's strike. so much good shit lost.
wasnt there a time gap where they stopped airing them though? i could have sworn in later elementary school i could never find that block despite being up in that same time frame
>5 star rating system
>no biased algorithm which promotes degenerate music and "I fucking love science" -tier videos
>comments could get negative votes
>ytp before they were taken down
>windows movie maker videos with Linkin Park before they were muted/taken down
Who would have guessed that the era that brought us fucking Fred was actually the peak of the internet.
ytv and teletoon were better
Isn't that the story of a lot of entertainment companies? Hell, we could even include some tech and social media companies
The true peak of the net lasted for maybe 2 years, then it just crumbled as corporations figured out they could finally market it to normalfags.
Red button, but it hurts to lose Samurai Jack
can't lose Powerpuff girls tho
Kill me. Today's shit can't compare, I sick of pandering and half assed reboots.
>ywn feel awesome staying up and watching Toonami at 10 years old again
>Mega Man: FC
Sauce on the gif?
Even Facebook itself is another example. Remember when it used to prominently display your interests, photos and personally written statuses? Now it's just a cesspit of normie "memes" (i.e. rub my butt and buy me pizza while we watch Harry Potter) which were probably made and distributed by corporate overlords for social engineering.
There's a lot of interesting things about Facebook and the rise of social media that we'll never get a proper documentary on, such as when people were taking out ads on the sidebar just using certain letters that would funnel it through AdSense so any ad using that letter or combination of letters somehow paid them royalty. That shit is what they do to this day, it's just on the corporate end of it, along with data tracking so intense that they can profile nearly anyone on the planet and usually be correct as long as they're remotely a normalfag. Dark days, and it's only gotten worse, and will continue to get worse. The actual nerds that have been using it since somewhere between 95-2000 when it really took off are shut out, moderation and strict rules are king, and soon everything will be ID based whether we like it or not to finish off that social engineering.
You're opinion is stupid.
We need another What a Cartoon! show with a couple dozen people to pitch their ideas, even some of the runner ups were worth a watch.
Late checkerboard/early powerhouse GOAT. Everything after 02 can eat ass
At least CN managed to pick themselves back up for a few years after that CN Real crap. Nick has just been dead for who knows how long
This is true capekino.
I stopped watching when Adult Swim changed to stupid shit and Toonami was gone.
You can literally pinpoint the exact moment CN died in Fall of 2007.
top comment says it best: the ending of a damn good era, and the beginning of a really shitty one
>writers strike
>2008 election which kicked political shitflinging into high gear
Man, shit was so cash
Grim Adventures was the last holdout of the old Cartoon Cartoons I think. It ended in 2008.
social media has moved away hugely towards "about yourself" and more towards reaction/following things such as images
unironically zoomers fault for having now attention span
Codename KND ended in 2008 as well and the finale was p sadboyz
Loved that show. I feel like it’s weirdly forgotten despite running for a decent amount of time.
I think CN’s downfall was the glut of new shows starting around 2007/2008 that tried to copy SpongeBob.
I really liked Camp Lazlo, but looking back, it hasn't aged well.
>tfw the woman who took over not only ruined CN but also buttfucked Boomerang's comfy promos and programming in favor of just dumping reruns that get in the way of Teen Titans Go polluting the whole block
Yes I'm still mad, they maintained the same comfy style for 14 years straight without a problem before she showed up. It was the one channel that should not have gotten a fucking modern update.
I started tuning out when everything started using the same Flash animation aesthetic, or Flash itself with lazy styling. New shows lost a lot of soul when they became so much easier to produce. I almost hired a Johnny Test animator when making Flash games and recruiting through the Newgrounds BBS, had a chat about CN with him that was kinda cool.
Yeah that’s a great point. Cartoons from around that time period were all very samey looking.
>CN could still be a comfy haven
>They could have not drove off their own creators
>Some retard is patting themselves on the back because their charts say that they are doing the right thing for business.
But user, don't you enjoy these constant TTGO marathons and CalArts animated garbage we paid $20K for?
Gotta love how every episode just ended with a trace job over Macross shots.
I still remember having to wake up early as shit for school and watching Captain Planet then Zoids every morning.
god take me back
CN still has the biggest catalog in the world of any other network, could air over 300 individual titles if they wanted to.
They've since lost Pokemon and Star Wars tho. They used to have the TV rights to both. Turner Media got Pokemon TV rights in 1998 but was uninterested in them in 2015 and sold it to Disney for scraps. Pokemon is now on Disney XD periodically.
The other major franchise was Star Wars. CN was under very strict guidelines what they could and couldn't do it with it after acquiring the exclusive TV rights in 1999 in preparation for the Phantom Menace. The first project Lucas okay'd was the Clone Wars tv series later followed by Lego Star Wars/Star Wars Robot Chicken/Clone Wars 2008. The rights were taken by Disney.
It's Core Retas not really flash. The problem all started with that gen of animators took the overly flat stuff that was meant to be parody to heart.
Basically for a good while every single thing looked like the log commercial from R&S.
I stopped watching CN completely in like 2009. Is there any show that was since then that's any good? I hear Adventure Time and Regular Show are good, but I just don't like the look of them.
Same boat here. I also tried watching Steven Universe but hated the look of it.
Well now older zoomers are nostalgic for LATE 00s-early 10s stuff like Chowder, flapjack, and Adventure time, blissfully unaware their era was considered the downfall into shit by ranters at the time.
same, I think I'll eventually give Gumball a chance, but it's not a top priority on my backlog right now.
They do still have some good stuff. Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. wasn’t too long ago and was top tier.
Political shitflinging was well underway during the Bush administration. Funny how that got memory holed, and now Bush is treated like he's just a nice old man instead of LITERALLY HITLER or ANTISCIENCE THEOCRAT like he was in the mid 2000's.
It's really funny, because cultural artifacts from that time period like Demon Dayz, American Idiot, or 20th Century Breakdown seem to be far more relevant in the current Trump era of unilateral America First politics than any contemporary equivalents currently attacking Trump. I guess the left of the 2000's got the monster they always wanted. Maybe the left of the 2010's will get the monster they want too.
I loved Cartoon Network when it was mostly old shows, with very few original programs. It was so cozy turning that shit on late at night and curling up to some Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan or Banana Splits or Herculoids or Birdman, or even some of the (then) newer old stuff like SWAT Kats and 2 Stupid Dogs, or even shit like High Noon Toons where they'd just do skits then show a cartoon. The best was when you caught them playing Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest Hits.
The moment they stopped showing old shit and just let the new shit take over was the moment the channel died for me. I get that a lot of people loved shit like Powerpuff Girls and Ed Edd n Eddy and Courage the Cowardly Dog, but I just couldn't get into them.
I have both those songs on my phone. Makes me smile when they come on. But damn, Cartoon Network had some really fun promos.
MAD the cartoon was actually decent.
Interesting take. I've never heard anyone say they weren't a fan of PPG, EEnE, or Courage.
Can’t forget Space Ghost Coast to Coast. It was hilarious and pretty groundbreaking for the time.
ang? It was alright, but they really didn't play anything that wasn't widely known (like Scooby Doo or Looney Tunes). At least, that's how it seemed when I gave them a try.
I liked them, but I loved the older stuff better, and could see the direction the channel was going then.
I actually use to listen to Soul Coughing (a shitty nothing band) because of these things.
Some of the 60s/70s era Hanna-Barbera stuff they played in the early days was pretty obscure though. A lot of it was crap but still interesting to look back at.
So... in most of this thread, you've got people who are like 25 missing stuff from 2003 and already saying they're feeling so nostalgic and old.
That makes me wonder, if 25 year olds already feel so old remembering stuff from 2003, then how must, say, 35 year olds here feel about remembering stuff from say 1993?
Do you feel like ultra-dead ghosts? Your childhood is even more distant than the stuff above.
wow this made my night. brings me back to a time when I was so young I wasn't even wondering yet what life would have in store for me. there was so much potential ahead. Everything was great.
I wish I was an animator at CN at that time.
Yes, Space Ghost Coast to Coast was also really good.
I’m turning 37 this year and was watching Cartoon Network from its very beginning in the early 90s. Kind of weird to think about.
I liked that obscure shit, though. It's the same part of me that likes old b-movies. They're just fun to watch.
This shit aint right
Are you this guy
Nevermind the fact that its a fucking Ska Punk song
Same with me.
Nah different guy but we’re clearly around the same age. Just some old boomers reminiscing.
i think of this any time I go shopping for pants
Regular Show is honestly pretty good. That''s probably the latest CN show I ever gave a chance and got into.
Me and my siblings loved SGC2C. My dad used to play pic related and The Nightmare Before Christmas' OST in the car all the time.
Right, I just meant the whole 2d vector animation trend of the time. I know some of the people I talked with used Flash though, notably that Johnny Test guy.
Fucking solid Gold
I'm and I'm a year younger than him.
Yeah a lot if it originated with the korean studios Nick tent poled who would take storyboard still and simply blow them up to use as the key frames. Somehow it just stuck visually.
>"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone"
>>original music video for a song by a real band about a Scooby Doo knock off show that was only ever used as time filler on the channel early on
>This could NEVER happen now.
They did it TWICE!
And here's a whole playlist of those Cartoon Network songs:
> First you dilate, then you wash your hands
it was Tiny Toons, you cretin
What was the last soulful era here in your opinion?
There's only two kinds of people in this world. Those who like Animaniacs, and those that don't.
>Demon Days
still sends chills down my spine
>scientifically accurate illustrations
Oops, my bad. Both were kino.
How many villains in the world today were spawned by them never getting that fucking Tiger poster.
I was a big fan of Codename KND and Grim Adventures so I guess I’d say that era.
2007 strikes again
That show was certainly my introduction to Hollywood insider meta humor. So much of it flew over my head as a kid.
I couldn't properly appreciate Johnny Kino as a young tismling
While back some user reminded me KND had a parody of the Second Renaissance that I somehow totally forgot about.
About as good as that time Eek the Cat! did a literal Apocalypse Now parody where Sharky was Colonel Kurtz.
Out of all the episodes of courage this scene stuck with me the most
Anybody remember that old ass show called Canada cartoons that used to come on cartoon network?
Reminder that Dexter was acquired by the U.S. in Operation Paperclip.
What were the best bumpers and why was it this:
it was called "O, Canada"
>see you, space edd-boy
HTP Harold sure gets around these days.
Anyone remember Cartoon Orbit?
I probably worded it wrong, but I meant it was less personal back then. Shitflinging was more "fuck the government" and less "my neighbor Frank has an NRA sticker on his car, better get him fired and call the cops on him."
And this
The shit flinging was always between the politicians, not private citizens.
Thanks man I always hated that fucking show
They still play Doug re-runs on teen nick late at night, same for Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and Rockos Modern Life. It's actually on as of the time of this post.
The monster the left of the 2010s wants is a dude that would straight up crucify lefties/lgbt/minorities and stand in front of them dabbing as they suffocate.
We'll never have a president as based as Andrew Jackson ever again.
As a canadian, most CN shows were on Teletoon(I think Samurai Jack was YTV) but I hear about stuff like codenamed KND and johnny bravo running longer than when they played in canada.
wtf? I dont think aqua teen even ran past like season 3.
Doug is great.
It was on Teletoon, like 2007 at least.
i miss it so much
>tfw never got all the dbz ctoons
>watching tv
Sounds like you were a teenager when the new stuff came.
Because it wasn't anything special. It was Spy Kidz anime edition
>daphnie 16
>eddy 12
>not an xmlguide with channels linked to HD streams you didn't pay for
Sometimes it's nice to watch random shit without actively knowing and seeking out what you want to see, some shows I like to watch when they are on but don't care about them enough to binge or go search for episodes, and rarely some shows are worth watching when they air live. Commercials do seem worse these days though.
wait clarissa was an actual cartoon and not just that one child abuse comic?
I miss the fucking flash(?) games they had. One of the Nick ones definitely wasn't on flash and was actually 3D and my PC back then shit itself trying to play it. Now I'm sitting at my triple monitor desk with a 1080ti, i9 and VR headset and no interest in touching any games.
red, sorry jack.
90s fag here, I basically stopped watching cartoons entering college but the last time I remember seeing good shit was before Cartoon Network tried to make live action shows. After that I would just hear people say it just fell down from there.
That shit was good. Managed to find a torrent years ago of all it, still haven't watched it, but I'll be DAMNED if I ever let go of it
What does the page look like now? I haven't had a facebook since it looked like this.
whoever did that really lit a gigantic spark of curiosity for music in me as a child,makes me happy
If I could die and go back to being 12 ditching school to play flash games at my grandma's again on her Dell inspiron on dial up I'd do it in a heart beat.
> that can of Vaseline at the end
Are they saying......
*sips* yep
you can
>those rare nights when you convince your parents to let you stay up until midnight and you get to watch the whole block of kino
>it's also one of the nights where your favorite show plays for 2 hours straight
I'd get up at 6 am to watch Zoids
Download the Flashpoint Archive from Bluemaxima, the Infinity build in particular since it requires a lot less space. Once that's downloaded, you'll want to also install the additional "Add support for all other tech" option so you can search for all the games in the library. Not every flash game is included yet since it's a relatively new project, but it's got 90% of the ones I remember from CN's website. All in all, about 1 GB total.
Thanks. I'll pass this information along to Yea Forums, they'd be very interested in it.
I haven't played this game in almost 20 fucking years and this music is still seared into my brain.
>They were bro enough to get the VA's from their various shows for their bumpers
They actually paid Toho in order to use Godzilla's roar for their Godzilla bumpers.
It wasn't exceptional, at the time I just thought it was pretty good.
>dun dun Dun Dun dun DUN DUN
god i miss this melody
Both adults and kids could watch Johnny Bravo and be entertained.
I never liked it because I felt many of the shows were too surreal. Courage the Cowardly Dog makes me feel a very pervasive sense of dread
I really liked the Harry Potter parody episodes
now as an adult, i understand the rage.
fosters home
>every good cartoon from the past will have a reboot made with F-tier animation and a bunch of interracial pedophile tranny sex
>eventually the original will be banned for not being progressive enough and all we'll have is the new garbage version
Agreed. As a kid, all I did most of the times was sit next to my tv and watch CN all day. Shit like KND, Powerpuff Girls, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Courage, Samurai Jack and Camp Lazlo made my childhood.
great DD tits joke
embrace the ted pill
this. my parents still comment on how much i used to loved watching TV as a kid.
As a kid, I was with my grandma a lot of fucking times so there was nothing else to do other than watch television or go outside and play with kids I didn't know, so I'd usually just spend countless of hours watching CN. Sometimes it was so bad that I stayed up until TCM showed up, I believe it was around 9 or 10 pm, since right before that started there were two episodes of Courage on.
millenial cuck thread
Kids born in early 90's will press green without a doubt. Kids born late 90's will press red.
>Kids born in early 90's will press green without a doubt
Red, I can't be without Powerpuff Girls and Courage.
You right, i fucked up. I thought it would prevent from erasing if pressed.
Damn so much kino packed into one channel
Apart from EEnE, when will c*nada pay for their crimes against animation?