Why hasn’t she been in any big movies lately?
Why hasn’t she been in any big movies lately?
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No acting talent, no looks, no charisma, no Harv.
Harvey is gone
Emma WALLson
Nope, it’s over. At least she has time to smugly read more woke books.
She's been in more big movies this decade than most actresses have ever been in their entire careers and she had an entire decade before that of blockbusters.
Why is Yea Forums constantly claiming Emma Watson isn't famous or successful when she actually is and doesn't need to do movies ever single year like a working television actress or actor.
Harvey had nothing to do with 17/19 of her movies and those ones that were the most popular. cope more
literally stuck out like a sore thumb. what could've been if Emma "the best Emma" Stone stayed
No she doesn't Emma Stone is the one who sticks out with her ugly fucking face, shit tier man voice and garbage same acting. Watson fits the role perfectly, that's even what the fucking director just said.
Why are stonecucks from reddit all over this shit board? That's hypothetical.
>best Emma
Not even an Emma, nor is she even 2nd best.
Are you a marvel fan perhaps that thinks the one young actress with 10 billion dollars in gross needs a billion dollar movie ever year or something?
Shes ugly and cant act
Wrong and wrong. She's acted way better in some movies than the usual Yea Forums actresses that are pushed and shit.
Beauty and the Beast made $1.2 billion
And everyone butthurt denies or claims she had nothing to do with it, when she was even attached to the project under two different studios.
As a sign of her popularity, 28% of audiences in a ComScore survey said that Watson was the major reason for attending the film. That figure rarely tops 10%, according to the research firm.
Avengers Endgame made 2BILLION
So what? It was the 20something movie in a latino loved franchise. BATB ended up being the highest grossing live action Disney movie that wasn't Star Wars or Marvel the highest grossing musical in the UK among other things.
no jew asshole to tongue for roles
>if I keep repeating this /pol/ meme about Watson it will be true
Absolutely sad
How much are you paid to defend her honor on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?
why does Yea Forums seethe so much about Emma? is it just because she's a feminist?
Pretty funny that weinstein got off and she suddenly got a role